31 research outputs found

    Acinar autolysis and mucous extravasation in human sublingual glands: a microscopic postmortem study

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    Although some morphological investigations on aged human sublingual glands (HSG) found eventual phenomena identified as autolysis and mucous extravasation, the exact meaning of these findings has not been elucidated.Objective The aim of this work is to investigate whether acinar autolysis and mucous extravasation are related to the aging process in human sublingual glands. We also speculate if autolytic changes may assist forensic pathologists in determining time of death.Material and Methods 186 cadavers’ glands were allocated to age groups: I (0–30 years); II (31–60), and III (61–90). Time and mode of death were also recorded. Acinar autolysis and mucous extravasation were classified as present or absent. Ultrastructural analysis was performed using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Data were compared using Mann-Whitney U, Spearman’s correlation coefficient, Kruskal-Wallis, and Dunn tests (

    Análise microscópica do osso bovino inorgânico microgranular implantado em subcutâneo de ratos

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    The tissue response to porous bovine anorganic bone implanted in rat connective tissue was evaluated by subjective light microscopy analysis. Forty rats were divided into two groups: control (empty collagen capsules) and test (collagen capsule filled with 0.1g biomaterial) and killed 10, 20, 30 and 60 days after implantation. At 10 days, intense chronic inflammatory infiltrate consisting mainly of macrophages and inflammatory multinucleated giant cells (IMGC) was observed. Neutrophils, plasma cells and lymphocytes were present in discrete amounts and slowly disappeared along the repair process. Porosity of the material was filled by reaction connective tissue exhibiting IMGC. The fibrosis was more intense after 60 days and clearly higher than the control group. Thus, the material did not cause any severe adverse reactions and did not stimulate the immune system. Based on the results it could be concluded that deproteinized bovine cancelous bone was well tolerated by rat connective tissue.A resposta tecidual ao osso inorgânico bovino medular implantado em subcutâneo de rato foi avaliada por análise subjetiva através de microscopia de luz. Quarenta ratos foram divididos em 2 grupos: controle (cápsulas vazias de colágeno) e teste (cápsulas de colágeno contendo 0,1g do biomaterial) e mortos 10, 20, 30 e 60 dias após a implantação. Histologicamente, aos 10 dias, observou-se infiltrado inflamatório crônico composto por macrófagos e Células Gigantes Multinucleadas Inflamatórias (IMGC). Neutrófilos, plasmócitos e linfócitos estavam presentes de maneira discreta, desaparecendo durante o processo de reparo tecidual. A porosidade do material foi preenchida pelo tecido conjuntivo reacional mostrando as IMGC. A fibrose foi mais intensa aos 60 dias e evidentemente superior ao grupo controle. Entretanto, o material não causou reações adversas severas, não estimulando a resposta imunológica. Baseado nos resultados encontrados, concluímos que o osso inorgânico bovino medular foi bem tolerado pelo tecido conjuntivo de rato

    Experimental alveolitis in rats: microbiological, acute phase response and histometric characterization of delayed alveolar healing

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    The pathogenesis of alveolitis is not well known and therefore experimental situations that mimic some features of this disease should be developed. OBJECTIVE: In this study, the evolution of the experimentally induced infection in rat sockets is characterized, which leads to clinical signs of suppurative alveolitis with remarkable wound healing disturbs. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Non-infected (Group I) and experimentally infected sockets in Rattus novergicus (Group II) were histometrically evaluated regarding the kinetics of alveolar healing. In addition, the characterization of the present bacteria in inoculation material and the serum levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) were performed. The detected species were Capnocytophaga ochracea, Fusobacterium nucleatum ss nucleatum, Prevotella melaninogenica, Streptococcus anginosus, Treponema socranskii and Streptococcus sanguis. RESULTS: All experimentally infected rats developed suppurative alveolitis, showing higher levels of CRP in comparison to those non-infected ones. Furthermore, infected rats presented a significant delayed wound healing as measured by the histometric analysis (higher persistent polymorphonuclear infiltrate and lower density of newly formed bone). CONCLUSION: These findings indicate that rat sockets with experimentally induced infection produced higher levels of serum CRP, showing the potential of disseminated infection and a disturb in the alveolar repair process in an interesting experimental model for alveolitis studies

