61 research outputs found

    Evaluation Roots: An International Perspective

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    Background: The second edition of Evaluation Roots has expanded to more global coverage, but no chapter emerged on development theory in low and middle income countries (LMICs).   Purpose: The purpose of this article is initiate a conversation on filling this gap.   Setting: Not applicable.   Intervention: Not applicable.   Research Design: Not applicable.   Data Collection and Analysis: Desk review.   Findings: Two important distinctions emerged in evaluation roots in LMICs. The first is that much evaluation fits effectively on the Theory Tree as it is presented, with perhaps some nuance, but we see a collective rather than individual origin of the evaluation theory writings we have uncovered. The second is the nature of the formal evaluation work in LMICs; its practical origins are not yet formalized into full prescriptive theory.  The paper notes the prominence of external actors (such as the donor community) in formalizing evaluation practice, while at the same time observes important threads are developing in different regions of the world.  This paper proposes a way to thinking about evaluation in LMICs that is based on practice. The paper suggests a need for evaluation analysts, especially those in LMICs, to build a more comprehensive knowledge and documentation on development evaluation and, more broadly on building the field of evaluation in LMICs.    Keywords: development evaluation; Evaluation Roots; Evaluation Theory Tree; evaluation field buildin

    Des connaissances aux politiques : tirer le meilleur parti possible de la recherche en développement

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    Publié conjointement avec Les Presses de l'Université LavalTraduit de l'anglais par Marine ArmstrongVersion anglaise disponible dans la Bibliothèque numérique du CRDI : Knowledge to policy : making the most of development researchVersion espagnole disponible dans la Bibliothèque numérique du CRDI : Del conocimiento a la política : máximo aprovechamiento de la investigación para el desarrolloVersion arabe disponible dans la Bibliothèque numérique du CRDIVersion mandarin disponible dans la Bibliothèque numérique du CRDILa recherche exerce-t-elle une influence sur la conception des politiques et la prise de décision de la part de l’administration publique et, si c’est le cas, comment ? Ce livre est le dernier en date à aborder cette question, et ce, en examinant les effets de la recherche effectuée dans le domaine du développement international. Il fournit une explication savante des voies par lesquelles la recherche exerce une telle influence. Il montre que la recherche peut contribuer à une meilleure gouvernance d’au moins trois façons : en encourageant le questionnement et le débat, en procurant aux citoyens les connaissances voulues pour tenir les gouvernements responsables de leurs actes et en élargissant l’ensemble d’options et de solutions parmi lesquelles le processus de conception des politiques peut puiser. Des connaissances aux politiques examine les conséquences de 23 projets de recherche financés par le Centre de recherches pour le développement international, un organisme canadien. Des constatations essentielles et des études de cas sur l’Asie, l’Afrique et l’Amérique latine sont présentées dans un style convivial et journalistique, ce qui permet au lecteur de mieux saisir les approches, les contextes, les liens et les faits. Ce livre sera utile aux universitaires, aux chercheurs et aux étudiants en science politique, administration publique, études du développement et affaires internationales; aux professionnels auprès d’organismes bailleurs de fonds et d’organismes voués au développement dans le monde entier; aux responsables des politiques et aux décideurs oeuvrant au sein de l’administration publique et sur la scène internationale; et aux organismes voués au développement et organismes de la société civile soucieux de ce que les citoyens aient voix au chapitre en ce qui a trait aux processus de conception des politiques et de prise de décision

    Partnered Research Roundtable Report : Ottawa, Canada, 1 June 2017

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    The emergence and growth of partnered research programs reflects a sea change in how research funding agencies support research, who they support as well as what they support (see Table 1 below). Such programs engage a range of partners, shift the focus to societal issues and related to this, are keenly interested in the impacts of research on socio-economic development. In these ways, they differ from academic-led research projects that seek to advance scholarship. Partnered research programs have evolved from a focus on academy-industry partnerships and academy-community partnerships to include partnerships with a broad range of non-academic partners such as civil society organizations and municipalities. These developments call for a shift in thinking about how partnered research programs are managed and how their contributions to socio-economic development are assessed. To learn from emerging experiences, the National Research Foundation of South Africa and the International Development Research Centre (Canada), convened a roundtable with representatives of research councils from 18 countries (see participant list, Annex I). Its purpose was to exchange perspectives on how agencies design, monitor and evaluate partnered research programs that seek to address social, economic and sustainability issues, and to explore areas for future collaboration and learning (see background note, Annex III)

