20 research outputs found

    Qualidade de pêssegos cultivares Granada e Maciel colhidos em diferentes graus de maturidade em armazenamento refrigerado

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    In this study the effects of ripening stages on the quality of peaches cultivars Granada and Macielduring cold storage were evaluated. Peaches of both cultivars at ripening stages: green, semi-green, semi-ripen and ripen, were kept during 30 days (‘Granada’) or 40 days (‘Maciel’) in a cold room, at 0 ± 0,5oC cold storage temperature and 85% to 90% relative humidity. At every-ten-days period fruits were taken out of the cold room and after three days under room temperature, the following variables were evaluated: weight loss; color, firmness;total soluble solids (TSS); total titratable acidity (TTA); decay; internal browning; mealiness; polyphenoloxidase activity; phenols and sensorial aspects. It was concluded that for regular cold storage, peaches of ‘Granada’should be harvested at the semi-green stage and cold stored for up to 30 days; harvested at the semi-ripen stage and cold stored for up to 20 days; harvested at the ripen stage for immediate marketing. Peaches of the ‘Maciel’should be harvested at the semi-green ripening stage and cold stored for up to 20 days; harvested at the semiripen stage and cold stored for up to ten days and or harvested at the ripen stage for immediate marketing.Nesse estudo foi avaliado o efeito do grau de maturação na qualidade pós-colheita de pêssegoscultivares Granada e Maciel, durante o armazenamento refrigerado. As frutas foram selecionadas nos estádiosde maturação verde, meio-verde, meio-maduro e maduro, sendo armazenadas por até 30 dias as da cultivarGranada e até 40 dias as da cultivar Maciel, em temperatura de 0 ± 0,5oC e 85% a 90% de umidade relativa. A cadadez dias as frutas foram retiradas da câmara, e após três dias em temperatura de 20 ± 0,5oC avaliou-se a perdade peso, a firmeza de polpa, os sólidos solúveis totais (SST), a acidez total titulável (ATT), as porcentagens depodridões, o escurecimento interno, a farinosidade, a atividade da polifenoloxidase, os fenóis e característicassensoriais. A partir dos resultados, pode-se concluir que pêssegos ‘Granada’, colhidos nos estádios de maturaçãomeio-verde e meio-maduro são conservados com qualidade comercial, durante 30 e 20 dias, respectivamente; eos pêssegos ‘Maciel’, durante 20 dias, quando colhidos no estádio de maturação meio-verde e por dez dias no estádiomeio-maduro

    Physical and chemical characteristics of melon in organic farming

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    Melon farming is characterized as an important family agriculture activity and the organic production of fruits and vegetables has shown a large growth in terms of areas in Brazil and around the world. This work aimed to study the postharvest quality of melon cultivated in an organic system. The organic treatments constituted of base fertilizer with cattle manure vermicompost (recommended dose, ½ dose and double dose) plus the use of biofertilizer (sprayed or sprayed + irrigated), and an additional treatment with chemical fertilization. The postharvest quality was evaluated through physico-chemical and phytochemical attributes. The organic management with half the recommended dose of vermicompost plus the sprayed biofertilizer and the chemical fertilization management produced fruits with higher levels of sugar, total carotenoids, ascorbic acid and folates, obtaining more balanced fruits, with a better phytochemical quality. The antioxidant capacity was defined mainly by the presence of the phenolic compounds, which were influenced by the type and the dose of the evaluated fertilizers, with superiority in the organic treatments with double the dose of cattle manure vermicompost

    Boron and calcium sprayed on 'Fuyu' persimmon tree prevent skin cracks, groove and browning of fruit during cold storage Boro e cálcio pulverizado em árvores de caqui "Fuyu" previnem fissuras, estrias e escurecimento do fruto durante o armazenamento refrigerado

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    Flesh softening, skin browning and rotting are chief problems during cold storage (CS) of 'Fuyu' Persimmon. We studied the effects of boron (B) and calcium (Ca) sprayed on the trees during three consecutive years, on the development of skin cracks, grooves and browning in persimmon fruit under CS in Farroupilha, RS, Brazil (29&deg;31' south, 51&deg;21' west, about 750 m altitude). A homogeneous orchard area of 0.5 ha was delimitated and three sets of five plants for each treatment were randomly selected. The persimmon trees were sprayed at a 20 day interval, from 15th January until harvest, for three consecutive years, with: T1) water; T2) calcium nitrate at 0.5% (m/v); T3) calcium chloride at 0.5% (m/v); and T4) boron at 0.3% (m/v). The fruit were harvest with orange-reddish colour; 18-20&deg;Brix, pulp firmness of 45 to 60N, and kept under CS at 0&plusmn;1&deg;C for 45 days. The fruits were evaluated immediately before CS, after six hours at 23&plusmn;2&deg;C after removal from CS, and after four days at 23&plusmn;2&deg;C after removal from CS. Equally boron and calcium sprayed on the trees prevented skin cracks, skin grooves and skin browning. Besides, when boron was sprayed on the trees, the mentioned effects were additive in the following year.<br>As principais alterações indesejáveis observadas no período pós-colheita de caquis em armazenamento refrigerado (AR) são a perda de firmeza de polpa, e a ocorrência de escurecimento epidérmico e de podridões. Este trabalho teve por objetivo principal estudar as respostas da aplicação de boro (B) e cálcio (Ca), em três safras sucessivas, na prevenção da ocorrência de fissuras, estrias e escurecimento epidérmico de caquis "Fuyu". No pomar (Farroupilha-RS-Brasil, 29&deg;31' Sul, 51&deg;21' Oeste, aproximadamente 750m altitude) delimitou-se uma área homogênea de 0,5ha., marcando-se, ao acaso, três repetições de cinco plantas para cada tratamento: T1 - controle, caquizeiros não-pulverizados com B e Ca; T2 - pulverizações com Nitrato de Ca 0,5% (m/v); T3 - pulverizações com Cloreto de Ca 0,5% (m/v); e T4 - pulverizações com B 0,3% (m/v). As aplicações foram realizadas em três anos sucessivos a partir de 15 de janeiro a intervalos de 20 dias. Foram colhidos os caquis na coloração alaranjado-avermelhada, com 18-20&deg;Brix e 45 a 60N, que posteriormente foram armazenados em AR a 0&plusmn;1&deg;C por 45 dias. As avaliações foram realizadas no dia do armazenamento, após seis horas a 23&plusmn;2&deg;C a partir da retirada AR, e após quatro dias a 23&plusmn;2&deg;C a partir da retirada do AR. Foi avaliada a ocorrência de frutas com fissuras, estrias e escurecimento epidérmico. Comprovou-se o efeito benéfico da aplicação de B ou Ca na prevenção de fissuras, estrias e escurecimento epidérmico. Adicionalmente, foi detectado o incremento da resposta à aplicação de B, que, além de prevenir (à semelhança das aplicações com Ca), apresentou efeito aditivo no segundo ano. O resultado sugere que as respostas às aplicações com B são progressivas