652 research outputs found

    Application and Challenges of Signal Processing Techniques for Lamb Waves Structural Integrity Evaluation: Part A-Lamb Waves Signals Emitting and Optimization Techniques

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    Lamb waves have been widely studied in structural integrity evaluation during the past decades with their low-attenuation and multi-defects sensitive nature. The performance of the evaluation has close relationship with the vibration property and the frequency of Lamb waves signals. Influenced by the nature of Lamb waves and the environment, the received signals may be difficult to interpret that limits the performance of the detection. So pure Lamb waves mode emitting and high-resolution signals acquisition play important roles in Lamb waves structural integrity evaluation. In this chapter, the basic theory of Lamb waves nature and some environment factors that should be considered in structural integrity evaluation are introduced. Three kinds of typical transduces used for specific Lamb waves mode emitting and sensing are briefly introduced. Then the development of techniques to improve the interpretability of signals are discussed, including the waveform modulation techniques, multi-scale analysis techniques and the temperature effect compensation techniques are summarized

    Application and Challenges of Signal Processing Techniques for Lamb Waves Structural Integrity Evaluation: Part B-Defects Imaging and Recognition Techniques

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    The wavefield of Lamb waves is yielded by the feature of plate-like structures. And many defects imaging techniques and intelligent recognition algorithms have been developed for defects location, sizing and recognition through analyzing the parameters of received Lamb waves signals including the arrival time, attenuation, amplitude and phase, etc. In this chapter, we give a briefly review about the defects imaging techniques and the intelligent recognition algorithms. Considering the available parameters of Lamb waves signals and the setting of detection/monitoring systems, we roughly divide the defect location and sizing techniques into four categories, including the sparse array imaging techniques, the tomography techniques, the compact array techniques, and full wavefield imaging techniques. The principle of them is introduced. Meanwhile, the intelligent recognition techniques based on various of intelligent recognition algorithms that have been widely used to analyze Lamb waves signals in the research of defect recognition are reviewed, including the support vector machine, Bayesian methodology, and the neural networks

    On the reduced space of multiplicative multivectors

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    With any Lie groupoid G\mathcal{G} is associated a Lie 22-algebra Γ(A)TXmult(G)\Gamma(\wedge^\bullet A) \stackrel{T}{\rightarrow} \mathfrak{X}_{\mathrm{mult}}^\bullet(\mathcal{G}) where Γ(A)\Gamma(\wedge^\bullet A) is the Schouten algebra of the tangent Lie algebroid AA of G\mathcal{G} and Xmult(G)\mathfrak{X}_{\mathrm{mult}}^\bullet(\mathcal{G}) is the space of multiplicative multivectors on G\mathcal{G}. The quotient Rmult:=Xmult(G)/imgTR_{\mathrm{mult}}^\bullet:=\mathfrak{X}_{\mathrm{mult}}^\bullet(\mathcal{G})/\mathrm{img} T is a Morita invariant of G\mathcal{G} and called the reduced space of multiplicative multivectors. We establish a key relation between RmultkR_{\mathrm{mult}}^k and the cohomology H1(JG,kA)\mathrm{H}^1(\mathfrak{J} \mathcal{G},\wedge^k A) where JG\mathfrak{J} \mathcal{G} is the jet groupoid of G\mathcal{G} and 1krankA1\leq k\leq \mathrm{rank} A. We also study the infinitesimal of RmultR_{\mathrm{mult}}^\bullet , i.e. the reduced space of Lie algebroid differentials on AA.Comment: Contents shortened, structure optimized, references added and typos remove

    Exponential stability analysis and impulsive tracking control of uncertain time-delayed systems

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    In this paper, we study exponential stability and tracking control problems for uncertain time-delayed systems. First, sufficient conditions of exponential stability for a class of uncertain time-delayed systems are established by employing Lyapunov functional methods and algebraic matrix inequality techniques. Furthermore, tracking control problems are investigated in which an uncertain linear time-delayed system is used to track the reference system. Sufficient conditions for solvability of tracking control problems are obtained for the cases that the system state is measurable and non-measurable, respectively. When the state is measurable, we design an impulsive control law to achieve the tracking performance. When the state information is not directly available from measurement, an impulsive control law based on the measured output will be used. Finally, numerical examples are presented to illustrate the effectiveness and usefulness of our results

    Fatigue behaviors and atomic-scale mechanisms in nanocrystalline gold thin film

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    The fatigue properties of 930 nm-thick Au films and 1 {\mu}m-thick Au film with a Ti interlayer are systematically investigated. The dominant damage behaviors of 930 nm-thick Au films under dynamic bending cyclic loading changed from extrusions to intergranular cracks with the decrease in strain ranges and the increase in cyclic cycles. The different fatigue behaviors are attributed to the process of edge dislocation annihilation and vacancy formation during cyclic deformation. Depositing 10 nm-thick Ti interlayers between the PI substrates and 1 {\mu}m-thick annealed Au films is effective to suppress strain localization and increase the rupture strain and the fatigue properties of thin Au films. This study shed lights on the fatigue mechanism and provide clues to design nanocomposites in the flexible displays in the practical application.Comment: 25 pages, 8 figure

    Global exponential stability of impulsive discrete-time neural networks with time-varying delays

