9 research outputs found

    Conception et évaluation d’ateliers de formation visant à développer un comportement préventif au travail chez les élèves en apprentissage d’un métier

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    La formation à la prévention offerte dans les programmes de formation professionnelle présente plusieurs lacunes, faisant en sorte que les apprentissages qui y sont faits seraient peu mobilisés à l’entrée sur le marché du travail. Il appert, entre autres, que les ressources pédagogiques utilisées ne cibleraient pas les risques à la santé spécifiques au métier. Concevoir et évaluer des ateliers de formation visant le développement d’un comportement préventif au travail chez les élèves des programmes de secrétariat et de réalisation d’aménagements paysagers. Un processus systématique a été suivi pour concevoir les ateliers de formation. L’évaluation a porté sur trois variables : 1) la perception des apprenants, 2) les apprentissages réalisés et 3) le comportement préventif. Les résultats de cette étude décrivent la démarche de conception des ateliers de formation et suggèrent une amélioration significative sur les trois variables à la suite de la participation des élèves à ces mêmes ateliers. La démarche de conception des ateliers de formation détaillée dans cet article permet la réplication dans d’autres programmes de formation professionnelle. Des bases empiriques sont maintenant connues et peuvent servir de références dans l’élaboration d’études futures.The prevention training offered in vocational programs has several shortcomings, and, as a result, students make little use of it when they enter the labour market. It would appear that the teaching resources employed do not target the specific health risks associated with a given occupation. To design and evaluate workshops aimed at developing preventive behaviour in the workplace among students in secretarial and landscaping programs. A systematic process was followed in the development of the workshops. The evaluation focused on three variables : 1) the satisfaction with the workshops, 2) the apprenticeship, and 3) preventive behaviour. The results of this study describe the process for designing the workshops and suggest a significant improvement in the three variables following the participation of the students in these workshops. The process for designing the workshops described in this article can be replicated in other vocational programs. The empirical bases are now known and can be used as references in the development of future studies.La formación en prevención ofrecida en los programas de capacitación profesional presenta varias lagunas, lo que hace que los aprendizajes que se realizan en estos son poco movilizadores a la entrada en el mercado de trabajo. Parece ser, entre otras cosas, que los recursos educativos utilizados no se enfocan en los riesgos específicos a la profesión. Diseñar y evaluar talleres de capacitación encaminados a desarrollar un comportamiento preventivo en el trabajo en los estudiantes de los programas de secretariado y paisajismo. Se siguió un proceso sistemático para diseñar los talleres de capacitación. La evaluación se centró en tres variables: 1) la percepción de los alumnos, 2) el aprendizaje alcanzado y 3) el comportamiento preventivo. Los resultados de este estudio describen el proceso de diseño de los talleres de capacitación y sugieren una mejora significativa en las tres variables como resultado de la participación de los estudiantes en estos mismos talleres. El proceso de diseño de los talleres de capacitación detallado en este artículo permite la reproducción en otros programas de capacitación profesional. Se conocen ahora las bases empíricas y estas pueden servir como referencias en el desarrollo de estudios futuros

    Describing the Efffect of Motor Ability on Visual-motor Skill Acquisition and Task Performance in Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder

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    Background: For children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD), the acquisition and performance of everyday visual-motor activities such as buttoning, shoe tying, cutting with scissors or writing, presents a major challenge. Regardless of the activity considered, children with DCD are typically slower and less accurate than their peers. Given the well-acknowledged difficulties of children with DCD, it is surprising to find very few research studies systematically exploring visual-motor skill acquisition and performance in children with DCD. Objective: The overall objective of this study was to systematically describe visual-motor skill acquisition and task performance in children with DCD. Methods: Twenty-four children (8 years 11 months to 12 years 11 months) were recruited for this study; 12 children with DCD, 12 children developing typically with regards to their motor skills. A computer-based aiming task completed with three different cursor controls of increasing levels of difficulty (mouse, joystick, novel controller) was designed for this study. Mixed-effect modelling and visual graph analyses were performed to describe the influence of motor ability and task difficulty on visual-motor skill acquisition and task performance. Results: Motor ability modulated the impact of task difficulty on visual-motor skill acquisition and task performance. Children with DCD were as fast and as accurate as their peers in their initial performance of the simple, well-learned task (mouse). However, they were slower and less accurate when performing the complex and novel visual-motor task. Over repeated trials, the visual-motor task performance of children with DCD improved on all tasks, even for the simple. With regard to the complex, novel task, once children with DCD understood the features of the task, their performance also improved and approached that of their peers. Conclusion: While children with DCD can generally be characterized as less accurate and slower than their peers, this characterization needs to be specified and qualified; it is probably best not applied to a well-learned task.Ph

