174 research outputs found

    Spectral and Temporal Laser Fluorescence Analysis Such as for Natural Aquatic Environments

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    An Advanced Laser Fluorometer (ALF) can combine spectrally and temporally resolved measurements of laser-stimulated emission (LSE) for characterization of dissolved and particulate matter, including fluorescence constituents, in liquids. Spectral deconvolution (SDC) analysis of LSE spectral measurements can accurately retrieve information about individual fluorescent bands, such as can be attributed to chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), phycobiliprotein (PBP) pigments, or chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM), among others. Improved physiological assessments of photosynthesizing organisms can use SDC analysis and temporal LSE measurements to assess variable fluorescence corrected for SDC-retrieved background fluorescence. Fluorescence assessments of Chl-a concentration based on LSE spectral measurements can be improved using photo-physiological information from temporal measurements. Quantitative assessments of PBP pigments, CDOM, and other fluorescent constituents, as well as basic structural characterizations of photosynthesizing populations, can be performed using SDC analysis of LSE spectral measurements

    Advanced laser fluorometry of natural aquatic environments

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    The Advanced Laser Fluorometer (ALF) provides spectral deconvolution (SDC) analysis of the laser-stimulated emission (LSE) excited at 405 or 532 nm for assessment of chlorophyll a, phycoerythrin, and chromophoric dissolved organic matter. Three spectral types of phycoerythrin are discriminated for characterization of cyanobacteria and cryptophytes in mixed phototrophic populations. The SDC analysis is integrated with measurements of variable fluorescence, Fv/Fm, corrected for the SDC-retrieved background fluorescence, BNC, for improved photophysiological assessments of phytoplankton. The ALF deployments in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, and Chesapeake, Delaware, and Monterey Bays revealed significant spectral complexity of LSE. Considerable variability in chlorophyll a fluorescence peak, 673-685 nm, was detected. High correlation (R2 = 0.93) was observed in diverse water types between chlorophyll a concentration and fluorescence normalized to water Raman scattering. Three unidentified red bands, peaking at 625, 644, and 662 nm, were detected in the LSE excited at 405 nm. Significant variability in the BNC/chlorophyll a ratio was observed in diverse waters. Examples of the ALF spectral correction of Fv/Fm, underway shipboard measurements of horizontal variability, and vertical distributions compiled from the discrete samples analyses are presented. The field deployments have demonstrated the utility of the ALF technique as an integrated tool for research and observations

    Photo-physiological variability in phytoplankton chlorophyll fluorescence and assessment of chlorophyll concentration

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    Photo-physiological variability of in vivo chlorophyll fluorescence (CF) per unit of chlorophyll concentration (CC) is analyzed using a biophysical model to improve the accuracy of CC assessments. Field measurements of CF and photosystem II (PSII) photochemical yield (PY) with the Advanced Laser Fluorometer (ALF) in the Delaware and Chesapeake Bays are analyzed vs. high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) CC retrievals. It is shown that isolation from ambient light, PSII saturating excitation, optimized phytoplankton exposure to excitation, and phytoplankton dark adaptation may provide accurate in vivo CC fluorescence measurements (R2 = 0.90-0.95 vs. HPLC retrievals). For in situ or flow-through measurements that do not allow for dark adaptation, concurrent PY measurements can be used to adjust for CF non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) and improve the accuracy of CC fluorescence assessments. Field evaluation has shown the NPQ-invariance of CF/PY and CF(PY-1-1) parameters and their high correlation with HPLC CC retrievals (R2 = 0.74-0.96), while the NPQ-affected CF measurements correlated poorly with CC (R2 = -0.22)

    Aquatic laser fluorescence analyzer: field evaluation in the northern Gulf of Mexico

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    The new Aquatic Laser Fluorescence Analyzer (ALFA) provides spectral and temporal measurements of laser-stimulated emission (LSE) for assessment of phytoplankton pigments, community structure, photochemical efficiency (PY), and chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM). The instrument was deployed in the Northern Gulf of Mexico to evaluate the ALFA analytical capabilities across the estuarine-marine gradient. The robust relationships between the pigment fluorescence and independent pigment measurements were used to validate the ALFA analytical algorithms and calibrate the instrument. The maximal PY magnitudes, PYm = PY(1-1.35·10−4PAR)−1, were estimated using the underway measurements of PY and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). The chlorophyll (Chl) spatial patterns were calculated using the ratio of Chl fluorescence to PY to eliminate the effect of non-photochemical quenching on the underway Chl assessments. These measurements have provided rich information about spatial distributions of Chl, PYm, CDOM, and phytoplankton community structure, and demonstrated the utility of the ALFA instrument for oceanographic studies and bio-environmental surveys. The data suggest that the fluorescence measurements with 514 nm excitation can provide informative data for characterization of the CDOM-rich fresh, estuarine, and coastal aquatic environments

    Laser fluorescence analysis of phytoplankton across a frontal zone in the California Current ecosystem

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    Spatial variability of chlorophyll, phycobiliproteins, chromophoric dissolved organic matter and variable fluorescence (Fv/Fm) was analyzed across a deep-water density front in the Southern California Current Ecosystem using an Advanced Laser Fluorometer (ALF) calibrated to assess chlorophyll concentration (Cchl), total autotrophic carbon (AC) and Synechococcus carbon biomass (SYN). Three distinct autotrophic assemblages were identified. Fluorescence was found to be three to four times higher in cooler mesotrophic waters north of the front than in warm oligotrophic waters to the south. Northern waters were distinguished by a shallow pigment maximum dominated by a blue-water type of Synechococcus and by the presence of green-water Synechococcus and cryptophytes; only blue-water Synechococcus were detected at lower concentration south of the front. The highest Cchl and AC values, accompanied by elevated Fv/Fm and chlorophyll fluorescence per unit of Cchl, and minimal Synechococcus abundance, were found directly at the front in a 20–40 m deep layer dominated by diatoms. The covariation of Fv/Fm with nitrate concentration in this layer, along with the structural changes in the phytoplankton community, suggest that it had been generated by in situ processes rather than advection. Strong structural responses to the local hydrography were also revealed by high-frequency underway ALF surface sampling, which detected an abrupt transition from low to high SYN on the northern side of a sharp salinity gradient at the front. Synechococcus-specific phycoerythrin fluorescence (FPE12) and SYN were highly correlated in surface waters (R2= 0.95), while FPE12:SYN gradually increased with depth. Strong relationships were found for chlorophyll fluorescence versus Cchl (R2= 0.95) and AC (R2= 0.79)
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