166 research outputs found

    Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Preserving Cultural Heritage: Analysis of Geometric Anomalies for Ancient Structures

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    Identifying the overhang, progressive changes of inclination, differential movements of the structure and detailing the study of structural elements are just some examples of the many fundamental information for structural engineers. Those data are required to study and analyze the behavior of a structure with the purpose to assess the stability . Laser scanning appears to be the best technology to provide an effective solution to those requirements. Surveying by means of a terrestrial laser scanner (TLS), allows to detect a huge number of information with relatively short time and high accuracy. Those data, then, do not necessarily need to be used to reconstruct the three dimensional surface model. Just analyzing the point clouds, interesting information along with useful products can be obtained in order to draw some considerations about the investigated structure. This research aims to suggest a new philosophy for using TLS in a diagnostic perspective in order to study structures along with their actual dimensions, their stability and so on. This new approach, characterized by a well- advanced vision, is really different from the traditional one because of the engineering point of view with respect to the usual application of TLS. Traditionally, indeed, laser scanning is chosen for artistic and architectural studies and the resulting three-dimensional model represents what often is of concern.The research focuses on the Cathedral of Modena, one of the most important pieces of Romanesque culture in Europe (UNESCO World Heritage List since 1997). The overall motivation of this research is to preserve the cultural heritage we are responsible for, as long as spectators. Thus, the final purpose is to illustrate the methodology to compute anomalies in structural geometry by means of TLS in order to provide an accurate description of the structure that is particularly useful for structural engineers, architects and art historians. Both outdoor as well as indoor TLS surveys were performed. The geometry of the structure was properly described by analyzing point clouds; specific measurements were focused on constituent elements with the aim of detecting anomalies of the geometric configuration. Geometric anomalies might be read as the result of deformations occurred in the past or as future deformations due to an abnormal geometric configuration. Investigations about the identified anomalies will be presented together with differential movements obtained by high precision leveling focused on a network of benchmarks that were installed along the outside perimeter. The integration of independent techniques allows to check for consistency of results

    Terrestrial Laser Scanner for Surveying and Monitoring Middle Age Towers

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    We had the opportunity to make surveying of some middle age towers located in Emilia Romagna region (Italy): Ghirlandina tower (Modena), \u201cDella Sagra\u201d tower (Carpi, Modena) , Asinelli tower (Bologna). Those towers are very interesting by architectural and artistic point of view; Ghirlandina and Asinelli are Cultural Heritage site of UNESCO.Terrestrial laser scanner (TLS) instrument has been used with an accuracy at 1 cm level in order to obtain good restitution in absolute coordinates, even with a precise topographic determination of GCP (Ground Control Points). Tridimensional restitution of the towers is here presented; we would like to point out the attention on the way that we use the TLS for enhancing the geometrical characteristics, particularly the height of the towers and the axis development that were determined through the trajectory of barycenter of transversal sections.The determination of actual geometry is essential for the study of the buildings and it is a first fundamental step for monitoring the towers

    Recent approaches in geodesy and geomatics for structures monitoring

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    Monitoring the time history of structures and infrastructures has always been an important area of application of geodetic and geomatic methods. Here we shall concentrate on the item of monitoring ancient buildings because, beyond its intrinsic interest, it provides a good illustration of some of the most recent monitoring techniques. Identifying the overhang, progressive changes of inclination, differential movements of the structure and detailing the study of structural elements are just some examples of the many fundamental and necessary information for structural engineers. Those data are required to study and analyze the behavior of a structure with the purpose to assess the stability . Looking at the several methods offered by Geomatics, laser scanning appears to be the best technology to provide an effective 3D solution to those requirements. Surveying by means of a terrestrial laser scanner, allows to detect a huge number of 3D information with high accuracy in a relatively short time and high accuracy. Just analyzing the point clouds, interesting information along with useful products can be obtained in order to draw some considerations about the investigated structure. This research aims at suggesting a new philosophy for using 3D models in a diagnostic perspective in order to study structures along with their actual dimensions, their stability and so on. Traditionally, indeed, laser scanning is chosen for artistic and architectural studies and the resulting three-dimensional model represents what often is of concern. Furthermore, the use of more classic techniques, such as total station and digital leveling, and LST is fundamental as an integrated approach for the monitoring of ancient buildings. The integration of different techniques allow a redundancy of observation and the possibility to verify the results obtained form independent techniques as is shown throughout some experimental applications

