1,173 research outputs found

    Dynamics of earthquake nucleation process represented by the Burridge-Knopoff model

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    Dynamics of earthquake nucleation process is studied on the basis of the one-dimensional Burridge-Knopoff (BK) model obeying the rate- and state-dependent friction (RSF) law. We investigate the properties of the model at each stage of the nucleation process, including the quasi-static initial phase, the unstable acceleration phase and the high-speed rupture phase or a mainshock. Two kinds of nucleation lengths L_sc and L_c are identified and investigated. The nucleation length L_sc and the initial phase exist only for a weak frictional instability regime, while the nucleation length L_c and the acceleration phase exist for both weak and strong instability regimes. Both L_sc and L_c are found to be determined by the model parameters, the frictional weakening parameter and the elastic stiffness parameter, hardly dependent on the size of an ensuing mainshock. The sliding velocity is extremely slow in the initial phase up to L_sc, of order the pulling speed of the plate, while it reaches a detectable level at a certain stage of the acceleration phase. The continuum limits of the results are discussed. The continuum limit of the BK model lies in the weak frictional instability regime so that a mature homogeneous fault under the RSF law always accompanies the quasi-static nucleation process. Duration times of each stage of the nucleation process are examined. The relation to the elastic continuum model and implications to real seismicity are discussed.Comment: Title changed. Changes mainly in abstract and in section 1. To appear in European Physical Journal

    Roughness of Sandpile Surfaces

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    We study the surface roughness of prototype models displaying self-organized criticality (SOC) and their noncritical variants in one dimension. For SOC systems, we find that two seemingly equivalent definitions of surface roughness yields different asymptotic scaling exponents. Using approximate analytical arguments and extensive numerical studies we conclude that this ambiguity is due to the special scaling properties of the nonlinear steady state surface. We also find that there is no such ambiguity for non-SOC models, although there may be intermediate crossovers to different roughness values. Such crossovers need to be distinguished from the true asymptotic behaviour, as in the case of a noncritical disordered sandpile model studied in [10].Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Simulation study of the inhomogeneous Olami-Feder-Christensen model of earthquakes

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    Statistical properties of the inhomogeneous version of the Olami-Feder-Christensen (OFC) model of earthquakes is investigated by numerical simulations. The spatial inhomogeneity is assumed to be dynamical. Critical features found in the original homogeneous OFC model, e.g., the Gutenberg-Richter law and the Omori law are often weakened or suppressed in the presence of inhomogeneity, whereas the characteristic features found in the original homogeneous OFC model, e.g., the near-periodic recurrence of large events and the asperity-like phenomena persist.Comment: Shortened from the first version. To appear in European Physical Journal

    Walking the Walk or Just Talk?: A Global Examination of Men’s Intentions to Take Violence Preventative Action

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    Given the increasing prominence of both bystander-based approaches to gender-based violence (GBV) prevention and of proactively engaging men and boys to join efforts to end GBV, understanding the factors that support men’s antiviolence bystander behavior is important. This study examined correlates of willingness to engage in violence preventative bystander behavior in a global sample of 299 adult men engaged in GBV prevention events or work. Participants came from over 50 countries and provided data via an online, anonymous survey available in English, Spanish, and French. Path analysis was used to model participants’ willingness to engage in a variety of violence-preventative behaviors in the future, with variable selection guided by the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and by research implicating gender-related attitudes in bystander willingness and behavior. Findings suggest that bystander willingness was supported by past bystander behavior, self-efficacy to engage in bystander behavior, positive beliefs about the contributions of antiviolence involvement, and by an awareness of male privilege. Social network support for GBV prevention work, and support for gender equity were not significant correlates of bystander willingness in the full path model. These findings held across participants from the Global North and Global South, suggesting that self-efficacy, an awareness of male privilege, and positive attitudes toward antiviolence work are factors which may support men’s violence preventative actions across broad regional contexts. © 2018 Taylor & Franci

    A Novel UV Photon Detector with Resistive Electrodes

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    In this study we present first results from a new detector of UV photons: a thick gaseous electron multiplier (GEM) with resistive electrodes, combined with CsI or CsTe/CsI photocathodes. The hole type structure considerably suppresses the photon and ion feedback, whereas the resistive electrodes protect the detector and the readout electronics from damage by any eventual discharges. This device reaches higher gains than a previously developed photosensitive RPC and could be used not only for the imaging of UV sources, flames or Cherenkov light, for example, but also for the detection of X-rays and charged particles.Comment: Presented at the International Workshop on Resistive Plate Chambers, Korea, October 200

    Low-lying spectrum of the Y-string three-quark potential using hyper-spherical coordinates

