65 research outputs found

    Low frequency radio observations of bi-directional electron beams in the solar corona

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    The radio signature of a shock travelling through the solar corona is known as a type II solar radio burst. In rare cases these bursts can exhibit a fine structure known as `herringbones', which are a direct indicator of particle acceleration occurring at the shock front. However, few studies have been performed on herringbones and the details of the underlying particle acceleration processes are unknown. Here, we use an image processing technique known as the Hough transform to statistically analyse the herringbone fine structure in a radio burst at ∌\sim20-90 MHz observed from the Rosse Solar-Terrestrial Observatory on 2011 September 22. We identify 188 individual bursts which are signatures of bi-directional electron beams continuously accelerated to speeds of 0.16−0.10+0.11c_{-0.10}^{+0.11} c. This occurs at a shock acceleration site initially at a constant altitude of ∌\sim0.6 R⊙_{\odot} in the corona, followed by a shift to ∌\sim0.5 R⊙_{\odot}. The anti-sunward beams travel a distance of 170−97+174_{-97}^{+174} Mm (and possibly further) away from the acceleration site, while those travelling toward the sun come to a stop sooner, reaching a smaller distance of 112−76+84_{-76}^{+84} Mm. We show that the stopping distance for the sunward beams may depend on the total number density and the velocity of the beam. Our study concludes that a detailed statistical analysis of herringbone fine structure can provide information on the physical properties of the corona which lead to these relatively rare radio bursts

    Estimation of a coronal mass ejection magnetic field strength using radio observations of gyrosynchrotron radiation

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    Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are large eruptions of plasma and magnetic field from the low solar corona into interplanetary space. These eruptions are often associated with the acceleration of energetic electrons which produce various sources of high intensity plasma emission. In relatively rare cases, the energetic electrons may also produce gyrosynchrotron emission from within the CME itself, allowing for a diagnostic of the CME magnetic field strength. Such a magnetic field diagnostic is important for evaluating the total magnetic energy content of the CME, which is ultimately what drives the eruption. Here, we report on an unusually large source of gyrosynchrotron radiation in the form of a type IV radio burst associated with a CME occurring on 2014-September-01, observed using instrumentation from the Nançay Radio Astronomy Facility. A combination of spectral flux density measurements from the Nançay instruments and the Radio Solar Telescope Network (RSTN) from 300 MHz to 5 GHz reveals a gyrosynchrotron spectrum with a peak flux density at ∌1 GHz. Using this radio analysis, a model for gyrosynchrotron radiation, a non-thermal electron density diagnostic using the Fermi Gamma Ray Burst Monitor (GBM) and images of the eruption from the GOES Soft X-ray Imager (SXI), we were able to calculate both the magnetic field strength and the properties of the X-ray and radio emitting energetic electrons within the CME. We find the radio emission is produced by non-thermal electrons of energies >1 MeV with a spectral index of ÎŽ ∌ 3 in a CME magnetic field of 4.4 G at a height of 1.3 Rïżœ, while the X-ray emission is produced from a similar distribution of electrons but with much lower energies on the order of 10 keV. We conclude by comparing the electron distribution characteristics derived from both X-ray and radio and show how such an analysis can be used to define the plasma and bulk properties of a CME

    A Statistical Analysis of the Solar Phenomena Associated with Global EUV Waves

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    Solar eruptions are the most spectacular events in our solar system and are associated with many different signatures of energy release including solar flares, coronal mass ejections, global waves, radio emission and accelerated particles. Here, we apply the Coronal Pulse Identification and Tracking Algorithm (CorPITA) to the high cadence synoptic data provided by the Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO) to identify and track global waves observed by SDO. 164 of the 362 solar flare events studied (45%) are found to have associated global waves with no waves found for the remaining 198 (55%). A clear linear relationship was found between the median initial velocity and the acceleration of the waves, with faster waves exhibiting a stronger deceleration (consistent with previous results). No clear relationship was found between global waves and type II radio bursts, electrons or protons detected in-situ near Earth. While no relationship was found between the wave properties and the associated flare size (with waves produced by flares from B to X-class), more than a quarter of the active regions studied were found to produce more than one wave event. These results suggest that the presence of a global wave in a solar eruption is most likely determined by the structure and connectivity of the erupting active region and the surrounding quiet solar corona rather than by the amount of free energy available within the active region.Comment: 33 pages, 6 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in Solar Physic

