513 research outputs found

    Predictive World Models from Real-World Partial Observations

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    Cognitive scientists believe adaptable intelligent agents like humans perform reasoning through learned causal mental simulations of agents and environments. The problem of learning such simulations is called predictive world modeling. Recently, reinforcement learning (RL) agents leveraging world models have achieved SOTA performance in game environments. However, understanding how to apply the world modeling approach in complex real-world environments relevant to mobile robots remains an open question. In this paper, we present a framework for learning a probabilistic predictive world model for real-world road environments. We implement the model using a hierarchical VAE (HVAE) capable of predicting a diverse set of fully observed plausible worlds from accumulated sensor observations. While prior HVAE methods require complete states as ground truth for learning, we present a novel sequential training method to allow HVAEs to learn to predict complete states from partially observed states only. We experimentally demonstrate accurate spatial structure prediction of deterministic regions achieving 96.21 IoU, and close the gap to perfect prediction by 62% for stochastic regions using the best prediction. By extending HVAEs to cases where complete ground truth states do not exist, we facilitate continual learning of spatial prediction as a step towards realizing explainable and comprehensive predictive world models for real-world mobile robotics applications. Code is available at https://github.com/robin-karlsson0/predictive-world-models.Comment: Accepted for IEEE MOST 202

    ViCE: Visual Concept Embedding Discovery and Superpixelization

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    Recent self-supervised computer vision methods have demonstrated equal or better performance to supervised methods, opening for AI systems to learn visual representations from practically unlimited data. However, these methods are classification-based and thus ineffective for learning dense feature maps required for unsupervised semantic segmentation. This work presents a method to effectively learn dense semantically rich visual concept embeddings applicable to high-resolution images. We introduce superpixelization as a means to decompose images into a small set of visually coherent regions, allowing efficient learning of dense semantics by swapped prediction. The expressiveness of our dense embeddings is demonstrated by significantly improving the SOTA representation quality benchmarks on COCO (+16.27 mIoU) and Cityscapes (+19.24 mIoU) for both low- and high-resolution images

    Laser Reflection Intensity and Multi-Layered Laser Range Finders for People Detection

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    Abstract-Successful detection of people is a basic requirement for a robot to achieve symbiosis in people's daily life. Specifically, a mobile robot designed to follow people needs to keep track of people's position through time, for it defines the robot's position and trajectory. In this work we introduce the usage of reflection intensity data of Laser Range Finders (LRF) arranged in multiple layers for people detection. We use supervised learning to train strong classifiers including intensity-based features. Concretely, we propose a calibration method for laser intensity and introduce new intensity-based features for people detection which are combined with range-based features in a strong classifier using supervised learning. We provide experimental results to evaluate the effectiveness of these features. This work is an step towards of our main research project of developing a social autonomous mobile robot acting as member of a people group

    Learning to Predict Navigational Patterns from Partial Observations

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    Human beings cooperatively navigate rule-constrained environments by adhering to mutually known navigational patterns, which may be represented as directional pathways or road lanes. Inferring these navigational patterns from incompletely observed environments is required for intelligent mobile robots operating in unmapped locations. However, algorithmically defining these navigational patterns is nontrivial. This paper presents the first self-supervised learning (SSL) method for learning to infer navigational patterns in real-world environments from partial observations only. We explain how geometric data augmentation, predictive world modeling, and an information-theoretic regularizer enables our model to predict an unbiased local directional soft lane probability (DSLP) field in the limit of infinite data. We demonstrate how to infer global navigational patterns by fitting a maximum likelihood graph to the DSLP field. Experiments show that our SSL model outperforms two SOTA supervised lane graph prediction models on the nuScenes dataset. We propose our SSL method as a scalable and interpretable continual learning paradigm for navigation by perception. Code released upon publication.Comment: Under revie

    Nivel de tecnología agrícola y su influencia en la productividad de los pequeños productores de plátano en la provincia de Lamas, región San Martín, 2017

