14 research outputs found

    The influence of climatic conditions changes on grain yield in Winter Triticale (X Triticosecale Wittm.)

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    The aim of this paper is making out the influence of climatic changes on grain yield of winter triticale in relation with applied fertilizer. The influence of environmental conditions on growing and development of triticale plants depends of grow stages and their duration. During five experimental years (2010-2015) the climatic conditions were different year to year, with an accentuated heating trend, influencing plant phenology, accelerating or slowing down some important processes disturbing grain yield formation. The influence of drought is more accentuated by heating stress and prolonging of these conditions during the main phenological processes have a negative influence on plant growth or development with effect on the grain yield formation process


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    The current paper presents an artificial intelligence based technique applied in the investigation of electromagnetic interference problems between high voltage power lines (HVPL) and nearby underground metallic pipelines (MP). An artificial neural network (NN) solution has been implemented by the authors to evaluate the inductive coupling between HVPL and MP for different constructive geometries of an electromagnetic interference problem considering a multi-layer soil structure. Obtained results are compared to solutions provided by a finite element method (FEM) based analysis and considered as reference. The advantage of the proposed method yields in a simplified computation model compared to FEM, and implicitly a lower computational time

    Germplasm collection – valuable resources of variability for plant and ear traits in maize breeding

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    Maize is one of the most important crops, both worldwide and in Romania, and preserving the diversity of the biological material used in the breeding of this plant is of particular importance. The Agricultural Research and Development Station (ARDS) Turda, Romania, inbred lines collection includes both its own genotypes and some obtained as a result of germplasm exchanges with other institutions in the country or abroad. In the present study, 575 lines created at Turda were analysed regarding some traits of the plant (plant height, ear height, total number of leaves, number of tassel branches) and the ear (ear length and weight, number of kernel rows and number of kernels/row). The biological material used in this study shows a great diversity: a medium or high variability coefficient was identified for several of the traits analysed (number of tassel branches, ear height, ear height). Frequency histograms were made for the studied lines, for plant and ear traits. A great variability also was observed in the colours of the anther and silk, but also for kernel type and colour and cob colour


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    This work is part of the DR BOB Project. The DR-BOB Collaborative Project (Grant Agreement No. 696114) is co-funded by the European Commission, Information Society and Media Directorate-General, under the Horizon 2020 Programme (H2020)


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    This deliverable report will present the strategies developed for monitoring the case study demonstrations to be undertaken as part of WP4. The strategies presented will include both methods for quantitative validation, including data capture and relevant KPIs, and those catering for more qualitative evaluation using aspects such as contextual interviews, self-observations, and/or questionnaires.This work is part of the DR BOB Project. The DR-BOB Collaborative Project (Grant Agreement No. 696114) is co-funded by the European Commission, Information Society and Media Directorate-General, under the Horizon 2020 Programme (H2020)

    Lightning return stroke current reconstruction or vertical and variable channel shape

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    First a new mathematical approach is presented to evaluate the electric and magnetic field of the lightning, via engineering model with variable shape return stroke channel; next, an inverse procedure is exposed for the reconstruction of both spatial and temporal waveforms of the lightning return stroke current, throughout a numerical field synthesis procedure, based on regularization of ill-posed problems. The approach uses as input data the acquisition of time domain recordings of electric and/or magnetic field generated by the lightning current, at various locations on the ground and transforms these signals into harmonics, by Fourier decomposition. This combination, between the proposed solving procedures and harmonic filtering, yields numerical results that are in good agreement with the testing functions

    Assessment of the Degree of Relatedness of Some Inbred Lines Created at ARDS Turda

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    Knowledge of relatedness among maize elite breeding genotypes is useful in planning crosses for hybrid and inbred line improvement and assigning them into heterotic groups. This study investigated phenotypic and genetic similarities or diversities between 7 flint inbred lines (of common origin) adapted to the early maize growing regions created at ARDS Turda-Romania. They were studied for per se traits and in two crossing systems: a diallel crossing system, resulting in 21 hybrids and a cyclic system using four testers, thus resulting in 28 maize hybrids. Both parental inbred lines and hybrids were evaluated for several traits over three years. The level of relatedness/diversity was determined by various methods, grouped into: phenotypic methods and genetic methods. Similarities were identified between certain lines and a degree of differentiation between others. The analysis of the hybrid combinations from the diallel crossings between the seven sister lines highlighted the TD236 inbred line as the only one that differs genetically from the other. Following the analysis of the data obtained in the cyclic system, some inbred lines can be sources of favorable traits: TD236 and TD233 for yield, ear weight, grain/ear weight; TD233 and TD234 for the number of kernels/row, TD237 for plant breaking resistance

    Assessment of Limestone Waste Addition for Fired Clay Bricks

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    Our aim was to investigate the feasibility of using limestone waste resulting from stone processing for the manufacturing of fired clay bricks. Waste materials were considered as a partial replacement for clays to reduce the exploitation of natural resources and as a response to the climate neutrality commitments. The samples were prepared to have a waste content of up to 15% and were fired at a temperature of 900 °C. The chemical and mineralogical composition and the physical analysis of raw materials were investigated by using SEM–EDS and XRD diffraction. The result showed an increase in CaO in the clay mixture due to the presence of limestone, which reduced the shrinkage of the products’ compressive strength, up to 55% for samples with a higher content of limestone (15 wt.%), and influenced the samples’ color by making them lighter than the reference sample