20,004 research outputs found

    ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Readout Electronics Upgrade Program for the High Luminosity LHC

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    The Tile Calorimeter (TileCal) is the hadronic calorimeter covering the most central region of the ATLAS experiment at LHC. The TileCal readout consists of about 10000 channels. The ATLAS upgrade program is divided in three phases: The Phase~0 occurs during 2013-2014, Phase~1 during 2018-1019 and finally Phase~2, which is foreseen for 2022-2023, whereafter the peak luminosity will reach 5-7 x 1034^{34} cm2^2s−1^{-1} (HL-LHC). The main TileCal upgrade is focused on the Phase~2 period. The upgrade aims at replacing the majority of the on- and off-detector electronics so that all calorimeter signals are directly digitized and sent to the off-detector electronics in the counting room. All new electronics must be able to cope with the increased radiation levels. An ambitious upgrade development program is pursued to study different electronics options. Three options are presently being investigated for the front-end electronic upgrade. The first option is an improved version of the present system built using commercial components, the second alternative is based on the development of a dedicated ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) and the third is the development of a new version of the QIE (Charge Integrator and Encoder) based on the one developed for Fermilab. All three options will use the same readout and control system using high speed (up to 40 Gb/s) links for communication and clock synchronization. For the off-detector electronics a new back-end architecture is being developed. A demonstrator prototype read-out for a slice of the calorimeter with most of the new electronics, but still compatible with the present system, is planned to be inserted in ATLAS already in mid 2014 (at the end of the Phase~0 upgrade).Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, LISHEP 201

    Tile Calorimeter Upgrade Program for the Luminosity Increasing at the LHC

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    The Tile Calorimeter (TileCal) is the central hadronic calorimeter of the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The LHC is scheduled to undergo a major upgrade, in 2022, for the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC). The ATLAS upgrade program for high luminosity is split into three phases: Phase-0 occurred during 2013−20142013-2014 and prepared the LHC for Run 2; Phase-I, foreseen for 2019, will prepare the LHC for Run 3, whereafter the peak luminosity reaches 2−3×10342-3 \times 10^{34} cm2s−1^{2}s^{-1}; finally, Phase-II, which is foreseen for 2024, will prepare the collider for the HL-LHC operation (5−7×10345-7 \times 10^{34} cm2s−1^{2}s^{-1}). The TileCal main activities for Phase-0 were the installation of the new low voltage power supplies and the activation of the TileCal third layer signal for assisting the muon trigger at 1.0<∣η∣<1.31.0<|\eta|<1.3 (TileMuon Project). In Phase-II, a major upgrade in the TileCal readout electronics is planned. Except for the photomultipliers tubes (PMTs), most of the on- and off-detector electronics will be replaced, with the aim of digitizing all PMT pulses at the front-end level. This work describes the TileCal upgrade activities, focusing on the TileMuon Project and the new on-detector electronics.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1305.085

    InfluĂȘncia dos cancros ginecolĂłgicos e de mama no ajustamento conjugal

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    Tese de mestrado integrado em Psicologia (Psicologia ClĂ­nica e da SaĂșde - NĂșcleo de SaĂșde e Doença), apresentada Ă  Universidade de Lisboa atravĂ©s da Faculdade de Psicologia e de CiĂȘncias da Educação, 2008Nesta investigação pretende-se avaliar a influĂȘncia dos cancros ginecolĂłgicos ou de mama no nĂ­vel de ajustamento conjugal, atravĂ©s da percepção retrospectiva da mulher. A visĂŁo prospectiva da mulher acerca do ajustamento marital tambĂ©m Ă© objectivo deste estudo. Desta amostra fizeram parte 17 mulheres com cancro ginecolĂłgico ou de mama. Estas encontravam-se em perĂ­odo de internamento depois da cirurgia. Foi aplicada Ă s participantes uma tradução da RevisĂŁo da Escala de Ajustamento DiĂĄdico (Busby, Christensen, Crane & Larson, 1995) duas vezes, a primeira baseada na fase atĂ© o conhecimento do diagnĂłstico, e a segunda referente ao perĂ­odo desde o conhecimento do diagnĂłstico atĂ© ao pĂłs-cirurgico. Por Ășltimo, realizou-se uma entrevista semiestruturada, que visava explorar as diferenças nas respostas da Escala nos dois momentos, o apoio do companheiro na doença e a percepção futura do nĂ­vel de ajustamento conjugal. Os resultados mostraram que existe um aumento no nĂ­vel de ajustamento marital na fase posterior ao diagnĂłstico. Ainda que algumas participantes tenham afirmado a inexistĂȘncia de alteraçÔes na vida conjugal depois do diagnĂłstico, outras manifestaram a implementação de mudanças positivas, como a aproximação do casal. Estas percepçÔes levam a que o futuro do casal nĂŁo seja uma preocupação para estas mulheres, que reconhecem a importĂąncia do apoio do marido neste processo. Apesar das dificuldades com que estes casais se deparam ao longo desta vivĂȘncia, estas mulheres reconhecem a existĂȘncia de aspectos positivos que decorrem da mesma.The aim of the present study is to assess the influence of gynaecologic and breast cancer on the marital adjustment level, through a woman’s retrospective perception. The woman’s prospective perception is an additional aim of this study. Data was collected on 17 women with gynaecologic and breast cancer. These women were hospitalised, after the surgery. The participants answered a Portuguese translation of the Revised Dyadic Adjustment Scale (RDAS; Busby, Christensen, Crane, & Larson, 1995). This scale was applied twice, the first application was carried out in the period before diagnosis, and the second application took place during the phase since diagnosis knowledge up to the moment after surgery. Finally, a semi-structured interview was conducted to explore the different responses of these two moments assessed by the scale, as well as the husband’s support through the illness and the woman’s future perception of the adjustment marital level. The results indicate that there is an increase in the marital adjustment level in the post-diagnosis phase. Although some participants affirmed that there were no changes in conjugal life after diagnosis, others revealed positive changes like an increase in the couple’s closeness. These perceptions imply that these women are not concerned with the future status of their relationship and that they recognise their husband’s support through this process. In spite of the difficulties encountered by these couples living through the process of this disease, these women are able to recognise the positive outcomes that are derived from it