    Local knowledge matters

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    "Available Open Access under CC-BY-NC licence. This book explores the critical role that local knowledge plays in public policy processes as well as its role in the co-production of policy relevant knowledge with the scientific and professional communities. The authors consider the mechanisms used by local organisations and the constraints and opportunities they face, exploring what the knowledge-to-policy process means, who is involved and how different communities can engage in the policy process. Ten diverse case studies are used from around Indonesia, addressing issues such as forest management, water resources, maritime resource management and financial services. By making extensive use of quotes from the field, the book allows the reader to ‘hear’ the perspectives and beliefs of community members around local knowledge and its effects on individual and community life.

    Introdution to evaluation : the role of potential use in developing evaluations; day 1

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    PowerPoint presentationThe presentation provides leading questions towards understanding the role of evaluation in health care and in health policy and how these might apply and have impact on health care in China. Policy resistance is the tendency for interventions to be defeated by the system’s response to the intervention itself. The presentation reminds its audience that interventions are embedded in social systems and shaped by this context. Evaluation can be conceived of as an intervention with short- and long-term goals. One of the intermediate goals is to influence policy. The long-term goal is to improve individual lives

    Introdution to evaluation : the role of potential use in developing evaluations; day 1

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    PowerPoint presentationThe presentation provides leading questions towards understanding the role of evaluation in health care and in health policy and how these might apply and have impact on health care in China. Policy resistance is the tendency for interventions to be defeated by the system’s response to the intervention itself. The presentation reminds its audience that interventions are embedded in social systems and shaped by this context. Evaluation can be conceived of as an intervention with short- and long-term goals. One of the intermediate goals is to influence policy. The long-term goal is to improve individual lives

    Capacités, contextes, conditions : l'influence de la recherche financée par le CRDI sur les décideurs

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    Version anglaise disponible dans la Bibliothèque numérique du CRDI: Capacities, contexts, conditions : the influence of IDRC - supported research on policy processe

    Capacities, contexts, conditions : the influence of IDRC - supported research on policy processes

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    French version available in IDRC Digital Library: Capacités, contextes, conditions : l'influence de la recherche financée par le CRDI sur les décideur

    Orientación para el cambio : uso del Mapeo de Alcances para guiar el cambio institucional en un Banco Regional de Desarrollo

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    Versión en inglés disponible en la Biblioteca Digital del IDRC: Positioning for change : using Outcome Mapping to guide institutional change within a Regional Development BankVersión francés en la biblioteca: Positionnement pour le changement : utilisation de la cartographie des incidences pour orienter le changement institutionnel au sein d’une banque régionale de développemen

    Positioning for change : using Outcome Mapping to guide institutional change within a Regional Development Bank

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    French version available in IDRC Digital Library: Positionnement pour le changement : utilisation de la cartographie des incidences pour orienter le changement institutionnel au sein d’une banque régionale de développementSpanish version available in IDRC Digital Library: Orientación para el cambio : uso del Mapeo de Alcances para guiar el cambio institucional en un Banco Regional de DesarrolloUsing the recommendations drawn from an operations audit and identifying the transition of the organization towards new behaviours necessary for sustaining strategic objectives, Outcome Mapping was able to articulate a human dimension of change. The process of using Outcome Mapping to construct the change management framework (CMF) involved mobilization of planning and assessment teams (Project Steering Committee and Change Management Taskforce). The process was guided and facilitated by an external consultant. The study reports on this process
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