46,557 research outputs found

    Montefiore Medical Center: Integrated Care Delivery for Vulnerable Populations

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    Describes a system of hospitals and community- and school-based clinics tailored to low-income patients through systemwide strategies, high-quality specialty and hospital care, and integrated care delivery via care management and information technology

    Tangled Roots, Bittersweet Exposure

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    Accompanied by tree portraits, this personal narrative reflects upon the intersecting histories between the indigenous peoples of Marin County (north of San Francisco, CA) and the author, who is Euro-American, while contemplating the changing relationship to their shared woodland, the effects of colonization, and possibilities for healing

    Zivotofsky II and National Security Decisionmaking at the Lowest Ebb

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    This Note examines assertions of exclusive presidential power in light of the Supreme Court’s 2015 decision in Zivotofsky ex rel. Zivotofsky v. Kerry. This Note argues that, contrary to the suggestion of some commentators, the decision enhances the President’s ability to disregard legislative restrictions at flashpoints of national security decisionmaking. As Zivotofsky II saw, the President exclusively holds the power to recognize foreign countries. More significant, however, are the analytic moves that the Court introduces when assessing a President’s defiance of an act of Congress—a setup where the President’s power reaches its “lowest ebb.” The Zivotofsky II Court reshaped the lowest-ebb posture by relying heavily on historical practice and functionalist arguments to support its conclusion that the President enjoys exclusive authority over foreign recognition. Such arguments have never before been invoked by the Court to invalidate an act of Congress in the field of foreign affairs and systematically favor the executive in future separation-of-powers standoffs. Moreover, even if courts read Zivotofsky II narrowly, executive branch lawyers will not. And because justiciability doctrines often insulate executive action from judicial review, the primary (if not the only) legal assessment of hard national security choices will be made by lawyers in the executive branch. To illustrate the importance of Zivotofsky II’s impact on executive power, this Note presents three case studies in areas where the political branches have ambiguous or overlapping authority and where the structural advantages of the executive branch are uniquely important—covert actions, electronic surveillance, and the disposition of captured enemy combatants

    Rhode Island Quality Institute: A Statewide Partnership to Improve Health Care Quality

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    Describes the first state-initiated public-private partnership for quality improvement and the establishment of an independent nonprofit organization to coordinate efforts. Examines elements of success, including leadership structure, and lessons learned

    A Cup of Tea

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    Poetry Contest, First Priz

    The Unreality of Realization

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    This paper argues against the realization principle, which reifies the realization relation between lower-level and higher-level properties. It begins with a review of some principles of naturalistic metaphysics. Then it criticizes some likely reasons for embracing the realization principle, and finally it argues against the principle directly. The most likely reasons for embracing the principle depend on the dubious assumption that special science theories cannot be true unless special science predicates designate properties. The principle itself turns out to be false because the realization relation fails the naturalistic test for reality: it makes no causal difference to the world.1 1This paper resulted from work done at John Heil's 2006 Mind and Metaphysics NEH Summer Seminar at Washington University in St. Louis. An early version of it was presented in a special symposium on realization at the 2007 meeting of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology. I owe thanks to all the participants in both events for helpful discussions, and I owe particular thanks to Ken Aizawa, Torin Alter, Jason Ford, Carl Gillett, John Heil, Nicholas Helms, Pete Mandik, John Post, Gene Witmer, Michelle Wrenn, Tad Zawidzki, and two anonymous referees for the AJP

    Camel Anatomy; More Than Just a Hump

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    The one-humped camel (Camelus dromedarius) is capable of living in extreme, arid environments due to its numerous anatomical adaptations. Its modified features of the muscular system, integument, skeletal system, and several internal organs allow this animal to survive in such harsh environmental conditions. Many of these adaptations allow for conservation of energy and water as well as improvement of locomotion to acquire scarce resources. In this paper we will look more closely at some of these adaptations and determine their function in promoting the survival and reproduction of the one-humped camel in desert environments
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