352 research outputs found

    Parks, people and pixels: evaluating landscape effects of an East African national park on its surroundings

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    Landscapes surrounding protected areas, while still containing considerable biodiversity, have rapidly growing human populations and associated agricultural development in most of the developing world that tend to isolate them, potentially reducing their conservation value. Using field studies and multi-temporal Landsat imagery, we examine a forest park, Kibale National Park in western Uganda, its changes over time, and related land cover change in the surrounding landscape. We find Kibale has successfully defended its borders and prevents within-park deforestation and other land incursions, and has maintained tree cover throughout the time period of the study. Outside the park there was a significant increase in tea plantations and continued forest fragmentation and wetland loss. The question of whether the park is a conservation success because of the network of forest fragments and wetlands or in spite of them remains unanswered

    Hypoxia drives plastic divergence in cichlid body shape.

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    Abstract Organisms experience multiple selective agents that can influence phenotypes through heritable and/or plastic changes, often reflecting complex interactions between phenotype and environment. Environmental factors can directly influence phenotypes, but also indirectly affect phenotypic variation when genetic/plastic change in one trait results in correlated genetic/plastic change in another trait. In fishes, body shape is a trait that might be particularly prone to influence from environmental pressures that act on other morphological features. Variation in dissolved oxygen among aquatic environments has a large impact on the size of the gills and brains of fishes. It is likely that dissolved oxygen interacts with other environmental factors to both directly and indirectly influence patterns of body shape variation. We examined effects of dissolved oxygen on body shape variation among populations of an African cichlid fish (Pseudocrenilabrus multicolor) from multiple high-and low-oxygen sites within a single drainage in Uganda. A split-brood laboratory experiment was used to estimate plasticity of gill and brain size, and we used morphometric analyses to identify variation in body shape in F 1 offspring. Several analyses enabled us to identify genetic effects among populations, and effects of oxygen acting either directly on body shape or indirectly through its effects on gill and brain size. A large part of the variation in body shape was due to plastic variation in gill size associated with dissolved oxygen. Fish raised under low oxygen had deeper heads and shorter bodies, and this variation was driven by both direct effects of oxygen and indirect effects of gill size variation. Body shape variation in fishes should reflect interacting effects of multiple environmental factors that act directly or indirectly on morphology. Body shape might be particularly difficult to predict when phenotypes are plastic, because changes among populations would occur rapidly and be unrelated to genetic variation

    Effects of Hypoxia on Swimming and Sensing in a Weakly Electric Fish

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    Low dissolved oxygen (hypoxia) can severely limit fish performance, especially aerobically expensive behaviours including swimming and acquisition of sensory information. Fishes can reduce oxygen requirements by altering these behaviours under hypoxia, but the underlying mechanisms can be difficult to quantify. We used a weakly electric fish as a model system to explore potential effects of hypoxia on swim performance and sensory information acquisition, which enabled us to non-invasively record electric signalling activity used for active acquisition of sensory information during swimming. To quantify potential effects of hypoxia, we measured critical swim speed (Ucrit) and concurrent electric signalling activity under highand low-dissolved oxygen concentrations in a hypoxia-tolerant African mormyrid fish, Marcusenius victoriae. Fish were maintained under normoxia for 6 months prior to experimental treatments, and then acclimated for 8 weeks to normoxia or hypoxia and tested under both conditions (acute: 4 h exposure). Acute hypoxia exposure resulted in a significant reduction in both Ucrit and electric signalling activity in fish not acclimated to hypoxia. However, individuals acclimated to chronic hypoxia were characterized by a higher Ucrit under both hypoxia and normoxia than fish acclimated to normoxia. Following a 6 month re-introduction to normoxia, hypoxia-acclimated individuals still showed increased performance under acute hypoxic test conditions, but not under normoxia. Our results highlight the detrimental effects of hypoxia on aerobic swim performance and sensory information acquisition, and the ability of fish to heighten aerobic performance through acclimation processes that can still influence performance even months after initial exposure

    Hypoxia tolerance of two haplochromine cichlids: swamp leakage and potential for interlacustrine dispersal.

