9,938 research outputs found

    Magnetic cloaking by a paramagnet/superconductor cylindrical tube in the critical state

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    Cloaking of static magnetic fields by a finite thickness type-II superconductor tube being in the full critical state and surrounded by a coaxial paramagnet shell is studied. On the basis of exact solutions to the Maxwell equations, it is shown that, additionally to previous studies assuming the Meissner state of the superconductor constituent, perfect cloaking is still realizable at fields higher than the field of full flux penetration into the superconductor and for arbitrary geometrical parameters of both constituents. It is also proven that simultaneously the structure is fully undetectable under the cloaking conditions. Differently from the case of the Meissner state the cloaking properties in the application relevant critical state are realized, however, only at a certain field magnitude.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures; to be published in Applied Physics Letters. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1401.356

    Direct observation of the proliferation of ferroelectric loop domains and vortex-antivortex pairs

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    We discovered "stripe" patterns of trimerization-ferroelectric domains in hexagonal REMnO3 (RE=Ho, ---, Lu) crystals (grown below ferroelectric transition temperatures (Tc), reaching up to 1435 oC), in contrast with the vortex patterns in YMnO3. These stripe patterns roughen with the appearance of numerous loop domains through thermal annealing just below Tc, but the stripe domain patterns turn to vortex-antivortex domain patterns through a freezing process when crystals cross Tc even though the phase transition appears not to be Kosterlitz-Thouless-type. The experimental systematics are compared with the results of our six-state clock model simulation and also the Kibble-Zurek Mechanism for trapped topological defects

    Stability criterion for self-similar solutions with a scalar field and those with a stiff fluid in general relativity

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    A stability criterion is derived in general relativity for self-similar solutions with a scalar field and those with a stiff fluid, which is a perfect fluid with the equation of state P=ρP=\rho. A wide class of self-similar solutions turn out to be unstable against kink mode perturbation. According to the criterion, the Evans-Coleman stiff-fluid solution is unstable and cannot be a critical solution for the spherical collapse of a stiff fluid if we allow sufficiently small discontinuity in the density gradient field in the initial data sets. The self-similar scalar-field solution, which was recently found numerically by Brady {\it et al.} (2002 {\it Class. Quantum. Grav.} {\bf 19} 6359), is also unstable. Both the flat Friedmann universe with a scalar field and that with a stiff fluid suffer from kink instability at the particle horizon scale.Comment: 15 pages, accepted for publication in Classical and Quantum Gravity, typos correcte

    Exact Dynamics of Multicomponent Bose-Einstein Condensates in Optical Lattices in One, Two and Three Dimensions

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    Numerous exact solutions to the nonlinear mean-field equations of motion are constructed for multicomponent Bose-Einstein condensates on one, two, and three dimensional optical lattices. We find both stationary and nonstationary solutions, which are given in closed form. Among these solutions are a vortex-anti-vortex array on the square optical lattice and modes in which two or more components slosh back and forth between neighboring potential wells. We obtain a variety of solutions for multicomponent condensates on the simple cubic lattice, including a solution in which one condensate is at rest and the other flows in a complex three-dimensional array of intersecting vortex lines. A number of physically important solutions are stable for a range of parameter values, as we show by direct numerical integration of the equations of motion.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figure

    Signatures of superconducting gap inhomogeneities in optical properties

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    Scanning tunneling spectroscopy applied to the high-TcT_{c} cuprates has revealed significant spatial inhomogeneity on the nanoscale. Regions on the order of a coherence length in size show variations of the magnitude of the superconducting gap of order ±20\pm20% or more. An important unresolved question is whether or not these variations are also present in the bulk, and how they influence superconducting properties. As many theories and data analyses for high-TcT_{c} superconductivity assume spatial homogeneity of the gap magnitude, this is a pressing question. We consider the far-infrared optical conductivity and evaluate, within an effective medium approximation, what signatures of spatial variations in gap magnitude are present in various optical quantities. In addition to the case of d-wave superconductivity, relevant to the high-TcT_c cuprates, we have also considered s-wave gap symmetry in order to provide expected signatures of inhomogeneities for superconductors in general. While signatures of gap inhomogeneities can be strongly manifested in s-wave superconductors, we find that the far-infrared optical conductivity in d-wave is robust against such inhomogeneity.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    New constraints on primordial black holes abundance from femtolensing of gamma-ray bursts

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    The abundance of primordial black holes is currently significantly constrained in a wide range of masses. The weakest limits are established for the small mass objects, where the small intensity of the associated physical phenomenon provides a challenge for current experiments. We used gamma- ray bursts with known redshifts detected by the Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM) to search for the femtolensing effects caused by compact objects. The lack of femtolensing detection in the GBM data provides new evidence that primordial black holes in the mass range 5 \times 10^{17} - 10^{20} g do not constitute a major fraction of dark matter.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Tunable tunneling: An application of stationary states of Bose-Einstein condensates in traps of finite depth

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    The fundamental question of how Bose-Einstein condensates tunnel into a barrier is addressed. The cubic nonlinear Schrodinger equation with a finite square well potential, which models a Bose-Einstein condensate in a quasi-one-dimensional trap of finite depth, is solved for the complete set of localized and partially localized stationary states, which the former evolve into when the nonlinearity is increased. An immediate application of these different solution types is tunable tunneling. Magnetically tunable Feshbach resonances can change the scattering length of certain Bose-condensed atoms, such as 85^{85}Rb, by several orders of magnitude, including the sign, and thereby also change the mean field nonlinearity term of the equation and the tunneling of the wavefunction. We find both linear-type localized solutions and uniquely nonlinear partially localized solutions where the tails of the wavefunction become nonzero at infinity when the nonlinearity increases. The tunneling of the wavefunction into the non-classical regime and thus its localization therefore becomes an external experimentally controllable parameter.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Relativistic linear stability equations for the nonlinear Dirac equation in Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We present relativistic linear stability equations (RLSE) for quasi-relativistic cold atoms in a honeycomb optical lattice. These equations are derived from first principles and provide a method for computing stabilities of arbitrary localized solutions of the nonlinear Dirac equation (NLDE), a relativistic generalization of the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation. We present a variety of such localized solutions: skyrmions, solitons, vortices, and half-quantum vortices, and study their stabilities via the RLSE. When applied to a uniform background, our calculations reveal an experimentally observable effect in the form of Cherenkov radiation. Remarkably, the Berry phase from the bipartite structure of the honeycomb lattice induces a boson-fermion transmutation in the quasi-particle operator statistics.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Stable one-dimensional periodic waves in Kerr-type saturable and quadratic nonlinear media

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    We review the latest progress and properties of the families of bright and dark one-dimensional periodic waves propagating in saturable Kerr-type and quadratic nonlinear media. We show how saturation of the nonlinear response results in appearance of stability (instability) bands in focusing (defocusing) medium, which is in sharp contrast with the properties of periodic waves in Kerr media. One of the key results discovered is the stabilization of multicolor periodic waves in quadratic media. In particular, dark-type waves are shown to be metastable, while bright-type waves are completely stable in a broad range of energy flows and material parameters. This yields the first known example of completely stable periodic wave patterns propagating in conservative uniform media supporting bright solitons. Such results open the way to the experimental observation of the corresponding self-sustained periodic wave patterns.Comment: 29 pages, 10 figure