38 research outputs found

    On the multiplicity of eigenvalues of conformally covariant operators

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    Let (M,g)(M,g) be a compact Riemannian manifold and PgP_g an elliptic, formally self-adjoint, conformally covariant operator of order mm acting on smooth sections of a bundle over MM. We prove that if PgP_g has no rigid eigenspaces (see Definition 2.2), the set of functions fC(M,R)f \in C^\infty(M, R) for which PefgP_{e^fg} has only simple non-zero eigenvalues is a residual set in C(M,R)C^\infty(M,R). As a consequence we prove that if PgP_g has no rigid eigenspaces for a dense set of metrics, then all non-zero eigenvalues are simple for a residual set of metrics in the CmC^m-topology. We also prove that the eigenvalues of PgP_g depend continuously on gg in the CmC^m-topology, provided PgP_g is strongly elliptic. As an application of our work, we show that if PgP_g acts on C(M)C^\infty(M) (e.g. GJMS operators), its non-zero eigenvalues are generically simple.Comment: To appear in Annales de l'Institut Fourie

    Improvements for eigenfunction averages: An application of geodesic beams

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    Let (M,g)(M,g) be a smooth, compact Riemannian manifold and {ϕλ}\{\phi_\lambda \} an L2L^2-normalized sequence of Laplace eigenfunctions, Δgϕλ=λ2ϕλ-\Delta_g\phi_\lambda =\lambda^2 \phi_\lambda. Given a smooth submanifold HMH \subset M of codimension k1k\geq 1, we find conditions on the pair (M,H)(M,H), even when H={x}H=\{x\}, for which HϕλdσH=O(λk12logλ)orϕλ(x)=O(λn12logλ), \Big|\int_H\phi_\lambda d\sigma_H\Big|=O\Big(\frac{\lambda^{\frac{k-1}{2}}}{\sqrt{\log \lambda}}\Big)\qquad \text{or}\qquad |\phi_\lambda(x)|=O\Big(\frac{\lambda ^{\frac{n-1}{2}}}{\sqrt{\log \lambda}}\Big), as λ\lambda\to \infty. These conditions require no global assumption on the manifold MM and instead relate to the structure of the set of recurrent directions in the unit normal bundle to HH. Our results extend all previously known conditions guaranteeing improvements on averages, including those on sup-norms. For example, we show that if (M,g)(M,g) is a surface with Anosov geodesic flow, then there are logarithmically improved averages for any HMH\subset M. We also find weaker conditions than having no conjugate points which guarantee logλ\sqrt{\log \lambda} improvements for the LL^\infty norm of eigenfunctions. Our results are obtained using geodesic beam techniques, which yield a mechanism for obtaining general quantitative improvements for averages and sup-norms.Comment: 70 pages, 4 figures. The new version includes a major revision of Appendix A, parts of which have been replaced by section

    Eigenfunction concentration via geodesic beams

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    In this article we develop new techniques for studying concentration of Laplace eigenfunctions ϕλ\phi_\lambda as their frequency, λ\lambda, grows. The method consists of controlling ϕλ(x)\phi_\lambda(x) by decomposing ϕλ\phi_\lambda into a superposition of geodesic beams that run through the point xx. Each beam is localized in phase-space on a tube centered around a geodesic whose radius shrinks slightly slower than λ12\lambda^{-\frac{1}{2}}. We control ϕλ(x)\phi_\lambda(x) by the L2L^2-mass of ϕλ\phi_\lambda on each geodesic tube and derive a purely dynamical statement through which ϕλ(x)\phi_\lambda(x) can be studied. In particular, we obtain estimates on ϕλ(x)\phi_\lambda(x) by decomposing the set of geodesic tubes into those that are non self-looping for time TT and those that are. This approach allows for quantitative improvements, in terms of TT, on the available bounds for LL^\infty norms, LpL^p norms, pointwise Weyl laws, and averages over submanifolds.Comment: 61 pages, 2 figures. Improved exposition and includes new explanatory material in the introduction as well as an examples section (1.5) and a full section on comparison with previous work (1.6). Appendices A.1 (Index of notation) and B were also adde

    Scalar curvature and QQ-curvature of random metrics

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    We study Gauss curvature for random Riemannian metrics on a compact surface, lying in a fixed conformal class; our questions are motivated by comparison geometry. Next, analogous questions are considered for the scalar curvature in dimension n>2n>2, and for the QQ-curvature of random Riemannian metrics.Comment: The proof of Proposition 3.10 has been correcte

    High Frequency Eigenfunction Immersions and Supremum Norms of Random Waves

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    A compact Riemannian manifold may be immersed into Euclidean space by using high frequency Laplace eigenfunctions. We study the geometry of the manifold viewed as a metric space endowed with the distance function from the ambient Euclidean space. As an application we give a new proof of a result of Burq-Lebeau and others on upper bounds for the sup-norms of random linear combinations of high frequency eigenfunctions.Comment: This article supersedes arXiv:1310.1361, which has now been withdraw

    Averages of eigenfunctions over hypersurfaces

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    Let (M,g)(M,g) be a compact, smooth, Riemannian manifold and {ϕh}\{ \phi_h \} an L2L^2-normalized sequence of Laplace eigenfunctions with defect measure μ\mu. Let HH be a smooth hypersurface. Our main result says that when μ\mu is not\textit{not} concentrated conormally to HH, the eigenfunction restrictions to HH and the restrictions of their normal derivatives to HH have integrals converging to 0 as h0+h \to 0^+.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figur