56 research outputs found

    Innovation activity of corporations in emerging economies

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    The paper considers macro parameters of corporation innovation activity in the BRICS countries. The authors determine transnational corporation behavior strategies in the context of creating and transferring new knowledge, where developed countries (the USA, European countries and Japan) play an important role and take a leading position in this process. Companies from emerging economies focus on using and adopting innovations. The reason for this is that knowledge "is coded" specifically, consequently the participants of its exchange have to be in similar intellectual space. Nevertheless, the market-leading corporations from the BRICS countries join the world chains of innovation creation, building their networks to satisfy their branches needs concerning technological decisions and personnel trainin

    The influence of local correlations on the phase states in the model of semi-hard-core bosons on a square lattice

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    The work considers a model of charged "semi-hard-core" bosons on a square lattice with a possible filling number at each node, ranging from 0 to 2. Temperature phase diagrams of the model are obtained using numerical Monte Carlo quantum simulation methods, and the influence of local charge correlations is examined. Comparison with results from mean-field methods shows that local charge correlations contribute to an increased role of quantum fluctuations in the formation of phase states.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Critical Behavior of a 2D Spin-Pseudospin Model in a Strong Exchange Limit

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    We study the 2D static spin-pseudospin model equivalent to the dilute frustrated antiferromagnetic Ising model with charge impurities. We present the results of classical Monte Carlo simulation on a square lattice with periodic boundary conditions in a “strong” exchange limit. In the framework of the finite-size scaling theory we obtained the static critical exponents for the specific heat α and the correlation length ν for a wide range of the local density–density interaction parameter ∆ and charge density n. It was shown that the system exhibits non-universal critical behavior depending on these parameters. © 2020 Polish Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.Russian Foundation for Basic Research, RFBR: 18-32-00837/18Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Minobrnauka: 2277, 5719Government Council on Grants, Russian FederationThe research was supported by the Government of the Russian Federation, Program 02.A03.21.0006 and by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, projects No. 2277 and 5719 by RFBR according to the research project No. 18-32-00837/18, scholarship of the president of the Russian Federation No. SP-2278.2019.1

    Assessing the Efficiency of Biogas Plants: The National and Foreign Experience

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    The issue of recycling waste from the main production is experiencing growing relevance and importance in the context of sustainable development and environmental protection. In today’s world, where environmental issues and conservation of natural resources are becoming extremely important, manufacturers and consumers are faced with the need to find new innovative approaches to waste management and reducing the negative impact of industrial processes on the environment. Therefore, the use of biogas plants is one of the promising solutions in this direction. These plants play an important role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, using agricultural waste, improving the production cycle, and contributing to more sustainable and environmentally friendly production processes. This article reveals the importance of biogas plants as an innovative solution for addressing the issues of organic waste recycling along with creating more sustainable production. The article discusses the topical issue of assessing the efficiency of biogas plants, based on both domestic and foreign experience. The analysis of the efficiency of biogas plants is carried out on the basis of a comparison of domestic and international experience. Thus, the authors determine that in order to ensure a comprehensive assessment of the efficiency of biogas plants, it is necessary to thoroughly analyze technical parameters, technological solutions, economic aspects, and environmental indicators. The proposed multi-criteria approach will allow to obtain an exhaustive and objective assessment of the functioning of biogas plants, taking into account most of the key aspects of their efficiency. This will make it possible to determine the optimal areas for improving these plants in order to achieve the highest possible level of productivity and consistency of their operation. Further on, this approach will contribute to making sound managerial decisions and thus achieving a common goal in the modern energy paradigm. The authors propose to assess the efficiency of biogas plants by building a model based on fuzzy logic methods. This approach allows to take into account the ambiguity and uncertainty of incoming information, which gives the possibility to agree on different criteria and parameters, taking into account their unpredictability and dependence on many factors. The results of this model help in choosing the optimal biogas plant that meets the conditions and requirements of today

    Food security against the background of unsustainably developing Russian economy: Price aspect

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    The paper considers food security from the perspective of the development of Russia’s economy in the form of a mixed economic model. Prices and incomes are an overriding concern in this process. The authors analyze the intricate nature of price in terms of consumer-producer interactions. Consideration is being given to views of reputed economists on price that involve different aspects of its nature. Features peculiar to the generation of the contemporary consumer’s aggregate income and purchasing behavior at different periods of time, i.e. from 1991 to 1999 and from 2000 to 2016, are shown. It ought to be noted that efforts towards food security are being made against the background of high inflation, the complicated system of end consumer incomes (e.g. money income, income in kind, and shadow income), and the existing mentality inherent in the nation

    Methodological aspects of the development of technological entrepreneurship and implementation of financial support tools in Russian universities

