7 research outputs found

    The Utility of Spatial Navigation and Metabolic Biomarkers in Early and Differential Diagnosis of Neurodegenerative Diseases

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common neurodegenerative disease leading to dementia and represents a significant socio-economic problem. Currently, only symptomatic treatment of AD is possible and the development of new causal therapy faces a number of difficulties, which are inter alia related to identifying early stages and the possibilities of differential diagnosis of specific neurodegenerative diseases. Therefore, in recent years, methods that are easily available and able to reliably identify individuals at risk of developing AD already at preclinical and prodromal stages are of particular interest. The work presents a basic overview of the current knowledge about neurodegenerative diseases and especially AD and extends the knowledge in this area. The main goals of the thesis are to map out the potential contribution of spatial navigation testing as a new experimental method, which is suitable for early diagnosis and differential diagnosis of advanced stages of neurodegenerative diseases, and to evaluate the benefits of metabolic biomarker testing in clinical practice. In the early stages of neurodegenerative diseases, the work focuses primarily on the evaluation of impairment of a specific type of spatial navigation - path integration in patients with AD and also on subjective spatial...Alzheimerova nemoc (AN) je nejčastější neurodegenerativní onemocnění vedoucí k demenci a představuje výrazný socioekonomický problém. V současné době je možná pouze symptomatická léčba AN a vývoj nové kauzální terapie naráží na řadu překážek, které mimo jiné souvisí s náročností identifikace časných stadií a možnostmi diferenciální diagnostiky jednotlivých neurodegenerativních onemocnění. V posledních letech se proto do popředí zájmu dostávají metody, které by byly snadno dostupné a umožnily spolehlivě identifikovat jedince s rizikem rozvoje AN již v preklinických a prodromálních stadiích. Předkládaná práce přináší základní přehled současného poznání o neurodegenerativních onemocněních a především AN a rozšiřuje známé poznatky v této oblasti. Jejím cílem je především zmapovat možný přínos vyšetřování prostorové orientace jako nové experimentální metody, která je vhodná pro časnou diagnostiku a diferenciální diagnostiku pokročilejších stadií neurodegenerativních onemocnění, a také zhodnotit přínos vyšetření metabolických biomarkerů v klinické praxi. U časných stadií neurodegenerativních onemocnění se práce zaměřuje především na hodnocení narušení specifického typu prostorové orientace - integrace dráhy u pacientů s AN a na subjektivní obtíže s prostorovou orientací v preklinických a prodromálních stadiích...Department of NeurologyNeurologická klinika2. lékařská fakultaSecond Faculty of Medicin

    The Utility of Spatial Navigation and Metabolic Biomarkers in Early and Differential Diagnosis of Neurodegenerative Diseases

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common neurodegenerative disease leading to dementia and represents a significant socio-economic problem. Currently, only symptomatic treatment of AD is possible and the development of new causal therapy faces a number of difficulties, which are inter alia related to identifying early stages and the possibilities of differential diagnosis of specific neurodegenerative diseases. Therefore, in recent years, methods that are easily available and able to reliably identify individuals at risk of developing AD already at preclinical and prodromal stages are of particular interest. The work presents a basic overview of the current knowledge about neurodegenerative diseases and especially AD and extends the knowledge in this area. The main goals of the thesis are to map out the potential contribution of spatial navigation testing as a new experimental method, which is suitable for early diagnosis and differential diagnosis of advanced stages of neurodegenerative diseases, and to evaluate the benefits of metabolic biomarker testing in clinical practice. In the early stages of neurodegenerative diseases, the work focuses primarily on the evaluation of impairment of a specific type of spatial navigation - path integration in patients with AD and also on subjective spatial..

    The Utility of Spatial Navigation and Metabolic Biomarkers in Early and Differential Diagnosis of Neurodegenerative Diseases

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common neurodegenerative disease leading to dementia and represents a significant socio-economic problem. Currently, only symptomatic treatment of AD is possible and the development of new causal therapy faces a number of difficulties, which are inter alia related to identifying early stages and the possibilities of differential diagnosis of specific neurodegenerative diseases. Therefore, in recent years, methods that are easily available and able to reliably identify individuals at risk of developing AD already at preclinical and prodromal stages are of particular interest. The work presents a basic overview of the current knowledge about neurodegenerative diseases and especially AD and extends the knowledge in this area. The main goals of the thesis are to map out the potential contribution of spatial navigation testing as a new experimental method, which is suitable for early diagnosis and differential diagnosis of advanced stages of neurodegenerative diseases, and to evaluate the benefits of metabolic biomarker testing in clinical practice. In the early stages of neurodegenerative diseases, the work focuses primarily on the evaluation of impairment of a specific type of spatial navigation - path integration in patients with AD and also on subjective spatial..

    Study of hard coatings applications on soft substrates and their utility properties

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    Cílem disertační práce je studium chování tvrdých vrstev na měkkých substrátech a hodnocení jejich užitných vlastností.The aim of this dissertation thesis is studying of hard coatings behaviour on soft substrates and testing of their properties