83 research outputs found

    Stress-Crack Separation Relationship for Macrosynthetic, Steel and Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Concrete

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    An experimental evaluation of the crack propaga tion and post-cracking response of macro fiber reinforced concrete in flexure is c onducted. Two types of structur al fibers, hooked end steel fibers and continuousl y embossed macro-synthetic fibers are used in this study. A fiber blend of the two fibers is evaluated for spec ific improvements in the post peak residual load carrying response. At 0.5% volume fraction, both steel and macrosynthetic fiber reinforced concrete exhibits load recovery at large crack opening. The blend of 0.2% macrosynthetic fibers and 0.3% steel fibers shows a significa nt improvement in the immediate post peak load response with a significantly smaller load drop and a constant residual load carrying capacity equal to 80% of the peak load. An analytical formulation to predict fle xure load-displacement behaviour considering a multi-linear stress- crack separation (σ -w) relationship is developed. An inverse analysis is developed for obtaining the multi- linear σ -w relation, from the experimental response. The � -w curves of the steel and macrosynthetic fiber reinforced concrete exhibit a stress recovery after a significant drop with increa sing crack opening. Significant residual load carrying capacity is attained only at large crack separation. The fiber blend exhibits a constant residual stress with increasing crack sepa ration following an initial decrease. The constant residual stress is attained at a small crack separation


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    Innovation is improving every single day particularly in the field of Information Technology and information is extremely groundbreaking components. The vast volume of information produced through gadgets is a noteworthy impediment to deal with progressively. The achievement of information figuring is an essential issue amid the information movement and dispersal. Keeping in mind the end goal to accomplish compatibility, numerous application slights information encryption. This paper speaks to a worry about information security and proposes a novel information encryption approach known as Dynamic Data Encryption Strategy (DDES). This increase is drafted to amplify security insurance scope inside exchange time imperative

    The utility of serial serum cholinesterase as a prognostic marker in organophosphorus compound poisoning

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    Background: Acute organophosphorus (OP) poisoning is one of the most common poisonings in India contributing to significant morbidity and mortality. Irreversible inhibition of cholinesterase enzymes is attributed to the serious clinical outcomes in these patients, which is assessed by the estimation of serum cholinesterase (SChE) levels. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the utility of serial estimation of SChE levels in patients of OP poisoning in predicting the clinical outcome.Methods: Medical records of 31 patients from January 2013 to December 2013 admitted in our institute with acute OP poisoning were analyzed for SChE at admission, 48 hrs, 72 hrs and 120 hrs after admission. Data regarding clinical findings at admission and outcomes were recorded.Results: Monocrotophos (55%) was the most commonly used OP compound. Mean serial SChE levels (in KU/L) at admission, 48, 72, and 120 hrs in patients who survived are 0.18±0.10, 0.28±0.14, 0.41±0.21, 0.46±0.16 and in patients who expired are 0.02±0.01, 0.05±0.02, 0.03±0.02, 0.03±0.02, respectively. SChE levels at admission in survived group, compared to those in expired group were statistically significant (p<0.001). About 92% patients in moderate to severe grade of poisoning (SChE levels <0.2 KU/L) were mechanically ventilated. The relationship between serial SChE levels in survival group and was found to be statistically significant (p<0.01).Conclusion: In the present study, significant increase in serial SChE levels were correlating with better clinical outcome as evidenced by an improvement with mechanical ventilation and survival rates in acute OP poisoning


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    This paper shows an overview on Proxy re-encryption procedures concerning secure cloud information and its application. To keep delicate client information secret against untrusted servers, crypto-realistic strategies are utilized to give security and access control in mists. As the information is shared over the system, it is should have been encoded. There are numerous encryption conspires that give security and access control over the network.Proxy re-encryption empowers the semi-confided in intermediary server to re-scramble the figure content encoded under Alice's open key to another ciphertext en-crypted under Bob's open key. The re-encryption is finished without the server having the capacity to decode the ciphertext.Cloud administrations and applications ought to take after the standard safety efforts in-cluding information secrecy, integrity,privacy, power and access control.In this paper the intermediary re-encryption(PRE) plans, Con-ditional PRE,Identity based PRE and Broadcast PRE,Type based PRE, Key private PRE,Attribute based PRE,Threshold PRE and its part in anchoring the cloud information are clarified


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    Objective: To evaluate the analgesic effect of an aqueous extract of Terminalia chebula (TCE), a proprietary chromium complex (PCC), and theircombination in subjects with joint discomfort.Methods: A total of 100 patients with knee joint discomfort were randomized into five treatment groups - TCE 500 mg BID, TCE 500 mg BID+PCC400 µg OD, PCC 400 µg OD alone, placebo, and TCE 250 mg BID, for 12 weeks in a double-blinded manner. Assessment of symptoms of knee joint painand discomfort was done by modified Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Arthritis Index (mWOMAC) and knee swelling index (KSI); visualanalog scale (VAS) was used for subjective assessment of pain, stiffness, and disability. Statistical analysis was done with GraphPad Prism 6.Results: Absolute reduction in mWOMAC score in TCE 500 mg (19.82±8.35), TCE 500 mg+PCC 400 µg (13.10±5.69), PCC 400 µg (8.30±3.81), placebo(2.45±3.07), and TCE 250 mg (10.47±4.43), respectively, at the end of 12 weeks as compared to the baseline values. Absolute reduction in KSI inTCE 500 mg (28.95±16.82), TCE 500 mg+PCC 400 µg (19.14±9.50), PCC 400 µg (12.7±4.86), placebo (10.03±3.8), and TCE 250 mg (18.24±6.86),respectively, at the end of 12 weeks as compared to the baseline values (p&lt;0.001). Similar results were seen with VAS assessments for pain, stiffness,and disability. All the treatments were well tolerated.Conclusion: TCE and PCC reduce joint discomfort.Keywords: Terminalia chebula extract, Proprietary chromium complex, Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Arthritis Index