    Diagnosis and Treatment of Foetal Anasarca in Two English bulldog Puppies

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    This case report provides the first description of foetal anasarca, from prenatal diagnosis to neonatal treatment, in two English Bulldog puppies. Anasarca affected 2 out of 3 puppies of the same litter. The dam was a 3 year-old primipara and was ultrasonographically monitored during pregnancy. The diagnosis of foetal anasarca was performed on d53. The most severely affected puppy was a female, which showed subcutaneous oedema and fluid in the thoracic and abdominal cavities. The other affected puppy was a male, which showed subcutaneous oedema but no fluid in thoracic and abdominal cavities. At birth, the female puppy did not respond to resuscitation, whereas the male puppy was successfully treated with furosemide after resuscitation and completely recovered within 36 hours. The third puppy was a healthy female. Two weeks after birth, the male puppy was healthy, although it was lighter compared to its sister puppy. In conclusion, ultrasound examination during routine pregnancy monitoring permits an early diagnosis of foetal anasarca, at least in the most severe cases. Prenatal diagnosis can be useful for the planned c-section, in order to apply an adequate treatment as soon as possible at delivery

    Validation tests of open-source procedures for digital camera calibration and 3D image-based modelling

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    Among the many open-source software solutions recently developed for the extraction of point clouds from a set of un-oriented images, the photogrammetric tools Apero and MicMac (IGN, Institut G\ue9ographique National) aim to distinguish themselves by focusing on the accuracy and the metric content of the final result. This paper firstly aims at assessing the accuracy of the simplified and automated calibration procedure offered by the IGN tools. Results obtained with this procedure were compared with those achieved with a test-range calibration approach using a pre-surveyed laboratory test-field. Both direct and a-posteriori validation tests turned out successfully showing the stability and the metric accuracy of the process, even when low textured or reflective surfaces are present in the 3D scene. Afterwards, the possibility of achieving accurate 3D models from the subsequently extracted dense point clouds is also evaluated. Three different types of sculptural elements were chosen as test-objects and "ground-truth" data were acquired with triangulation laser scanners. 3D models derived from point clouds oriented with a simplified relative procedure show a suitable metric accuracy: all comparisons delivered a standard deviation of millimeter-level. The use of Ground Control Points in the orientation phase did not improve significantly the accuracy of the final 3D model, when a small figure-like corbel was used as test-object

    Critical issues and key points from the survey to the creation of the historical building information model: The case of Santo Stefano Basilica

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    The new era of designing in architecture and civil engineering applications lies in the Building Information Modeling (BIM) approach, based on a 3D geometric model including a 3D database. This is easier for new constructions whereas, when dealing with existing buildings, the creation of the BIM is based on the accurate knowledge of the as-built construction. Such a condition is allowed by a 3D survey, often carried out with laser scanning technology or modern photogrammetry, which are able to guarantee an adequate points cloud in terms of resolution and completeness by balancing both time consuming and costs with respect to the request of final accuracy. The BIM approach for existing buildings and even more for historical buildings is not yet a well known and deeply discussed process. There are still several choices to be addressed in the process from the survey to the model and critical issues to be discussed in the modeling step, particularly when dealing with unconventional elements such as deformed geometries or historical elements. The paper describes a comprehensive workflow that goes through the survey and the modeling, allowing to focus on critical issues and key points to obtain a reliable BIM of an existing monument. The case study employed to illustrate the workflow is the Basilica of St. Stefano in Bologna (Italy), a large monumental complex with great religious, historical and architectural assets

    Integrated Surveying System for Landslide Monitoring, Valoria Landslide (Appennines of Modena, Italy)

