3,262 research outputs found

    Secure protocols for wireless availability

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    Since wireless networks share a communication medium, multiple transmissions on the same channel cause interference to each other and degrade the channel quality, much as multiple people talking at the same time make for inefficient meetings. To avoid transmission collision, the network divides the medium into multiple orthogonal channels (by interleaving the channel access in frequency or time) and often uses medium access control (MAC) to coordinate channel use. Alternatively (e.g., when the wireless users use the same physical channel), the network users can emulate such orthogonal channel access in processing by spreading and coding the signal. Building on such orthogonal access technology, this dissertation studies protocols that support the coexistence of wireless users and ensure wireless availability. In contrast to other studies focusing on improving the overall e fficiency of the network, I aim to achieve reliability at all times. Thus, to study the worst-case misbehavior, I pose the problem within a security framework and introduce an adversary who compromised the network and has insider access. In this dissertation, I propose three schemes for wireless availability: SimpleMAC, Ignore-False-Reservation MAC (IFR-MAC), and Redundancy O ffset Narrow Spectrum (RONS). SimpleMAC and IFR-MAC build on MAC protocols that utilize explicit channel coordination in control communication. SimpleMAC counters MAC-aware adversary that uses the information being exchanged at the MAC layer to perform a more power e fficient jamming attack. IFR-MAC nulli ffies the proactive attack of denial-of-service injection of false reservation control messages. Both SimpleMAC and IFR-MAC quickly outperform the Nash equilibrium of disabling MAC and converge to the capacity-optimal performance in worst-case failures. When the MAC fails to coordinate channel use for orthogonal access or in a single-channel setting (both cases of which, the attacker knows the exact frequency and time location of the victim's channel access), RONS introduces a physical-layer, processing-based technique for interference mitigation. RONS is a narrow spectrum technology that bypasses the spreading cost and eff ectively counters the attacker's information-theoretically optimal strategy of correlated jamming

    On the impossibility of sustainable growth in a manufacturing based economy

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    This paper investigates a possibility of sustainable growth in a multi-output endogenous growth framework where the capital accumulation takes place mainly through the production of the dirty manufactured goods. It is shown that in a closed economy, economic growth is not environmentally sustainable, even under an optimal pollution tax unless the consumption elasticity of substitution between clean and dirty goods approaches infinity as in a small open economy which exports dirty goods. There exists a minimal threshold level of the ratio of clean to dirty capital that ensures sustainable growth in a closed economy

    A Blockchain-Based Retribution Mechanism for Collaborative Intrusion Detection

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    Collaborative intrusion detection approach uses the shared detection signature between the collaborative participants to facilitate coordinated defense. In the context of collaborative intrusion detection system (CIDS), however, there is no research focusing on the efficiency of the shared detection signature. The inefficient detection signature costs not only the IDS resource but also the process of the peer-to-peer (P2P) network. In this paper, we therefore propose a blockchain-based retribution mechanism, which aims to incentivize the participants to contribute to verifying the efficiency of the detection signature in terms of certain distributed consensus. We implement a prototype using Ethereum blockchain, which instantiates a token-based retribution mechanism and a smart contract-enabled voting-based distributed consensus. We conduct a number of experiments built on the prototype, and the experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach

    PT\mathcal{PT}-Symmetric Quantum State Discrimination for Attack on BB84 Quantum Key Distribution

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    Quantum Key Distribution or QKD provides symmetric key distribution using the quantum mechanics/channels with new security properties. The security of QKD relies on the difficulty of the quantum state discrimination problem. We discover that the recent developments in PT\mathcal{PT} symmetry can be used to expedite the quantum state discrimination problem and therefore to attack the BB84 QKD scheme. We analyze the security of the BB84 scheme and show that the attack significantly increases the eavesdropping success rate over the previous Hermitian quantum state discrimination approach. We design and analyze the approaches to attack BB84 QKD protocol exploiting an extra degree of freedom provided by the PT\mathcal{PT}-symmetric quantum mechanics

    Impact of Location Spoofing Attacks on Performance Prediction in Mobile Networks

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    Performance prediction in wireless mobile networks is essential for diverse purposes in network management and operation. Particularly, the position of mobile devices is crucial to estimating the performance in the mobile communication setting. With its importance, this paper investigates mobile communication performance based on the coordinate information of mobile devices. We analyze a recent 5G data collection and examine the feasibility of location-based performance prediction. As location information is key to performance prediction, the basic assumption of making a relevant prediction is the correctness of the coordinate information of devices given. With its criticality, this paper also investigates the impact of position falsification on the ML-based performance predictor, which reveals the significant degradation of the prediction performance under such attacks, suggesting the need for effective defense mechanisms against location spoofing threats