    Metabolic effect of low fluoride levels in the islets of NOD mice: integrative morphological, immunohistochemical, and proteomic analyses

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    Fluoride (F) has been widely used to control dental caries, and studies suggest beneficial effects against diabetes when a low dose of F is added to the drinking water (10 mgF/L). Objectives: This study evaluated metabolic changes in pancreatic islets of NOD mice exposed to low doses of F and the main pathways altered by the treatment. Methodology: In total, 42 female NOD mice were randomly divided into two groups, considering the concentration of F administered in the drinking water for 14 weeks: 0 or 10 mgF/L. After the experimental period, the pancreas was collected for morphological and immunohistochemical analysis, and the islets for proteomic analysis. Results: In the morphological and immunohistochemical analysis, no significant differences were found in the percentage of cells labelled for insulin, glucagon, and acetylated histone H3, although the treated group had higher percentages than the control group. Moreover, no significant differences were found for the mean percentages of pancreatic areas occupied by islets and for the pancreatic inflammatory infiltrate between the control and treated groups. Proteomic analysis showed large increases in histones H3 and, to a lesser extent, in histone acetyltransferases, concomitant with a decrease in enzymes involved in the formation of acetyl-CoA, besides many changes in proteins involved in several metabolic pathways, especially energy metabolism. The conjunction analysis of these data showed an attempt by the organism to maintain protein synthesis in the islets, even with the dramatic changes in energy metabolism. Conclusion: Our data suggests epigenetic alterations in the islets of NOD mice exposed to F levels comparable to those found in public supply water consumed by humans

    Análise histológica, radiográfica e do perfil de imunoglobulinas após implantação de enxerto de osso esponjoso bovino desmineralizado em bloco em músculo de ratos

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a biocompatibilidade de blocos de enxerto de osso bovino esponjoso acelular e desmineralizado (Gen-Ox®, Baumer S.A.). Um bloco cilíndrico (5x12mm) de material de enxerto foi implantado em músculo abdutor da coxa de 30 ratos, sendo os animais sacrificados 3, 7, 14, 21 e 28 dias (n=6) após as cirurgias. Após a tomada das radiografias, as peças foram removidas para o processamento histológico. A análise histológica mostrou que nos períodos de 3 e 7 dias foi evidenciado um processo inflamatório agudo, caracterizado pela presença de neutrófilos, reabsorção do coágulo sanguíneo e angiogênese. Entre 14 e 21 dias, verificou-se a reabsorção da matriz implantada por células mononucleadas, raras células gigantes e sua substituição por tecido conjuntivo fibroso rico em vasos e células. Aos 28 dias, na maioria dos casos, observou-se apenas pequenos fragmentos de matriz implantada envolto por tecido conjuntivo característico da região. Radiograficamente, não se notou evidências de mineralização. Com base nos resultados obtidos concluímos que o enxerto de matriz de osso esponjoso bovino desmineralizado em bloco é biocompatível quando implantado em tecido conjuntivo intramuscular de ratos, sendo absorvido e substituído por tecido conjuntivo característico da região, sem qualquer indício de ocorrência de osteogênese ectópica.The aim of this study was to evaluate the biocompatibility of blacks of organic bovine cancellous bone graft material (Gen-OxTM, Baumer) in ectopic sites. A cylinder of black of graft material measuring 5mm in diameter and 12mm in length was implanted in abdutor muscle of 30 Wistar rats. After 3, 7, 14, 21e 28 days, (6 animals/period) were killed, radiographies were taken and the tissues and blood were collected to histological and imunoglobuline G and M profile analysis, respectively. The analysis of the sections revelead an acute inflammatory process at 3 and 7 days, characterized by the presence of neutrophils. Absorption of the implanted matrix by mononuclear cells and scarce giant cells and their replacement by fibrous connective tissue rich in vessels and cells, was suggested. At 28 days, in most cases just remnants of the implanted matrix involved by the typical connective tissue of the perimisium were found. There was no radiographic evidence of mineral content or change in the IgG and IgM profile. On the basis in results described here, it could be concluded that the material is biocompatible and absorbable but, with no signs of osteoindutive capacity was observed