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    This article describes the development of methods of identification and support of communication between a developer and a technological entrepreneur. It is to promote university research activities. Special attention is paid to stimulating inventive activity and a university need in evolution of a developer from an inventor to series developmental engineer. The importance of an entrepreneurial path has been empathized. Financial tools of attraction of alternative funding for university innovative projects (e.g. endowment fund) have been analyzed

    Phase diagrams of a 2D Ising spin-pseudospin model

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    We consider the competition of magnetic and charge ordering in high-Tc cuprates within the framework of the simplified static 2D spin-pseudospin model. This model is equivalent to the 2D dilute antiferromagnetic (AFM) Ising model with charged impurities. We present the mean-field results for the system under study and make a brief comparison with classical Monte Carlo (MC) calculations. Numerical simulations show that the cases of strong exchange and strong charge correlation differ qualitatively. For a strong exchange, the AFM phase is unstable with respect to the phase separation (PS) into the charge and spin subsystems, which behave like immiscible quantum liquids. An analytical expression was obtained for the PS temperature.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    Photosynthetic carbon metabolism in potato leaves under changes in light intensity

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    © 2016, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. Photosynthetic assimilation of 14CO2 was examined in leaves of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) plants that were grown under direct sunlight and then transferred to 50% irradiance for various periods. The rate of 14CO2 assimilation correlated with light intensity: the photosynthetic rate reduced by 52% after 5-day shading and by 70% after 30-min shading. In all shaded and shade-adapted plants, the sucrose/hexose ratio decreased by a factor of 3.5–4.1; furthermore, the radioactivity of glycolate cycle metabolites and the serine/glycine ratio were lowered. In plants shaded for 5 days or 30 min, the radioactivity of aspartate and malate was higher than at continuous high irradiance, especially in plants shaded for 30 min, whereas a sudden illumination of the shaded plants reduced the radioactivity of these substances. We suppose that low irradiance averted the reentry of glycolate path carbon into the Calvin cycle and redirected this carbon source for the production of four-carbon acids that acidified the apoplast. This acidification activated the apoplastic invertase, which enhanced sucrose hydrolysis and hindered the sucrose export from the leaf. Hydrolysis of sucrose promoted the increase in osmolarity of the apoplastic solution, this increase being stronger at close distances to the stomatal pores where water is intensely evaporated. The increase in osmolarity of extracellular medium led to closing of stomata and the suppression of photosynthesis

    Monte Carlo Simulation of a Model Cuprate

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    We develop a classical Monte Carlo algorithm based on a quasi-classical approximation for a pseudospin S = 1 Hamiltonian in real space to construct a phase diagram of a model cuprate with a high Tc. A model description takes into account both local and nonlocal correlations, Heisenberg spin-exchange interaction, correlated single-particle, and two-particle transport. We formulate a state selection algorithm for a given parameterization of the wave function in order to ensure a uniform distribution of states in the phase space. The simulation results show a qualitative agreement with the experimental phase diagrams. © 2021 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved.The research was supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, project FEUZ-2020-0054, and by scholarship of the president of the Russian Federation No. SP-2278.2019.1

    Effect of silencing of the apoplastic invertase gene on photosynthesis in tomato

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    © 2015 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. Photosynthesis was examined in wild-type tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum L., cv. Money-maker) and in the transformants where gene expression of the leaf apoplastic invertase was suppressed by RNA interference (Lin8-RNAi). The influence of genetic transformation on photosynthesis depended on the demand for assimilates by sink organs. Using growth pots with low amount of soil, we found that at the initial growth stage when growth processes were particularly active, photosynthesis in Lin8-RNAi plants was higher than in the wild-type plants. As the reserves of mineral nutrients were gradually exhausted, photosynthesis decreased in both plant groups, but the decrease was more extensive in Lin8-RNAi plant form. Analysis of the distribution of 14C among the photosynthates produced after 3-min period of 14CO2 assimilation revealed the decreased incorporation of 14C into hexoses in Lin8-RNAi plants and the increased incorporation of 14C into aspartate and products of the glycolate pathway. Supplementing the soil with nitrate nitrogen as a fertilizer enhanced the non-carbohydrate trend of photosynthesis, but this trend was less pronounced in the transformed plants. Simultaneous measurements of CO2-exchange and H2O release revealed an insignificant increase in Lin8-RNAi plants of photosynthetic activity, transpiration, and intraleaf CO2 concentration. However, in 30–50 min after lowering the photon flux density from 1556 to 771 μmol/(m2 s) photosynthesis was reduced in both genotypes, whereas transpiration was diminished in wild-type plants and increased in the Lin8-RNAi form. It is concluded that the apoplastic invertase regulates photosynthesis through changes in osmolarity of the apoplastic fluid that controls the opening of stomata