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    Synopsis The ability to tolerate hypoxia in some haplochromine cichlid fishes contributes to the richness of habitats occupied by the lineage and may be important in interlacustrine dispersal through swampy channels. Lacustrine members of the genus Astatotilapia tend to be ecologically plastic but are rarely encountered in the interior of dense swamps. A notable exception is seen in the swamp corridor that joins Lake Kabaleka with Lake George, Uganda, where one species (Astatotilapia 'wrought-iron') is abundant, and a second species, A. aeneocolor, is rare. Both species are abundant in the open waters of the main lake. In this paper, we compare physiological (oxygen consumption) and behavioral indicators of hypoxia tolerance between A. 'wrought-iron' from swamp and open-water habitats and between the two species of Astatotilapia. When exposed to progressive hypoxia, all fish used aquatic surface respiration (ASR); however, swamp-dwelling A. 'wrought-iron' showed lower gill ventilation rates prior to the initiation of ASR, higher pre-ASR aggression rates, higher swimming speed during ASR, and a higher rate of bubble exchange than both the open-water group of A. 'wrought-iron' and A. aeneocolor. These differences may reflect interpopulational variation in selection pressure for low-oxygen tolerance between swamp and open-water habitats. Several lines of evidence suggest that A. 'wrought-iron' was in general more hypoxia tolerant than A. aeneocolor. These include a lower ASR 90 threshold, a drop in gill ventilation rate with the onset of ASR, and lower rate of equilibrium loss under extreme hypoxia in A. 'wrought-iron'. The routine metabolic rate and critical oxygen tension did not differ between swamp-dwelling and open-water A. 'wrought-iron', or between A. 'wrought-iron' and A. aeneocolor. Comparative data on the ASR thresholds and critical oxygen tensions of the Astatotilapia species from Lake Kabaleka and other East African cichlids suggest intermediate hypoxia tolerance. Nevertheless, our study suggests that some generalized lacustrine haplochromines may 'leak' through swamp corridors even under relatively extreme conditions

    The future of sub-Saharan Africa’s biodiversity in the face of climate and societal change

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    Many of the world’s most biodiverse regions are found in the poorest and second most populous continent of Africa; a continent facing exceptional challenges. Africa is projected to quadruple its population by 2100 and experience increasingly severe climate change and environmental conflict—all of which will ravage biodiversity. Here we assess conservation threats facing Africa and consider how these threats will be affected by human population growth, economic expansion, and climate change. We then evaluate the current capacity and infrastructure available to conserve the continent’s biodiversity. We consider four key questions essential for the future of African conservation: (1) how to build societal support for conservation efforts within Africa; (2) how to build Africa’s education, research, and management capacity; (3) how to finance conservation efforts; and (4) is conservation through development the appropriate approach for Africa? While the challenges are great, ways forward are clear, and we present ideas on how progress can be made. Given Africa’s current modest capacity to address its biodiversity crisis, additional international funding is required, but estimates of the cost of conserving Africa’s biodiversity are within reach. The will to act must build on the sympathy for conservation that is evident in Africa, but this will require building the education capacity within the continent. Considering Africa’s rapidly growing population and the associated huge economic needs, options other than conservation through development need to be more effectively explored. Despite the gravity of the situation, we believe that concerted effort in the coming decades can successfully curb the loss of biodiversity in Africa.National Research Foundation (ZA, Grant 98404)Wilson Cente

    Long-Term Hydrologic Fluctuations and Dynamics of Primary Producers in a Tropical Crater Lake

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    Aquatic ecosystems in tropical regions remain understudied and their long-term dynamics poorly understood. In East Africa, a better understanding of how natural communities of primary producers in small freshwater ecosystems respond to climatic variability is needed to improve management and conservation of aquatic resources. This study explored the response of algae and bacteria communities to marked hydrological variation over the past 1,500 years in a small western Ugandan crater lake, Lake Nkuruba. We analyzed sedimentary algal and bacterial pigments to evaluate the magnitude and direction of change in the autotrophic community in response to severe climatic perturbations in the region. The lithology of the Lake Nkuruba sediment core indicated that external forcing in the form of a major drought, associated with the Medieval Climate Anomaly, caused a heavy, short-lived detrital pulse to the basin that led to a brief but substantial disruption of the lake system in the second half of the Thirteenth century. The system appears to have recovered rapidly, and then transitioned to a more productive state than the one preceding the drought. The considerable variation observed in the sedimentary pigment biomarkers is likely linked with climatically-induced changes in the water column structure of this small crater lake. Our results highlight the challenge of defining appropriate baselines or reference conditions in climatically-sensitive East African aquatic ecosystems and disentangling long-term anthropogenic impacts from the strong regional hydrological flux at the decadal to centennial scale