    Evaluation of clinical periodontal conditions in smokers and non-smokers

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    Given that tobacco smoking habit is a risk factor for periodontal diseases, the aim of this study was to compare clinical periodontal aspects between smokers and non-smokers. The clinical status were assessed in 55 patients, 29 smokers and 26 non-smokers, aged 30 to 50 years, with mean age of 40. The clinical parameters used were: probing depth (PD), plaque index (PI), gingival index (GI), clinical attachment level (CAL), gingival recession (GR) and gingival bleeding index (GBI) for arches (upper and lower ) and teeth (anterior and posterior). Tooth loss was also evaluated in both groups. Multiple regression analysis showed: tendency of greater probing depth and clinical attachment level means for smokers; greater amount of plaque in smokers in all regions; greater gingival index means for non-smokers with clinical significance (

    Histologia da associação de membranas biológicas de origem bovina implantadas no subcutâneo de ratos

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    O trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a capacidade de barreira da membrana de cortical óssea desmineralizada liofilizada bovina, testando sua permeabilidade e integridade, em associação com a membrana de pericárdio bovino liofilizado. Em 15 ratos Wistar, machos, adultos, implantou-se no subcutâneo da região cérvico-torácica dorsal a combinação de duas membranas de cortical óssea desmineralizada tendo no interior a membrana de pericárdio bovino. Os animais (cinco ratos/grupo) foram submetidos à eutanásia aos 15, 30 e 60 dias de pós-operatório. A avaliação microscópica mostrou que, aos 15 dias de pós-cirúrgico, as membranas estavam íntegras, com exceção de pequenas áreas de reabsorção da membrana de cortical óssea junto aos locais referentes aos antigos canais nutritivos. Aos 30 dias, havia apenas restos da membrana de cortical óssea e, aos 60 dias, a sua total ausência. Baseados nos resultados aqui obtidos, é possível concluir que a membrana de cortical óssea bovina é rapidamente absorvida e não confere proteção à membrana de pericárdio bovino liofilizado

    Histologia da associação de membranas biológicas de origem bovina implantadas no subcutâneo de ratos

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    O trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a capacidade de barreira da membrana de cortical óssea desmineralizada liofilizada bovina, testando sua permeabilidade e integridade, em associação com a membrana de pericárdio bovino liofilizado. em 15 ratos Wistar, machos, adultos, implantou-se no subcutâneo da região cérvico-torácica dorsal a combinação de duas membranas de cortical óssea desmineralizada tendo no interior a membrana de pericárdio bovino. Os animais (cinco ratos/grupo) foram submetidos à eutanásia aos 15, 30 e 60 dias de pós-operatório. A avaliação microscópica mostrou que, aos 15 dias de pós-cirúrgico, as membranas estavam íntegras, com exceção de pequenas áreas de reabsorção da membrana de cortical óssea junto aos locais referentes aos antigos canais nutritivos. Aos 30 dias, havia apenas restos da membrana de cortical óssea e, aos 60 dias, a sua total ausência. Baseados nos resultados aqui obtidos, é possível concluir que a membrana de cortical óssea bovina é rapidamente absorvida e não confere proteção à membrana de pericárdio bovino liofilizado.The aim of this study was to evaluate the barrier capacity of the bovine demineralized lyophilized bone cortical membrane, testing its permeability and its integrity in association with lyophilized bovine pericardium membrane. Fifteen male adult Wistar rats were used. The combination of two bone cortical membranes with bovine pericardium membrane inside was implanted subcutaneously in the cervical-thoracic area. The animals (five rats per group) were submitted to euthanasia at 15, 30 and 60 days postoperatively. on day 15 postoperative, the microscopic evaluation showed integrity of the membranes, except the absorption of small areas of the bone cortical membrane in the sites of nutritive channels. on day 30, there was a remnant of bone cortical membrane, and on day 60 bone cortical membrane was completely absent. It was possible to conclude that bovine demineralized lyophilized bone cortical membrane is quickly absorbed and does not preserve the lyophilized bovine pericardium membrane