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    La presente investigación plantea como objetivo “Determinar la influencia del nivel de tecnologías agrícolas en la productividad de los pequeños productores de plátano en la provincia de Lamas, Región de San Martín, 2017”, esto debido a que la problemática analizada conlleva a tal decisión, para ello se ha considerado un tipo de investigación cuantitativa con diseño correlacional, en la que se hace uso de una muestra de 66 productores de plátano para los cuales se aplicaron instrumentos como la encuesta, e instrumentos como el cuestionario, los mismos que luego de ser procesados en el programa estadístico SPSS y Excel, muestra como resultado un nivel medio de tecnologías agrícolas al igual que el nivel de productividad, se obtuvieron como resultado que el uso de tecnologías agrícolas en la provincia de Lamas es medio, esto debido a que la población así lo considera en un 83.30%, la productividad agrícola de los pequeños productores en la provincia de Lamas es medio en un 48.5%, lo que evidencia un control de actividades, costos y gastos deficientes, dado que los mismos no cuentan con registros de producción alcanzada en un formato, luego de los resultados se concluyó que existe relación entre las variables objeto de estudio, esto debido a que la significancia unilateral fue menor a 0.05, el coeficiente denota un nivel de correlación media permitiendo aceptar la hipótesis de investigación y rechazando la nula.The following research aims to "Determine the influence of the level of agricultural technologies on the productivity of small banana producers in the province of Lamas, San Martin Region, 2017", this because the problem analyzed leads to such decision, for this purpose, it is considered a type of quantitative research with correlation design, in which a sample of 60 banana producers is used for which instruments such as the survey were applied, and instruments such as the questionnaire, which then if processed in the statistical program SPSS and Excel, it shows as a result a medium level of agricultural technologies as well as the level of productivity, as a result of which the use of agricultural technologies in the province of Lamas is medium, this is because the population considers it at 83.30%, the agricultural productivity of small producers in the province of Lamas is average. or 48.33%, which shows a control of activities, costs and deficient expenses, given that they do not have records of production reached in a format, after the results it was concluded that there is a relationship between the variables object of study, this because the unilateral significance was less than 0.05, the coefficient denote a level of correlation average, allowing to accept the research hypothesis and rejecting the null one.TesisAp

    La cooperación como vía para el logro de la comunicación grupal

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    El presente trabajo aborda la comunicación como la base de la educación y como un proceso trascendental en la formación de la personalidad. Se hace un breve análisis sobre la evolución de la enseñanza del inglés como idioma extranjero y el lugar que ocupó la comunicación en cada momento dentro del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en el contexto del grupo. Se incluyen además criterios sobre la comunicación, desde el punto de vista filosófico, psicológico y pedagógico. Por último, se exponen criterios referidos a la introducción del trabajo cooperativo de manera que abarque la formación del educando desde una perspectiva cognitiva, afectiva y actitudinal, a diferencia de las propuestas de otros autores en este sentido, que ponen énfasis en el aspecto cognitivo y relegan los demás como medios para lograr el fin, el aprendizaje del idioma extranjero.This work deals with communication as the basis for education and as a paramount process for the formation of the students’ personality. It includes a brief analysis on the evolution of the teaching of English as a foreign language and its role in every moment within the teaching-learning process in school groups. It also contains some criteria about communication from the philosophical, psychological and pedagogical point of view. Finally, some criteria are exposed regarding the introduction of cooperative work so that it cope with the students’ formation from a cognitive, affective and attitudinal perspective, what differs from the proposals made by other authors who emphasize the cognitive side and focus the others, affective and attitudinal, as means to an end, the learning of the foreign language.Eje: Educación Universitaria ReflexionesRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    La cooperación como vía para el logro de la comunicación grupal

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    El presente trabajo aborda la comunicación como la base de la educación y como un proceso trascendental en la formación de la personalidad. Se hace un breve análisis sobre la evolución de la enseñanza del inglés como idioma extranjero y el lugar que ocupó la comunicación en cada momento dentro del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en el contexto del grupo. Se incluyen además criterios sobre la comunicación, desde el punto de vista filosófico, psicológico y pedagógico. Por último, se exponen criterios referidos a la introducción del trabajo cooperativo de manera que abarque la formación del educando desde una perspectiva cognitiva, afectiva y actitudinal, a diferencia de las propuestas de otros autores en este sentido, que ponen énfasis en el aspecto cognitivo y relegan los demás como medios para lograr el fin, el aprendizaje del idioma extranjero.This work deals with communication as the basis for education and as a paramount process for the formation of the students’ personality. It includes a brief analysis on the evolution of the teaching of English as a foreign language and its role in every moment within the teaching-learning process in school groups. It also contains some criteria about communication from the philosophical, psychological and pedagogical point of view. Finally, some criteria are exposed regarding the introduction of cooperative work so that it cope with the students’ formation from a cognitive, affective and attitudinal perspective, what differs from the proposals made by other authors who emphasize the cognitive side and focus the others, affective and attitudinal, as means to an end, the learning of the foreign language.Eje: Educación Universitaria ReflexionesRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI