376 research outputs found


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    La Secretaría Académica de la FCV- UBA ha desarrollado en los últimos años un proyecto de gestión basado en la calidad y la mejora continua. Su misión es generar una propuesta educativa de formación profesional, científica, técnica, ética y socio comunitaria, que de respuesta a los requerimientos de la sociedad. Entre sus objetivos y funciones, definidas en un manual de procedimientos institucional, se mencionan: Velar por la formación de profesionales capaces de tomar decisiones y orientar en la definición de políticas para los sectores vinculados. Promover la formación de un cuerpo docente comprometido y actualizado en sus competencias. Promover la actualización del Plan de Estudios. Para ello asiste al Decano en la determinación de las políticas académicas y en la ejecución de los proyectos y demás acciones operativas que de aquellas se deriven; en la formulación de programas vinculados a la misión Institucional; en todo lo relacionado con la coordinación y ejecución de las disposiciones emanadas del Consejo Directivo. Diseñar planes de estudio de las carreras de grado. Sistematiza la formulación de programas de las asignaturas. Coordinar propuestas de formación pedagógica para docentes. Dirigir el Sistema de Orientación y Tutorías Académicas. La Secretaria ha generado una serie de Herramientas de Gestión Académica; las mismas se enmarcan en un Programa de Seguimiento, Evaluación y Formación de la docencia y se describen en el presente trabajo, así como sus avances y resultados: Examen de Medición Global; Sistema de Encuestas a alumnos y graduados; Registro de Prácticas. Estas herramientas de gestión, sumadas a otras acciones, han permitido sistematizar información, planificar acciones, consensuar estrategias, encuadrar proyectos de desarrollo curricular y pedagógico. El modelo de gestión, a través de herramientas especificas, autogeneradas de acuerdo a las necesidades, facilita la organización, la reflexión, la toma de decisiones y contribuye a la mejora continua de la calidad

    La vitrificación de ovocitos por método de mínimo volumen, método potencial para la criopreservación de la gameta femenina en bovinos

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    La producción de ganado vacuno es una de las explotaciones más importantes de nuestro país, siendo la de mayor relevancia en la producción pecuaria. Las biotecnologías asociadas a la reproducción permiten obtener mayores progresos genéticos y disminuir la incidencia de enfermedades de transmisión sexual, entre otras aplicaciones. La vitrificación es una biotecnología que permite la criopreservación de ovocitos y embriones. Consiste en el enfriamiento ultra rápido utilizando soluciones con alta concentración de sustancias crioprotectoras que evita la formación de cristales de hielo. Sin embargo, estas altas concentraciones de crioprotectores producen daño celular principalmente por su toxicidad y su efecto osmótico. Esta biotecnología está siendo utilizada ampliamente con éxito para la criopreservación de ovocitos y embriones humanos en las clínicas de fertilidad, habiendo desplazado en la práctica al congelamiento lento. En el bovino todavía no es utilizada de forma rutinaria, a pesar de que se ha demostrado que mejora la sobrevida embrionaria luego de la criopreservación respecto al congelamiento lento tradicional.Fil: Gutnisky, Cynthia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Unidad Ejecutora de Investigaciones en Producción Animal. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Unidad Ejecutora de Investigaciones en Producción Animal; ArgentinaFil: Morado, Sergio Adrián. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Unidad Ejecutora de Investigaciones en Producción Animal. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Unidad Ejecutora de Investigaciones en Producción Animal; ArgentinaFil: Gadze, Tomás. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Unidad Ejecutora de Investigaciones en Producción Animal. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Unidad Ejecutora de Investigaciones en Producción Animal; ArgentinaFil: Donato, Antonella María. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Unidad Ejecutora de Investigaciones en Producción Animal. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Unidad Ejecutora de Investigaciones en Producción Animal; ArgentinaFil: Cetica, Pablo Daniel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Unidad Ejecutora de Investigaciones en Producción Animal. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Unidad Ejecutora de Investigaciones en Producción Animal; Argentin

    Modulation of glycolisis and the pentose phosphate pathway influences porcine oocyte in vitro maturation

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    Glycolytic and pentose phosphate pathway (PPP) activities were modulated in porcine cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) during in vitro maturation (IVM) by the addition of inhibitors or stimulators of key enzymes of the pathways to elucidate their relative participation in oocyte maturation. The activities of glycolysis and PPP were evaluated by lactate production per COC and by the brilliant cresyl blue test, respectively. Glucose uptake per COC and the oocyte maturation rate were also evaluated. Lactate production, glucose uptake and the percentage of oocytes reaching metaphase II decreased in a dose-dependent manner in the presence of the pharmacological (NaF) or the physiological (ATP) inhibitors of glycolysis (p < 0.05). The addition of the physiological stimulator of glycolysis (AMP) caused no effect on lactate production, glucose uptake or the meiotic maturation rate. The pharmacological (6-AN) and the physiological (NADPH) inhibitors of PPP induced a dose-dependent decrease in the percentage of oocytes with high PPP activity and in the nuclear maturation rate (p < 0.05). The physiological stimulator of PPP (NADP) caused no effect on the percentage of oocytes with high PPP activity. The glycolytic and PPP activities of porcine COCs and maturational competence of oocytes seem to be closely related events. This study shows for the first time the regulatory effect of ATP and NADPH as physiological inhibitors of glycolysis and PPP in porcine COCs, respectively. Besides, these pathways seem to reach their maximum activities in porcine COCs during IVM because no further increases were achieved by the presence of AMP or NADP.Fil: Alvarez, Gabriel Martín. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Instituto de Investigacion y Tecnología en Reproducción Animal; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario; ArgentinaFil: Ferretti, E. L.. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Instituto de Investigacion y Tecnología en Reproducción Animal; ArgentinaFil: Gutnisky, Cynthia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Instituto de Investigacion y Tecnología en Reproducción Animal; ArgentinaFil: Dalvit, Gabriel Carlos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Instituto de Investigacion y Tecnología en Reproducción Animal; ArgentinaFil: Cetica, Pablo Daniel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Instituto de Investigacion y Tecnología en Reproducción Animal; Argentin

    Glycolytic pathway activity: effect on IVM and oxidative metabolism of bovine oocytes

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    The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of altering glycolytic pathway activity during bovine IVM on the meiotic maturation rate, oxidative activity, mitochondrial activity and the mitochondrial distribution within oocytes. Glycolytic activity was manipulated using two inhibitors (ATP, NaF) and a stimulator (AMP) of key enzymes of the pathway. Inhibition of glucose uptake, lactate production and meiotic maturation rates was observed when media were supplemented with ATP or NaF. The addition of AMP to the maturation medium had no effect on glucose uptake, lactate production or meiotic maturation. In the absence of gonadotrophin supplementation, AMP stimulated both glucose uptake and lactate production. However, AMP also decreased cytoplasmic maturation, as determined by early cleavage. During IVM, oocyte oxidative and mitochondrial activity was observed to increase at 15 and 22 h maturation. Inhibiting glycolysis with ATP or NaF led to a reduced oxidative and mitochondrial pattern compared with the respective control groups. Stimulation of the pathway with AMP increased oxidative and mitochondrial activity. A progressive mitochondrial migration to the central area was observed during maturation; oocytes treated with ATP, NaF or AMP showed limited migration. The present study reveals the effects of altering glycolytic pathway activity in cumulus–oocyte complexes, revealing the link between glycolysis of the cumulus–oocyte complex and the oxidative and mitochondrial activity of the oocyte.Cynthia Gutnisky, Sergio Morado, Gabriel C. Dalvit, Jeremy G. Thompson and Pablo D. Cetic

    Familial Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis May Present during Adulthood: Clinical and Genetic Features of a Small Series

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    Familial Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (FHL) is a rare immune deficiency with defective cytotoxic function. The age at onset is usually young and the natural course is rapidly fatal if untreated. A later onset of the disease has been sporadically reported even in adolescents and adults. We report the results of our retrospective data collection of all cases diagnosed with FHL at an age of 18 years or older and enrolled in the Italian Registry of HLH. All cases were diagnosed with FHL based on evidence of genetic defect in one FHL-related gene. A total of 11 patients were diagnosed with FHL. They were 9 males and 2 females, from 10 unrelated families; their age ranged between 18 and 43 years (median, 23 years). Family history was unremarkable in eight families at the time of the diagnosis. Their genetic diagnoses are: FHL2 (n = 6), FHL3 (n = 2), FHL5 (n = 1), XLP1 (n = 2). Clinical, molecular and functional data are described. These data confirm that FHL may present beyond the pediatric age and up to the fifth decade. FHL2 due to perforin defect is the most frequently reported subtype. Adult specialists should consider FHL in the differential diagnosis of patients with cytopenia and liver or central nervous system disorders, especially when a lymphoproliferative disease is suspected but eventually not confirmed. FHL may turn to be fatal within a short time course even in adults. This risk, together with the continuous improvement in the transplant technique, especially in the area of transplant from matched unrelated donor, resulting in reduced treatment related mortality, might suggest a wider use of SCT in this population. Current diagnostic approach allows prompt identification of patients by flow-cytometry screening, then confirmed by the genetic study, and treatment with chemo-immunotherapy followed by stem cell transplantation