    Pre-sleep protein supplementation does not improve recovery from load carriage in British Army recruits (part 2)

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    British Army basic training (BT) is physically demanding with new recruits completing multiple bouts of physical activity each day with limited recovery. Load carriage is one of the most physically demanding BT activities and has been shown to induce acute exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD) and impair muscle function. Protein supplementation can accelerate muscle recovery by attenuating EIMD and muscle function loss. This study investigated the impact of an additional daily bolus of protein prior to sleep throughout training on acute muscle recovery following a load carriage test in British Army recruits. Ninety nine men and 23 women (mean ± SD: age: 21.3 ± 3.5 yrs., height: 174.8 ± 8.4 cm, body mass 75.4 ± 12.2 kg) were randomized to dietary control (CON), carbohydrate placebo (PLA), moderate (20 g; MOD) or high (60 g; HIGH) protein supplementation. Muscle function (maximal jump height), perceived muscle soreness and urinary markers of muscle damage were assessed before (PRE), immediately post (POST), 24-h post (24 h-POST) and 40-h post (40 h-POST) a load carriage test. There was no impact of supplementation on muscle function at POST (p = 0.752) or 40 h-POST (p = 0.989) load carriage but jump height was greater in PLA compared to HIGH at 24 h-POST (p = 0.037). There was no impact of protein supplementation on muscle soreness POST (p = 0.605), 24 h-POST (p = 0.182) or 40 h-POST (p = 0.333). All groups had increased concentrations of urinary myoglobin and 3-methylhistidine, but there was no statistical difference between groups at any timepoint (p > 0.05). We conclude that pre-sleep protein supplementation does not accelerate acute muscle recovery following load carriage in British Army recruits during basic training. The data suggests that consuming additional energy in the form of CHO or protein was beneficial at attenuating EIMD, although it is acknowledged there were no statistical differences between groups. Although EIMD did occur as indicated by elevated urinary muscle damage markers, it is likely that the load carriage test was not arduous enough to reduce muscle function, limiting the impact of protein supplementation. Practically, protein supplementation above protein intakes of 1.2 g⸱kg−1⸱day−1 following load carriage over similar distances (4 km) and carrying similar loads (15–20 kg) does not appear to be warranted

    Pre-sleep protein supplementation does not improve performance, body composition, and recovery in British Army recruits (part 1)

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    Dietary protein is crucial for optimising physical training adaptations such as muscular strength and mass, which are key aims for athletic populations, including British Army recruits. New recruits fail to meet the recommended protein intake during basic training (BT), with negligible amounts consumed in the evening. This study assessed the influence of a daily bolus of protein prior to sleep on performance adaptations, body composition and recovery in British Army recruits. 99 men and 23 women [mean ± standard deviation (SD): age: 21.3 ± 3.5 years, height: 174.8 ± 8.4 cm, body mass 75.4 ± 12.2 kg] were randomised into a dietary control (CON), carbohydrate placebo (PLA), moderate (20 g) protein (MOD) or high (60 g) protein (HIGH) supplementation group. Supplements were isocaloric and were consumed on weekday evenings between 2000 and 2100 for 12 weeks during BT. Performance tests (mid-thigh pull, medicine ball throw, 2 km run time, maximal push-up, and maximal vertical jump) and body composition were assessed at the start and end of BT. Dietary intake, energy expenditure, salivary hormones, urinary nitrogen balance, perceived muscle soreness, rating of perceived exertion, mood, and fatigue were assessed at the start, middle and end of BT. Protein supplementation increased protein intake in HIGH (2.16 ± 0.50 g⸱kg−1⸱day−1) and MOD (1.71 ± 0.48 g⸱kg−1⸱day−1) compared to CON (1.17 ± 0.24 g⸱kg−1⸱day−1) and PLA (1.31 ± 0.29 g⸱kg−1⸱day−1; p < 0.001). Despite this, there was no impact of supplementation on mid-thigh pull performance (CON = 7 ± 19%, PLA = 7 ± 19%, MOD = 0 ± 16%, and HIGH = 4 ± 14%; p = 0.554) or any other performance measures (p > 0.05). Fat-free mass changes were also similar between groups (CON = 4 ± 3%, PLA = 4 ± 4%, MOD = 3 ± 3%, HIGH = 5 ± 4%, p = 0.959). There was no impact of protein supplementation on any other body composition or recovery measure. We conclude no benefits of pre-bed protein supplementation to improve performance, body composition and recovery during BT. It is possible the training stimulus was great enough, limiting the impact of protein supplementation. However, the high degree of inter-participant variability suggests an individualised use of protein supplementation should be explored, particularly in those who consume sub-optimal (<1.6 g⸱kg−1⸱day−1) habitual amounts of protein.Clinical trial registration: The study was registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, U.S. national institutes (identifier: NCT05998590)