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    We calculate the energies of three-quark states with definite permutation symmetry (i.e. of SU(6) multiplets) in the N=0,1,2 shells, confined by the Y-string three-quark potential. The exact Y-string potential consists of one, so-called three-string term, and three angle-dependent two-string terms. Due to this technical complication we treat the problem at three increasingly accurate levels of approximation: 1) the (approximate) three-string potential expanded to first order in trigonometric functions of hyper-spherical angles; 2) the (approximate) three-string potential to all orders in the power expansion in hyper-spherical harmonics, but without taking into account the transition(s) to two-string potentials; 3) the exact minimal-length string potential to all orders in power expansion in hyper-spherical harmonics, and taking into account the transition(s) to two-string potentials. We show the general trend of improvement %convergence of these approximations: The exact non-perturbative corrections to the total energy are of the order of one per cent, as compared with approximation 2), yet the exact energy differences between the [20,1+],[70,2+],[56,2+],[70,0+][20,1^{+}], [70,2^{+}], [56,2^{+}], [70,0^{+}]-plets are shifted to 2:2:0.9, from the Bowler and Tynemouth separation rule 2:2:1, which is obeyed by approximation 2) at the one per cent level. The precise value of the energy separation of the first radial excitation ("Roper") [56,0+][56^{\prime},0^{+}]-plet from the [70,1][70,1^{-}]-plet depends on the approximation, but does not become negative, i.e. the "Roper" remains heavier than the odd-parity [70,1][70,1^{-}]-plet in all of our approximations.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figure

    3D techniques and fossil identification: An elephant shrew hemi-mandible from the Malapa site.

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    Conventional methods for extracting fossilised bones from calcified clastic sediments, using air drills or chemical preparations, can damage specimens to the point of rendering them unidentifiable. As an alternative, we tested an in silico approach that extended preparation and identification possibilities beyond those realisable using physical methods, ultimately proving to be crucial in identifying a fragile fossil. Image data from a matrix-encased hemi-mandible of a micromammal that was collected from the Plio-Pleistocene site of Malapa, Cradle of Humankind, South Africa, were acquired using microtomography. From the resultant images, a 3D rendering of the fossil was digitally segmented. Diagnostic morphologies were evaluated on the rendering for comparison with extant comparative specimens, positively identifying the specimen as an elephant shrew (Elephantulus sp.). This specimen is the first positively identified micromammal in the Malapa faunal assemblage. Cutting-edge in silico preparation technology provides a novel tool for identifying fossils without endangering bone integrity, as is commonly risked with physical preparation.NCS2016

    Metallic charge stripes in cuprates

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    Some recent evidence for the existence of dynamic, metallic stripes in the 214-family of cuprates is reviewed. The mechanism of stripe pinning is considered, and changes in the charge density within stripes between the pinned and dynamic phases is discussed. From a purely experimental perspective, dynamic charge stripes are fully compatible with nodal ``quasiparticles'' and other electronic properties common to all superconducting cuprates.Comment: 4 pp., for proceedings of M2S-Ri

    Word Processors with Line-Wrap: Cascading, Self-Organized Criticality, Random Walks, Diffusion, Predictability

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    We examine the line-wrap feature of text processors and show that adding characters to previously formatted lines leads to the cascading of words to subsequent lines and forms a state of self-organized criticality. We show the connection to one-dimensional random walks and diffusion problems, and we examine the predictability of catastrophic cascades.Comment: 6 pages, LaTeX with RevTeX package, 4 postscript figures appende

    Mixing time of critical Ising model on trees is polynomial in the height

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    In the heat-bath Glauber dynamics for the Ising model on the lattice, physicists believe that the spectral gap of the continuous-time chain exhibits the following behavior. For some critical inverse-temperature βc\beta_c, the inverse-gap is bounded for β<βc\beta < \beta_c, polynomial in the surface area for β=βc\beta = \beta_c and exponential in it for β>βc\beta > \beta_c. This has been proved for Z2\Z^2 except at criticality. So far, the only underlying geometry where the critical behavior has been confirmed is the complete graph. Recently, the dynamics for the Ising model on a regular tree, also known as the Bethe lattice, has been intensively studied. The facts that the inverse-gap is bounded for ββc\beta \beta_c were established, where βc\beta_c is the critical spin-glass parameter, and the tree-height hh plays the role of the surface area. In this work, we complete the picture for the inverse-gap of the Ising model on the bb-ary tree, by showing that it is indeed polynomial in hh at criticality. The degree of our polynomial bound does not depend on bb, and furthermore, this result holds under any boundary condition. We also obtain analogous bounds for the mixing-time of the chain. In addition, we study the near critical behavior, and show that for β>βc\beta > \beta_c, the inverse-gap and mixing-time are both exp[Θ((ββc)h)]\exp[\Theta((\beta-\beta_c) h)].Comment: 53 pages; 3 figure