5 research outputs found

    Urbani izziv

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    Participation in spatial planning has been studied extensively in the past decades, but many cases of spatial planning have nonetheless seen a gap between decision-makers and local residents. This is why participation in spatial planning has become a classic research question of many urban planning-related sciences. The greatest focus has been on cases of participation that present some kind of reaction to plans or actions, whereas far less attention has been given to cases of participation based on initiatives and the search for new content for underused or decaying areas. Such cases usually start with initiatives for the new use of particular places and often result in physical changes to these places. This article defines various types of local initiatives, and it especially studies the distinction between reactionary and contributive local initiatives and relates them to the notion of community. The article is based on an analysis of two particular cases. The differences in these two cases represent a foundation for the article's conclusions, which emphasises the potentials for stimulating contributive participation. The conclusion includes recommendations for the spatial planning system to become more open to participation in terms of revitalising underused spaces because such space has been increasing during the economic downturn. The complex and inefficient system of spatial planning is turning away many creative initiatives

    The Value of Autonomous Rog: Culture, citizenship, participation

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    Often considered as an alternative to established norms within the urban context, autonomous places – and squats in particular - have long been hubs of opposition against the mainstream economic, political, cultural and social manifestations of urban life. For almost fifteen years, Autonomous Rog was an important alternative hub in the city of Ljubljana, an urban experiment with a wealth of grassroots activity ranging from activism to artistic expression, to music and parties, as well as athletic events. Throughout its existence, debates regarding the value and significance of Autonomous Rog for the city of Ljubljana emerged, attracting widespread public and media attention. However, such discussions mostly emphasise what was wrong with Autonomous Rog, or how defective and troublesome its occupation of the former bicycle factory was.Thus, the purpose of this report is to present an objective evaluation and insight of the content, activities, and the communities involved in the occupation of Autonomous Rog from its inception in 2006 until its demise earlier in 2021. The aim of this report is to illustrate that Autonomous Rog produced alternative types of value within the context of the creative city narrative that: 1) were not on offer by either institutional or private actors; 2) contributed to the recognition of the city of Ljubljana as an important creative and cultural hub; and 3) benefited the citizens of Ljubljana and marginalised groups unable to find comparable activities elsewhere. The report focuses on research conducted between 2016 and 2021 and documents the latest stages of Rog’s occupation, the governance and management structures of Autonomous Rog, the internal/ external conflicts and the legal battle of Rog users with the municipality of Ljubljana, and the development of social and spatial value from the communities of Rog within the context of the creative and cultural boom of Ljubljana. Through our analysis, we demonstrate that Autonomous Rog was one of the last providers of accessible space within the centre that was both open and affordable, and supported the cultural and creative revitalisation of Ljubljana. We posit that Autonomous Rog was a pioneer of social, cultural, leisure, and creative activities that did not fit into the entrepreneurial, for-profit narrative that resulted from the gentrification of the city. The failure to recognise the non-monetary and intangible value produced in Autonomous Rog has resulted in the current dismissal of the knowledge and social value produced there by the City of Ljubljana. The report concludes with suggestions for immediate actions regarding the future of Rog and for the continuation of progressive and inclusive programmes with a bottom- up ethos, as well as systemic actions for the preservation of remaining autonomous places in Ljubljana and elsewhere

    Od odziva do pobude: potencial kontributivne participacije

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    Kljub večdesetletnemu raziskovanju participacije v urbanizmu in razvoju metod vključevanja javnosti v urejanje prostora je vrzel med odločevalci in načrtovalci na eni strani in lokalnimi prebivalci na drugi še vedno pogost spremljevalec urejanja prostora. Zaradi tega je raziskovanje participacije javnosti v urejanju prostora postala klasična tema ved, povezanih z urbanizmom. Ob tem pa opažamo, da je večji del pozornosti namenjen primerom participacije v urejanju prostora, ki pomenijo odziv na določen načrt ali poseg, precej manj te pa je namenjene participativnim praksam, ki temeljijo na pobudi in iskanju novih vsebin za premalo izkoriščene oziroma degradirane prostore. Govorimo o pobudah nove rabe določenih prostorov, ki pa po navadi slej ko prej povzročijo tudi posledične fizične spremembe teh prostorov. V članku opredelimo različne vrste lokalnih pobud ter se osredotočimo na razliko med reakcijskimi in kontributivnimi lokalnimi pobudami ter to povežemo s konceptom skupnosti. Članek temelji na študiji primerov participacije v urejanju prostora. Na koncu pojasnimo specifične razlike med izbranimi primeri, iz tega pa izpeljemo sklepe, ki poudarjajo pomen in priložnost sistemskega spodbujanja kontributivne participacije. Iz članka izhaja priporočilo, da je treba na sistemski ravni olajšati možnosti participacije v iskanju novih vsebin za premalo izkoriščene prostore, saj je v recesiji teh prostorov več, zapleten in nepredvidljiv sistem pa odvrne mnoge ustvarjalne pobude