    Clinical outcomes of patients with unresectable primary liver cancer treated with yttrium-90 radioembolization with an escalated dose

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    PURPOSE: Yttrium-90 (90Y) radioembolization with an escalated dose has been shown to improve clinical outcomes compared with standard dose radioembolization, but there are few data on the local control of primary liver tumors. We reported the clinical outcomes of patients with unresectable primary liver tumors treated with 90Y radioembolization with an escalated dose. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Clinical data of patients with unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), cholangiocarcinoma (CC), and biphenotypic tumors (cHCC-CC) treated with radioembolization with an escalated dose (≥150 Gy) between 2013 and 2020 with \u3e3 months follow-up were retrospectively reviewed. The primary endpoint was freedom from local progression. Clinical response was defined by Modified Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumours and toxic effects were assessed using Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events version 5.0. RESULTS: Fifty-three patients with HCC and 15 patients with CC/cHCC-CC were analyzed. The median dose delivered was 205 Gy (interquartile range, 183-253 Gy) and 198 Gy (interquartile range, 154-234 Gy) for patients with HCC and CC/cHCC-CC, respectively. The 1-year freedom from local progression rate was 54% (95% confidence interval [CI], 38%-78%) for patients with HCC and 66% (95% CI, 42%-100%) for patients with CC/cHCC-CC. For patients with HCC, United Network for Organ Sharing nodal stage 1 ( CONCLUSIONS: Treatment of unresectable primary liver tumors with 90Y radioembolization with an escalated dose was safe and well tolerated. Delivery of \u3e268 Gy may improve local tumor control of HCC. Determination of the maximum tolerated dose needs to be performed in the context of future prospective dose-escalation trials to further evaluate the safety and efficacy of such an approach

    Cytomegalovirus-induced peroxynitrite promotes virus entry and contributes to pathogenesis in a murine model of infection

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    There are no licensed vaccines for human cytomegalovirus (HCMV), and current antiviral drugs that target viral proteins are toxic and prone to resistance. Targeting host pathways essential for virus replication provides an alternate strategy that may reduce opportunities for drug resistance to occur. Oxidative stress is triggered by numerous viruses including HCMV. Peroxynitrite is a reactive nitrogen species that is formed during oxidative stress. Herein, we identified that HCMV rapidly induces the generation of intracellular peroxynitrite upon infection in a manner partially dependent upon xanthine oxidase generation. Peroxynitrite promoted HCMV infection in both cell-free and cell-associated infection systems in multiple cell types. Inhibiting peroxynitrite within the first 24 hours of infection prevented HCMV replication and peroxynitrite promoted cell entry and pp65 translocation into the host cell nuclei. Furthermore, using the murine cytomegalovirus model, we demonstrated that antagonizing peroxynitrite significantly reduces cytomegalovirus replication and pathogenesis in vivo. Overall, our study highlights a proviral role for peroxynitrite in CMV infection and implies that RNS and/or the mechanisms that induce their production could be targeted as a novel strategy to inhibit HCMV infection
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