    Evolution of the Alfvén Mach number associated with a coronal mass ejection shock

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    The Sun regularly produces large-scale eruptive events, such as coronal mass ejections (CMEs) that can drive shock waves through the solar corona. Such shocks can result in electron acceleration and subsequent radio emission in the form of a type II radio burst. However, the early-phase evolution of shock properties and its relationship to type II burst evolution is still subject to investigation. Here we study the evolution of a CME-driven shock by comparing three commonly used methods of calculating the AlfvĂ©n Mach number (MA), namely: shock geometry, a comparison of CME speed to a model of the coronal AlfvĂ©n speed, and the type II bandsplitting method. We applied the three methods to the 2017 September 2 event, focusing on the shock wave observed in extreme ultraviolet by the Solar Ultraviolet Imager on board GOES-16, in white-light by the Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph on board SOHO, and the type II radio burst observed by the Irish Low Frequency Array. We show that the three different methods of estimating shock MA yield consistent results and provide a means of relating shock property evolution to the type II emission duration. The type II radio emission emerged from near the nose of the CME when MA was in the range 1.4–2.4 at a heliocentric distance of ∌1.6 R⊙. The emission ceased when the CME nose reached ∌2.4 R⊙, despite an increasing AlfvĂ©n Mach number (up to 4). We suggest the radio emission cessation is due to the lack of quasi-perpendicular geometry at this altitude, which inhibits efficient electron acceleration and subsequent radio emission

    LOFAR observations of radio burst source sizes and scattering in the solar corona

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    Low frequency radio wave scattering and refraction can have a dramatic effect on the observed size and position of radio sources in the solar corona. The scattering and refraction is thought to be due to fluctuations in electron density caused by turbulence. Hence, determining the true radio source size can provide information on the turbulence in coronal plasma. However, the lack of high spatial resolution radio interferometric observations at low frequencies, such as with the LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR), has made it difficult to determine the true radio source size and level of radio wave scattering. Here we directly fit the visibilities of a LOFAR observation of a Type IIIb radio burst with an elliptical Gaussian to determine its source size and position. This circumvents the need to image the source and then de-convolve LOFAR's point spread function, which can introduce spurious effects to the source size and shape. For a burst at 34.76 MHz, we find full width at half maximum (FWHM) heights along the major and minor axes to be 18.8â€Č18.8^\prime ± 0.1â€Č\pm~0.1^\prime and 10.2â€Č10.2^\prime ± 0.1â€Č\pm~0.1^\prime, respectively, at a plane of sky heliocentric distance of 1.75 R⊙_\odot. Our results suggest that the level of density fluctuations in the solar corona is the main cause of the scattering of radio waves, resulting in large source sizes. However, the magnitude of Δ\varepsilon may be smaller than what has been previously derived in observations of radio wave scattering in tied-array images.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Imaging a large coronal loop using type U solar radio burst interferometry

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    Solar radio U-bursts are generated by electron beams traveling along closed magnetic loops in the solar corona. Low-frequency (<< 100 MHz) U-bursts serve as powerful diagnostic tools for studying large-sized coronal loops that extend into the middle corona. However, the positive frequency drift component (descending leg) of U-bursts has received less attention in previous studies, as the descending radio flux is weak. In this study, we utilized LOFAR interferometric solar imaging data from a U-burst that has a significant descending leg component, observed between 10 to 90 MHz on June 5th, 2020. By analyzing the radio source centroid positions, we determined the beam velocities and physical parameters of a large coronal magnetic loop that reached just about 1.3 R⊙\rm{R_{\odot}} in altitude. At this altitude, we found the plasma temperature to be around 1.1 MK, the plasma pressure around 0.20 mdyn,cm−2\rm{mdyn,cm^{-2}}, and the minimum magnetic field strength around 0.07 G. The similarity in physical properties determined from the image suggests a symmetric loop. The average electron beam velocity on the ascending leg was found to be 0.21 c, while it was 0.14 c on the descending leg. This apparent deceleration is attributed to a decrease in the range of electron energies that resonate with Langmuir waves, likely due to the positive background plasma density gradient along the downward loop leg

