4 research outputs found
Mean decomposability (k) and standard error for fine roots in each study site, land use type and soil depth (shallow, deep)
Soil and root trait data of roaside successional gradient in Montpellier, France
Data were collected in the field on roadsides near Montpellier, South of France. Abbreviated headlines are as follows: "Roadside" = Roadside; "Plot" = Plant communities on the roadsides; "GPS_coordinates" = GPS coordinate from the selected roadsides; "Age" = Age of the roadside in years; "Mowing" = Mowing regime (M=Mown, U=Unmown); "Road_Type" = Type of roadside (E=Embankment, C=Cutting); "Clay" = Clay content in soil in %; "Silt" = Silt content in soil in %; "Sand" = Sand content in soil in %; "SOC" = Soil organic content in g.kg-1; "SoilN" = Soil total nitrogen content in g.kg-1; "CEC" = Cationic exchange capacity in meq.kg-1; "Soil_pH" = Soil pH in water; "SoilP" = Soil available phosphorus in g.kg-1; "SRL" = Specific root length in m.g-1; "shannon" = Shannon index; "simpson" = Simpson index; "RNC" = Root nitrogen content in mg.g-1; "RCC" = Root carbon content in mg.g-1; "RDMC" = Root dry matter content in mg.g-1; "Dm" = Mean root diameter in mm; "RMD" = Root mass density in kg.m-3 of soil; "graminoid" = ground cover of graminoid species in %; "herbaceous" = ground cover of herbaceous species in %; "shrub" = ground cover of shrub species in %; "tree" = ground cover of tree species in
Prieto_etal_2014_Data_mean and SE
Mean values and standard error for the functional parameters analysed in this study. For trait abbreviations please refer to the original publication. Details on climate, site and land use type descriptions are given in the publication and in the supplementary material; n=3 for Dm, RDMC and SRL; n=4 for RNC, RCC, Soluble, Cellulose and Ligni
Appendix A. A list of species accounting for 80% of the maximum standing biomass of the different fields.
A list of species accounting for 80% of the maximum standing biomass of the different fields