7 research outputs found
Regional railway transport funding in conditions of the Czech Republic and in the Pilsen region
Present situation in financing of regional railway transport does not allow sustainable development of transport services in a region and also often leads to further worsening of situation in rolling stock financing. This paper describes basic problems related to financing of regional transport services from
regional budgets. Stability of regional railway transport financing in the future provides the resolution of government of the Czech Republic No. 1132/2009 from the 31st August 2009, for the renewal of rolling stock will be possible to get grants from the Regional operational program (ROP). Regional
authorities have to decide how to prepare the long-term contract concerning the public service obligation. The question is how to choose the operator of regional trains and how to get the highest quality of provided services from amount incurred
Modeling of supply and demand factors in interregional freight and personal transport
Autor se v práci zabývá modelováním faktorů nabídky a poptávky v nákladní dopravě ČR a SRN. U obou těchto zemí určuje závislost nákladní dopravy a jejich jednotlivých druhů na hlavních národohospodářských ukazatelích, kterými jsou hrubý domácí produkt, průmyslová produkce, export a import.Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo
Finanční řízení podniku MHD v DPmP a.s.
Práce se zabývá finančním řízením v DPmP a zpracovává finanční analýzu podniku MHD.Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo
Congestion charge as the regulatory tool of a transport system
Congestion increases private transport costs and contributes to the decline of public transport
service. While these two phenomena are logically connected, in most cities they are institutionally
and financially separated. In principle, vehicular users of congested urban road space should be charged a price at least equal to the short-run marginal cost of use, including congestion, road wear and tear, and environmental impacts. Charging for road infrastructure is the core of a strategy for both efficient allocation of resources and sustainable finance. Cordon pricing and tolling of specific roads can be a step in the right direction, but the long-term solution lies in more systematic fields and congestion charges are
only the part of them. It is recognized that introducing these charges is quite difficult, requiring policy maturity at both city and national levels, and careful technical, administrative and political preparation
Localization of logistic centres in the Czech Republic and the decision making ways about outsourcing of logistic services
The paper deals with the localization of logistic centers in the Czech Republic in relation to the development of transport field on European continent. Major influences on current and future
building of logistic centers are dealt in the paper together with the decision making ways of outsourcing services of an external logistic services supplier or the operation of a logistic center by a private company operating in the light industry from the economic and technological point of view
Warehousing methodology
Příspěvek řeší metodiku skladování, jako jednu z velmi důležitých činností logistiky. První část řeší organizaci uvnitř skladu a popis kritérií pro informační systém. Druhá část popisuje nákladovou funkci distribuce. Optimální počet skladů odpovídá minimu této funkce. Třetí část uvádí metodické posouzení pro rozhodnutí o vlastním nebo pronajatém skladu