    Loss-cone instability modulation due to a magnetohydrodynamic sausage mode oscillation in the solar corona

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    Solar flares often involve the acceleration of particles to relativistic energies and the generation of high-intensity bursts of radio emission. In some cases, the radio bursts can show periodic or quasiperiodic intensity pulsations. However, precisely how these pulsations are generated is still subject to debate. Prominent theories employ mechanisms such as periodic magnetic reconnection, magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) oscillations, or some combination of both. Here we report on high-cadence (0.25 s) radio imaging of a 228 MHz radio source pulsating with a period of 2.3 s during a solar flare on 2014-April-18. The pulsating source is due to an MHD sausage mode oscillation periodically triggering electron acceleration in the corona. The periodic electron acceleration results in the modulation of a loss-cone instability, ultimately resulting in pulsating plasma emission. The results show that a complex combination of MHD oscillations and plasma instability modulation can lead to pulsating radio emission in astrophysical environments.Peer reviewe


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    The Sun is responsible for the eruption of billions of tons of plasma andthe generation of near light-speed particles that propagate throughout the solarsystem and beyond. If directed towards Earth, these events can be damaging toour tecnological infrastructure. Hence there is an effort to understand the causeof the eruptive events and how they propagate from Sun to Earth. However, thephysics governing their propagation is not well understood, so there is a need todevelop a theoretical description of their propagation, known as a PropagationModel, in order to predict when they may impact Earth. It is often difficultto define a single propagation model that correctly describes the physics ofsolar eruptive events, and even more difficult to implement models capable ofcatering for all these complexities and to validate them using real observational data.In this paper, we envisage that workflows offer both a theoretical andpractical framerwork for a novel approach to propagation models. We definea mathematical framework that aims at encompassing the different modalitieswith which workflows can be used, and provide a set of generic building blockswritten in the TAVERNA workflow language that users can use to build theirown propagation models. Finally we test both the theoretical model and thecomposite building blocks of the workflow with a real Science Use Case that wasdiscussed during the 4th CDAW (Coordinated Data Analysis Workshop) eventheld by the HELIO project. We show that generic workflow building blocks canbe used to construct a propagation model that succesfully describes the transitof solar eruptive events toward Earth and predict a correct Earth-impact tim

    Technology Challenges of SURROUND: A Constellation of Small Satellites Around the Sun for Tracking Solar Radio Bursts

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    The SURROUND mission proposes the operational monitoring and forecasting of space weather events using a constellation of five small satellites in orbit around the Sun. This unique mission concept would enable the localisation and tracking of solar events with unprecedented accuracy. The small payload combined with high launch requirements makes this an ideal candidate mission for a distributed constellation of small spacecraft and provides an opportunity for technical development in the areas of deep space communication, propulsion, and survivability. The baseline configuration for SURROUND proposes the deployment of spacecraft to Earth-Sun Lagrange points L1, L4, and L5, and two additional spacecraft in Earth leading (\u3c 1AU) and trailing (\u3e 1AU) orbits. However, the development and realisation of such a constellation in deep space presents a number of challenges, particularly when the use of small spacecraft is considered. This paper presents the conceptual design for the proposed SURROUND constellation, principally focusing on the key technical challenges of deploying the spacecraft into their desired locations around the Sun and subsequently communicating the collected data back to Earth. In addition to the key propulsion system and communications architecture trades, additional technological challenges of the mission are also considered, including attitude control, radiation hardening, and electromagnetic compatibility