    Pentose phosphate pathway activity: effect on in vitro maturation and oxidative status of bovine oocytes

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    Abstract. The relationship between pentose phosphate pathway (PPP) activity in cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) and oxidative and mitochondrial activity in bovine oocytes was evaluated with the aim of analysing the impact of two inhibitors (NADPH and 6-aminonicotinamide (6-AN)) and a stimulator (NADP) of the key enzymes of the PPP on the maturation rate, oxidative and mitochondrial activity and the mitochondrial distribution in oocytes. The proportion of COCs with measurable PPP activity (assessed using brilliant cresyl blue staining), glucose uptake, lactate production and meiotic maturation rate diminished when 6-AN (0.1, 1, 5 and 10 mM for 22 h) was added to the maturation medium (P , 0.05). The addition of NADPH did not modify glucose uptake or lactate production, but reduced PPP activity in COCs and meiotic maturation rates (P , 0.05). The presence of NADP (0.0125, 0.125, 1.25 and 12.5 mM for 22 h of culture) in the maturation medium had no effect on PPP activity in COCs, glucose uptake, lactate production and meiotic maturation rate. However, in the absence of gonadotropin supplementation, NADP stimulated both glucose uptake and lactate production at 12.5 mM (the highest concentration tested; P , 0.05). NADP did not modify cleavage rate, but decreased blastocyst production (P , 0.05). During IVM, oocyte oxidative and mitochondrial activity was observed to increase at 15 and 22 h maturation, which was also related to progressive mitochondrial migration. Inhibiting the PPP with 6-AN or NADPH led to reduced oxidative and mitochondrial activity compared with the respective control groups and inhibition of mitochondrial migration (P , 0.05). Stimulation of the PPP with NADP increased oxidative and mitochondrial activity at 9 h maturation (P , 0.05) and delayed mitochondrial migration. The present study shows the significance of altering PPP activity during bovine oocyte IVM, revealing that there is a link between the activity of the PPP and the oxidative status of the oocyte

    Genetic predisposition to hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis: Report on 500 patients from the Italian registry.

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    BACKGROUND: Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) is a rare life-threatening disease affecting mostly children but also adults and characterized by hyperinflammatory features. A subset of patients, referred to as having familial hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (FHL), have various underlying genetic abnormalities, the frequencies of which have not been systematically determined previously. OBJECTIVE: This work aims to further our understanding of the pathogenic bases of this rare condition based on an analysis of our 25 years of experience. METHODS: From our registry, we have analyzed a total of 500 unselected patients with HLH. RESULTS: Biallelic pathogenic mutations defining FHL were found in 171 (34%) patients; the proportion of FHL was much higher (64%) in patients given a diagnosis during the first year of life. Taken together, mutations of the genes PRF1 (FHL2) and UNC13D (FHL3) accounted for 70% of cases of FHL. Overall, a genetic diagnosis was possible in more than 90% of our patients with FHL. Perforin expression and the extent of degranulation have been more useful for diagnosing FHL than hemophagocytosis and the cytotoxicity assay. Of 281 (56%) patients classified as having "sporadic" HLH, 43 had monoallelic mutations in one of the FHL-defining genes. Given this gene dosage effect, FHL is not strictly recessive. CONCLUSION: We suggest that the clinical syndrome HLH generally results from the combined effects of an exogenous trigger and genetic predisposition. Within this combination, different weights of exogenous and genetic factors account for the wide disease spectrum that ranges from HLH secondary to severe infection to FHL.Supported by grants from Associazione Italiana Ricerca Istiocitosi (AIRI), Associazione Ciemmeesse-Girotondo per il Meyer, Ministero della Salute (Bando Malattie Rare RF-TOS-2008-1219488), and the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) of the European Commission (“FIGHT-HLH” Project no. 306124 to M.A.). Disclosure of potential conflict of interest: D. Pende receives royalties paid to her institution. G. M. Griffiths has received research support from the Wellcome Trust. L. Luzzatto is on the Alexion Pharmaceuticals SAB and has received consultancy fees from GlaxoSmithKline.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Elsevier via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jaci.2015.06.04