
Stress-Crack Separation Relationship for Macrosynthetic, Steel and Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Concrete


An experimental evaluation of the crack propaga tion and post-cracking response of macro fiber reinforced concrete in flexure is c onducted. Two types of structur al fibers, hooked end steel fibers and continuousl y embossed macro-synthetic fibers are used in this study. A fiber blend of the two fibers is evaluated for spec ific improvements in the post peak residual load carrying response. At 0.5% volume fraction, both steel and macrosynthetic fiber reinforced concrete exhibits load recovery at large crack opening. The blend of 0.2% macrosynthetic fibers and 0.3% steel fibers shows a significa nt improvement in the immediate post peak load response with a significantly smaller load drop and a constant residual load carrying capacity equal to 80% of the peak load. An analytical formulation to predict fle xure load-displacement behaviour considering a multi-linear stress- crack separation (σ -w) relationship is developed. An inverse analysis is developed for obtaining the multi- linear σ -w relation, from the experimental response. The � -w curves of the steel and macrosynthetic fiber reinforced concrete exhibit a stress recovery after a significant drop with increa sing crack opening. Significant residual load carrying capacity is attained only at large crack separation. The fiber blend exhibits a constant residual stress with increasing crack sepa ration following an initial decrease. The constant residual stress is attained at a small crack separation

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