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    The research object is the study and prevention of landslide risk through the utilization of integrated surveying systems like GPS and Automatic Total Station (Robotic station).The measurements have been applied to Boschi di Valoria landslide, located on Appennines of Modena in the Northern Italy, which relatively large size, about 1.6 square km, required the use of both techniques. The system is made by Automatic Total Station, looking at 45 reflectors and a GPS master station, reference for three rovers on the landslide. In order to monitor "local" disturbing effects, a bi-dimensional clinometer has been applied on the pilaster where the total station is located. In a first periodically measurements were collected, while the system is now performing continuously. The system permitted to evaluate movements from few millimeter till some meters per day in most dangerous areas; the entity of the movements obliged to plan an alert system that was activated after a first phase of phenomenon study. Topographic measurements have been integrated with geotechnical sensors (inclinometers and piezometers) in a GIS for landslide risk management

    An Integrated Procedure to Assess the Stability of Coastal Rocky Cliffs: From UAV Close-Range Photogrammetry to Geomechanical Finite Element Modeling

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    The present paper explores the combination of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) photogrammetry and three-dimensional geomechanical modeling in the investigation of instability processes of long sectors of coastal rocky cliffs. The need of a reliable and detailed reconstruction of the geometry of the cliff surfaces, beside the geomechanical characterization of the rock materials, could represent a very challenging requirement for sub-vertical coastal cliffs overlooking the sea. Very often, no information could be acquired by alternative surveying methodologies, due to the absence of vantage points, and the fieldwork could pose a risk for personnel. The case study is represented by a 600 m long sea cliff located at Sant\u2019Andrea (Melendugno, Apulia, Italy). The cliff is characterized by a very complex geometrical setting, with a suggestive alternation of 10 to 20 m high vertical walls, with frequent caves, arches and rock-stacks. Initially, the rocky cliff surface was reconstructed at very fine spatial resolution from the combination of nadir and oblique images acquired by unmanned aerial vehicles. Successively, a limited area has been selected for further investigation. In particular, data refinement/decimation procedure has been assessed to find a convenient three-dimensional model to be used in the finite element geomechanical modeling without loss of information on the surface complexity. Finally, to test integrated procedure, the potential modes of failure of such sector of the investigated cliff were achieved. Results indicate that the most likely failure mechanism along the sea cliff examined is represented by the possible propagation of shear fractures or tensile failures along concave cliff portions or over-hanging due to previous collapses or erosion of the underlying rock volumes. The proposed approach to the investigation of coastal cliff stability has proven to be a possible and flexible tool in the rapid and highly-automated investigation of hazards to slope failure in coastal areas

    Retroperitoneal and laparoscopic heminephrectomy in duplex kidney in infants and children

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    Abstract BACKGROUND: Two main techniques are adopted to perform partial nephrectomy in children: laparoscopy and retroperitoneoscopy. The aim of this paper is to review the larger multicentric experience recently published by our group to review indications, techniques and results of both approaches. METHODS: Data of 102 patients underwent partial nephrectomy in a 5-year period using minimally invasive surgery (MIS) procedures were analyzed. Fifty-two children underwent laparoscopic partial nephrectomy (LPN), and 50 children underwent retroperitoneoscopic partial nephrectomy (RPN). Median age at surgery was 4.2 years. Statistical analysis was performed using χ2 test and Student's t-test. RESULTS: The overall complications rate was significantly higher after RPN (15/50, 30%) than after LPN (10/52, 19%) (χ2 =0.05). In LPN group, complications [4 urinomas, 2 symptomatic refluxing distal ureteral stump (RDUS) and 4 urinary leakages] were conservatively managed. In RPN group, complications (6 urinomas, 8 RDUS, 1 opening of remaining calyxes) required a re-operation in 2 patients. In both groups no conversion to open surgery was reported. Operative time (LPN: 166.2 min vs. RPN: 255 min; P<0.001) and hospitalization (LPN: 3.5 days vs. RPN: 4.1 days; P<0.001) were significantly shorter in LPN group. No postoperative loss of renal function was reported in both groups. CONCLUSIONS: MIS now represents the gold standard technique to perform partial nephrectomy in children with duplex kidney. Our results demonstrate that RPN remains a technically demanding procedure with a significantly higher complications and re-operation rate compared to LPN. In addition, length of surgery and hospitalization were significantly shorter after LPN compared to RPN. LPN seems to be a faster, safer and technically easier procedure to perform in children compared to RPN due to a larger operative space and the possibility to perform a complete ureterectomy in refluxing systems
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