241 research outputs found

    Diversification of transit risks of Russia as a basis for economic and energy security in European countries

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    The paper examines the dependence of energy security against the European Union (EU) and Russia, where the main threats are the insufficient diversification of supplies, the difficulties in gas transportation and the high transit tariffs. It covers the threats of location of the gas transportation system in Ukraine, through the territory of which a significant volume of gas purchases to the EU countries is delivered. The ways of diversifying transit risks have been identified through the Yamal-Europe, Blue Stream, and Nord Stream gas pipelines, as well as by the implementation of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. This will allow diversifying the EU transit risks and supplying gas to Austria through the territory of Germany, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. In turn could be determined by political and economic instability. In the methodological part of the paper, an analysis of gas consumption in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe was made, which showed fairly stable consumption with a slight decrease in demand.peer-reviewe

    Software selection based on analysis and forecasting methods, practised in 1C

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    The research focuses on the problem of a "1C: Enterprise 8" platform inboard mechanisms for data analysis and forecasting. It is important to evaluate and select proper software to develop effective strategies for customer relationship management in terms of sales, as well as implementation and further maintenance of software. Research data allows creating new forecast models to schedule further software distribution

    Лексикографические миниатюры: критические заметки по русской и церковнославянской исторической лексикографии

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    One of the most crucial problems in the historical lexicography of the Russian language is that lexicographers are regularly faced with texts and sources which often have neither been properly published, if at all, nor properly commented on from linguistic, philological, and historical points of view. The first part of these research notes shows that a Greek source of one of the liturgical chants dedicated to SS. Constantine and Helene has been erroneously identified in the Index of the Incipita of Old East Slavonic liturgical chants; this made it possible to assume textual corruption in the Slavonic translation and prevented scholars from establishing a correct understanding of the hapax legomenon tresadovnyj, which actually means ‘made of three species of wood’ (about the Holy Cross made of the fir tree, the pine tree, and the box, according to Christian exegesis of Is 60:13). In the second part of these research notes, the edition and lexicographic interpretation of one passage from the Church Slavonic translation of the Homilies by Gregory the Dialogist have been critically reconsidered. Editorial mistakes and a lack of commentary has made it impossible to understand and to explain adequately the phrase krotostʹ na tjažestʹ obratiti lit. ‘to transmute modesty into gravity.’ This phrase is important to exemplify the rare meaning of the Church Slavonic word tjažestʹ (lit. heaviness, gravity) ‘dignity,’ which is lexicographically recorded in this meaning only in a few translated texts, and attests a semantic calque. While the Slavonic translation of this passage is erroneous, its edition and lexicographic interpretation are corrupted and inadequate, so that on the basis of the edition and of the available dictionaries one could not understand that the phrase krotostʹ na tjažestʹ obratiti (‘to transmute modesty into gravity’) actually means ‘to renounce light-mindedness and to return to (proper) dignity.’ In the third part of the article, the lexical meaning of the words tščetina, tščetinnyj is analyzed. The final part is dedicated to the critical analysis of some erroneous editorial decisions made by scholars, who ignored the Greek origin of translated texts.Одна из наиболее острых проблем русской исторической лексикографии состоит в том, что лексикографы зачастую работают с текстами плохо изданными и в большинстве случаев не прокомментированными. В связи с этим необходимой частью лексикографической работы является критика не только источников и их изданий, но и сопутствующего справочного аппарата, уже имеющихся словарей и указателей. В первой части статьи показано, как ошибочная идентификация греческого источника одного из песнопений свв. Константину и Елене может дезориентировать читателя и привести к неверным суждениям об истории и критике текста этого гимна. Это препятствует правильному пониманию гапакса тресадовный ‘состоящий из трёх пород дерева (о Кресте Господнем в соответствии с христианской экзегезой Ис 60:13)’, описанного в 30-м томе Словаря русского языка XI–XѴII вв. Вторая часть статьи посвящена лексикографическому описанию фрагмента славянского перевода одной из гомилий Григория Великого (Двоеслова). Опечатка, допущенная в передаче латинского оригинала, и отсутствие лингвистического комментария сделали невозможным толкование выражения кротость на тяжесть обратити, в котором слово тяжесть означает ‘достоинство’, а кротость — результат смешения латинских слов levitas ‘легкомыслие’ и lenitas ‘кротость; нежность’. Выражение кротость на тяжесть обратити означает не ‘сменить кротость на тяжесть нрава или на достоинство’, а является ошибочной передачей соответствующего латинского выражения со значением ‘обратить от легкомыслия к достоинству’. Это значение было искажено в переводе и, вследствие опечатки, не было прокомментировано издателем славянского текста, так что до сих пор не получило адекватного лексикографического описания. В третьей части статьи сделана попытка определить лексическое значение слов тщетина, тщетинный. Заключительная, четвёртая, часть статьи посвящена критике некоторых ошибочных чтений, предложенных в славистических изданиях, на основе греческих оригиналов, не учтённых издателями

    Galvanostatic coulometric determination of salicylic acid and some of its derivatives using electrogenerated halogens

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    Reactions of electrogenerated bromine and chlorine with salicylic acid and some of its derivatives were studied. Procedures for the galvanostatic coulometric determination of 2.4 to 19.2 μg/mL of salicylic, acetylsalicylic, para-aminosalicylic acids and mesalazine in model solutions and medicinal preparations with electrogenerated halogens were developed (RSD varied from 1 to 5%). The end-point of coulometric titration was determined amperometrically with two polarized platinum electrodes

    Spoken-behavioral analysis of the poem by M.Y. Lermontov "song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, a young oprichnik and brave merchant Kalashnikov"