    A Prototype System using Lexical Chains for Web Images Retrieval Based on Text Description and Visual Features

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    Abstract--Content Based Image Retrieval, in the current scenario has not been analyzed adequate in the existing system. Here, we implement a prototype system for web based image retrieval. The system is based on description of images by lexical chains which are extracted from text related images in a web page. In this paper, we provide Relevance Feedback (RF) techniques that aim to the real world user requirements. The relevance feedback techniques, based on image text description are expanded to support image retrieval by combining textual and visual features. All the feedback techniques are implemented and compared with precision and recall criteria. The experimental results prove that retrieval methods that makes use of both text and visual features achieve overall better results than methods based only on image’s text description

    Correlation between endothelial dysfunction, inflammatory status, oxidative stress and total (nitrite/ nitrate) in subjects with diabetes mellitus type 2

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    Background: Diabetes Mellitus is a systemic metabolic disorder associated with Endothelial dysfunction and increased systemic inflammatory state with oxidative stress leading to increased Cardiovascular risk. This study planned to correlate the level of Endothelial dysfunction with oxidative stress and inflammatory status.Methods: Study was conducted in 60 Diabetes Mellitus subjects of both genders with duration of more than two years. Endothelial dysfunction assessed as Augmentation Pressure and Augmentation Index generated from Radial artery waveforms by tonometer using Spygmocor PWA system. Plasma Total Nitrite/ Nitrate, High sensitive C - Reactive Protein, Malondialdehyde and Glutathione were measured.Results: Out of total 60 Diabetes Mellitus subjects 16 subjects were with Coronary Artery Disease. There was no significant difference in High sensitive C - Reactive Protein, Glutathione, Malondialdehyde and Total Nitrite/ Nitrate between Diabetes Mellitus with Coronary Artery Disease and without Coronary Artery Disease, however significant difference (p=0.02) was observed Augmentation Pressure between Diabetic alone (12.8±5.19 mm of Mercury) and diabetics with Coronary Artery Disease (16.13±33.47 mm of Mercury) and Augmentation Index (p=0.04) between Diabetic alone (29.8±5.68 mm of Mercury) and diabetics with Coronary Artery Disease (40.01±5.74). As endothelial function is age dependent the subjects were divided into three age groups (20-40 years, 40-60 years and more than 60 years). High sensitive C - Reactive Protein, Glutathione, Malondialdehyde, Total Nitrite/ Nitrate and Augmentation Index did not differ in the three age groups while Augmentation Pressure (p=0.0096) showed significant difference between age group 20-40 years (10.59±3.24) and age group more than 60 years (15.83±3.92).Conclusions: There is significant endothelial dysfunction observed in Diabetes Mellitus subjects and Diabetes Mellitus with coronary artery disease showed greater endothelial dyfunction. Thereby concluding that Diabetes Mellitus subjects were at higher risk for development of coronary artery disease and as endothelial dysfunction is an early event, it may have some prognostic value


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    This paper assists the power management and power quality the process of electric transportation and concentrates on enhancing electric vehicle load link with the grid. A transformer less hybrid series active filter is suggested to boost the ability quality in single-phase systems with critical loads. The control strategy is made to prevent current harmonic distortions of nonlinear loads to circulate in to the utility and corrects the ability factor of the later. While safeguarding sensitive loads from current disturbances, sags, and increases started through the power system, ridded from the series transformer, the configuration is beneficial to have an industrial implementation. The simulations and experimental results presented within this paper were transported on a couple-kVA laboratory prototype showing the potency of the suggested topology. This polyvalent hybrid topology permitting the harmonic isolation and compensation of current distortions could absorb or inject the auxiliary capacity to the grid. Apart from practical analysis, this paper also looks into around the influence of gains and delays within the real-time controller stability

    Evaluation of Grasslands of Mahboobnagar District, Telangana State

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    Telangana state is gifted with rich livestock resources; 50.3 lakh cattle, 41.9 lakh buffaloes, 128.7 lakh sheep and 46.7 lakh goats ( Livestock census, 2012).The district of Mahboobnagar in this newly formed State is known for its huge cattle, sheep and goat population. The district ranks first in sheep (37, 30,689) and goat (6, 87,066) population among all districts of state, though ranks second and sixth in cattle and buffalo population, respectively (Live stock census, 2012). The most common sources of fodder to feed these livestock are crop residues (68%), forages from common property resources (CPRs) like forests, pastures and grazing lands (25%), cultivated fodders (3%) and other feeds such as concentrates etc contributes 4%. Though the area under fodder crops is significantly high in this district (24,153 ha), there is a wide gap between the demand and supply. The cultivated forage crops are fed inevitable to cattle while sheep and goat are often fed exclusively by grazing. Owing to \u3c 700 mm annual rainfall and aberrations in climate, the area under natural pastures and grasslands is shrinking; is just 17,560 ha population (LUP Report, 201314) which seldom supports huge sheep and goat. There is a need to identify and evaluate these grasslands for forage quality as these are the only source of fodder for sheep and goat in the district. Hence, a survey had been taken up to document the various plant species under grasslands along with nutritional evaluation