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    This paper studies the problem of global exponential stability and exponential convergence rate for a class of impulsive discrete-time neural networks with time-varying delays. Firstly, by means of the Lyapunov stability theory, some inequality analysis techniques and a discrete-time Halanay-type inequality technique, sufficient conditions for ensuring global exponential stability of discrete-time neural networks are derived, and the estimated exponential convergence rate is provided as well. The obtained results are then applied to derive global exponential stability criteria and exponential convergence rate of impulsive discrete-time neural networks with time-varying delays. Finally, numerical examples are provided to illustrate the effectiveness and usefulness of the obtained criteria

    Sudanske dvosupnice kao alternativni izvor vlakana za proizvodnju celuloze i papira

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    The suitability of the stems from two Sudanese dicotyledonous annual plants, namely castor bean (Ricinus communis) and Leptadenia pyrotechnica (L. pyrotechnica) were investigated for pulp and papermaking. Chemical compositions, elemental analysis, fiber dimensions, paper physical properties and morphology revealed a relatively high α-cellulose content (46.2 and 44.3 %) and low lignin (19.7 and 21.7 %) in the stems of castor bean and L. pyrotechnica, respectively. The average fiber length of castor bean and L. pyrotechnica is 0.80 and 0.70 mm with fiber width of 16.30 μm and 18.20 μm, respectively, which makes them acceptable candidates. Soda-AQ pulping of castor bean stem led to a higher pulp yield of 43.2 % at kappa number 18.2 compared to 40.3 % at kappa 20.3 for L. pyrotechnica. This yield is less than that obtained for wood plants and similar to that observed for annual plants. Paper handsheets produced from castor bean showed better mechanical properties than L. pyrotechnica. SEM images indicated that the produced papers were quite homogeneous, compact, closely packed, and well assembled.U radu je opisano istraživanje prikladnosti stabljika dviju sudanskih jednogodišnjih biljaka dvosupnica, ricinusa (Ricinus communis) i Leptadenia pirotechnica za dobivanje celulozu i proizvodnju papira. Kemijski sastav, elementarna analiza, dimenzije vlakana, fizikalna svojstva papira i morfologija pokazali su da je u stabljikama ricinusa i L. pyrotechnica relativno visok sadržaj α-celuloze (46,2 i 44,3 %) i nizak sadržaj lignina (19,7 i 21,7 %). Prosječna duljina vlakana ricinusa i L. pirotechnice iznosi 0,80 i 0,70 mm, a širina vlakana im je od 16,30 μm i 18,20 μm, što ih čini prihvatljivima za proizvodnju celuloze i papira. Sulfatnim je postupkom od stabljika ricinusa dobiven veći prinos celuloze (43,2 %) pri kappa broju 18,2 u usporedbi s prinosom celuloze (40,3 %) pri kappa broju 20,3, koji je dobiven pri proizvodnji celuloze od stabljika L. pyrotechnice. Dobiveni prinos manji je od prinosa koji se postiže proizvodnjom celuloze od drvenastih biljaka i jednak je prinosu koji se ostvaruje proizvodnjom celuloze od jednogodišnjih biljaka. Listovi papira proizvedeni od ricinusa pokazali su bolja mehanička svojstva od papira proizvedenoga od stabljika L. pyrotechnice. Slike dobivene skenirajućim elektronskim mikroskopom (SEM) pokazuju da su proizvedeni papiri bili posve homogeni, kompaktni, zbijeni i dobro sastavljeni

    Characteristics of Braced Excavation under Asymmetrical Loads

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    Numerous excavation practices have shown that large discrepancies exist between field monitoring data and calculated results when the conventional symmetry-plane method (with half-width) is used to design the retaining structure under asymmetrical loads. To examine the characteristics of a retaining structure under asymmetrical loads, we use the finite element method (FEM) to simulate the excavation process under four different groups of asymmetrical loads and create an integrated model to tackle this problem. The effects of strut stiffness and wall length are also investigated. The results of numerical analysis clearly imply that the deformation and bending moment of diaphragm walls are distinct on different sides, indicating the need for different rebar arrangements when the excavation is subjected to asymmetrical loads. This study provides a practical approach to designing excavations under asymmetrical loads. We analyze and compare the monitoring and calculation data at different excavation stages and find some general trends. Several guidelines on excavation design under asymmetrical loads are drawn

    Environmental triggers of Parkinson's disease-Implications of the Braak and dual-hit hypotheses

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    Idiopathic Parkinson's disease (PD) may take decades to develop, during which many risk or protective factors may come into play to initiate the pathogenesis or modify its progression to clinical PD. The lack of understanding of this prodromal phase of PD and the factors involved has been a major hurdle in the study of PD etiology and preventive strategies. Although still controversial, the Braak and dual-hit hypotheses that PD may start peripherally in the olfactory structures and/or the gut provides a theoretical platform to identify the triggers and modifiers of PD prodromal development and progression. This is particularly true for the search of environmental causes of PD as the olfactory structures and gut are the major human mucosal interfaces with the environment. In this review, we lay out our personal views about how the Braak and dual-hit hypotheses may help us search for the environmental triggers and modifiers for PD, summarize available experimental and epidemiological evidence, and discuss research gaps and strategies.Peer reviewe