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    Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, a young oprichnik and brave merchant Kalashnikov had drawn attention of many scientists [Lominadze, Golstein, Kiseleva, Komar], who were considering it in literary key, at this - in different aspects, including religious, detecting contradictions in estimation of Christian attitude of the poet. Along with that, the poem of M.Y. Lermontov is interesting from language culturological positions, as language has an ability to accumulate culture (including religious) of people speaking it. Methods of research are description and language culturological. Research was conducted with reliance on conception of spokenbehavioral tactics of E.M. Vereshchagin and V.G. Kostomarov and figured by them spoken-behavioral tactics of the central fragment of Russian national culture - the culture of guilt and apology. In work are analyzed spoken-behavioral tactics of delict (guilt of any kind) admission and its obliteration and also their verbal realizations. There were separated spoken-behavioral tactics of forced guilt admission, guilt admission and also singular and abstinative spoken-behavioral tactics showing divergence of world vision of M.Y. Lermontov with ethic of the New Testament. In result was made a conclusion abut the fact that setting for religiousness of M.Y. Lermontov in considered poem does not correspond to truly Christian school of thought

    Coulometric determination of purine alkaloid series with electrogenerated chlorine

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    In acid solution, caffeine, theobromine, and theophylline are rapidly and quantitatively oxidized with electrogenerated chlorine in a stoichiometric ratio of 2 : 5 to give alloxan and urea. Procedures for the coulometric determination of microgram amounts of caffeine, theophylline, and theobromine in model solutions, caffeine in tea and coffee samples, and caffeine and theophylline in some pharmaceutical preparations were developed. © 2001 MAIK "Nauka/Interperiodica"

    Galvanostatic coulometric determination of aromatic amine derivatives in pharmaceutical preparations using electrochemically generated bromine

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    Procedures were developed for the coulometric determination of aromatic amine derivatives in model solutions and pharmaceutical preparations (anaesthesine, novocaine, novocainamide, paracetamol, streptocid, sulgin, sodium sulfacyl, ethazole, sulfadimezine, norsulfazole, and sulfamethoxazole) using electrochemically generated bromine with RSD of 1 to 5%. The stoichiometric coefficients of reactions were determined, and possible mechanisms were proposed for the reactions of bromine with the above preparations

    Spoken-behavioral analysis of the poem by M.Y. Lermontov "song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, a young oprichnik and brave merchant Kalashnikov"

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    Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, a young oprichnik and brave merchant Kalashnikov had drawn attention of many scientists [Lominadze, Golstein, Kiseleva, Komar], who were considering it in literary key, at this - in different aspects, including religious, detecting contradictions in estimation of Christian attitude of the poet. Along with that, the poem of M.Y. Lermontov is interesting from language culturological positions, as language has an ability to accumulate culture (including religious) of people speaking it. Methods of research are description and language culturological. Research was conducted with reliance on conception of spokenbehavioral tactics of E.M. Vereshchagin and V.G. Kostomarov and figured by them spoken-behavioral tactics of the central fragment of Russian national culture - the culture of guilt and apology. In work are analyzed spoken-behavioral tactics of delict (guilt of any kind) admission and its obliteration and also their verbal realizations. There were separated spoken-behavioral tactics of forced guilt admission, guilt admission and also singular and abstinative spoken-behavioral tactics showing divergence of world vision of M.Y. Lermontov with ethic of the New Testament. In result was made a conclusion abut the fact that setting for religiousness of M.Y. Lermontov in considered poem does not correspond to truly Christian school of thought

    Use of the drug "Viferon" in the complex treatment of chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis

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    This article contains the data of clinical and laboratory investigations of medicine Viferon. The effectiveness of this medicine in complex of patients with stomatitis afthosa chronica recidiva.В работе представлены результаты лабораторных исследований по изучению эффективности препарата «Виферон» в комплексном лечении хронического афтозного стоматит

    Main Trends in the Change in the Age and Sex Composition of the Volga Vyatka Region in 1939–1945

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    The article identifies the main trends in the change in the age and sex composition of the population of the Volga-Vyatka region in 1939–1945. In modern historical and demographic research, the transformation of the age and sex composition in 1939–1945 is insufficiently studied both for the USSR and its union republics and their territorial units, despite the fact that this period accounts for the most significant imbalance in the sex ratio in general and in individual age groups in the entire history of the Russian state. The paper aims to highlight the main trends in the change in the age and sex composition of the Volga-Vyatka region during the Second World War. The study was carried out based on an interdisciplinary approach using general scientific, specifically historical and statistical methods. It was concluded that the greatest distortion of the age and sex composition of the population of the Volga-Vyatka region falls on 1941–1945, which is a consequence of military and labour mobilizations: significantly among the younger generation of the villagers (aged 14 to 27 years), with the greatest variation among the generation born in 1919–1923.В статье определены основные тенденции изменения возрастно-полового состава населения Волго-Вятского региона в 1939–1945 гг. В современных историко-демографических исследованиях трансформация возрастно-полового состава населения в 1939–1945 гг. изучена недостаточно как по стране в целом, так и по союзным республикам и их территориальным единицам, несмотря на то, что на этот период приходится наиболее значительное за всю историю российского государства разбалансирование соотношения полов в целом и в отдельных возрастных группах. Цель статьи — выделить основные тенденции изменения возрастно-полового состава населения Волго-Вятского региона в годы Второй мировой войны. Исследование выполнено на основе междисциплинарного подхода с использованием общенаучных, специально исторических и статистических методов. В ходе анализа сделан вывод, что наибольшее искажение возрастно-полового состава населения Волго-Вятского региона приходится на 1941–1945 гг. и является следствием воинских и трудовых мобилизаций: существенно среди молодого поколения сельчан (от 14 до 27 лет), с наибольшей вариацией среди поколения 1919–1923 г.р