    Conception et évaluation d’ateliers de formation visant à développer un comportement préventif au travail chez les élèves en apprentissage d’un métier

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    La formation à la prévention offerte dans les programmes de formation professionnelle présente plusieurs lacunes, faisant en sorte que les apprentissages qui y sont faits seraient peu mobilisés à l’entrée sur le marché du travail. Il appert, entre autres, que les ressources pédagogiques utilisées ne cibleraient pas les risques à la santé spécifiques au métier. Concevoir et évaluer des ateliers de formation visant le développement d’un comportement préventif au travail chez les élèves des programmes de secrétariat et de réalisation d’aménagements paysagers. Un processus systématique a été suivi pour concevoir les ateliers de formation. L’évaluation a porté sur trois variables : 1) la perception des apprenants, 2) les apprentissages réalisés et 3) le comportement préventif. Les résultats de cette étude décrivent la démarche de conception des ateliers de formation et suggèrent une amélioration significative sur les trois variables à la suite de la participation des élèves à ces mêmes ateliers. La démarche de conception des ateliers de formation détaillée dans cet article permet la réplication dans d’autres programmes de formation professionnelle. Des bases empiriques sont maintenant connues et peuvent servir de références dans l’élaboration d’études futures.The prevention training offered in vocational programs has several shortcomings, and, as a result, students make little use of it when they enter the labour market. It would appear that the teaching resources employed do not target the specific health risks associated with a given occupation. To design and evaluate workshops aimed at developing preventive behaviour in the workplace among students in secretarial and landscaping programs. A systematic process was followed in the development of the workshops. The evaluation focused on three variables : 1) the satisfaction with the workshops, 2) the apprenticeship, and 3) preventive behaviour. The results of this study describe the process for designing the workshops and suggest a significant improvement in the three variables following the participation of the students in these workshops. The process for designing the workshops described in this article can be replicated in other vocational programs. The empirical bases are now known and can be used as references in the development of future studies.La formación en prevención ofrecida en los programas de capacitación profesional presenta varias lagunas, lo que hace que los aprendizajes que se realizan en estos son poco movilizadores a la entrada en el mercado de trabajo. Parece ser, entre otras cosas, que los recursos educativos utilizados no se enfocan en los riesgos específicos a la profesión. Diseñar y evaluar talleres de capacitación encaminados a desarrollar un comportamiento preventivo en el trabajo en los estudiantes de los programas de secretariado y paisajismo. Se siguió un proceso sistemático para diseñar los talleres de capacitación. La evaluación se centró en tres variables: 1) la percepción de los alumnos, 2) el aprendizaje alcanzado y 3) el comportamiento preventivo. Los resultados de este estudio describen el proceso de diseño de los talleres de capacitación y sugieren una mejora significativa en las tres variables como resultado de la participación de los estudiantes en estos mismos talleres. El proceso de diseño de los talleres de capacitación detallado en este artículo permite la reproducción en otros programas de capacitación profesional. Se conocen ahora las bases empíricas y estas pueden servir como referencias en el desarrollo de estudios futuros

    Revue méthodologique : implications pour la recherche phénoménologique herméneutique avec des enfants

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    Des défis lors de l’application de la recherche phénoménologique herméneutique avec des enfants vivant avec une affection persistent et créent des obstacles à leur inclusion dans la recherche. Ce faisant, l’objectif de l’article consiste à relever les implications méthodologiques inhérentes à la mise en oeuvre de cette recherche. À travers une revue méthodologique, nous avons identifié 13 études menées selon l’approche phénoménologique herméneutique réalisées avec cette population, résultant d’une recherche systématique effectuée à l’automne 2023. À la suite d’une sélection en parallèle et d’une évaluation de la rigueur de celles-ci, une analyse de contenu a été réalisée. Elle relève des implications méthodologiques de la phase du recrutement jusqu’à l’analyse des données, liées notamment à la construction d’un lien de confiance et d’un espace communicationnel inclusif. L’inclusion des enfants vivant avec une affection dans ces études implique l’actualisation de différentes stratégies adaptées.Challenges in the application of hermeneutic phenomenological research with children who are living with a disorder create obstacles to their inclusion in the research. The objective of this article is to determine the methodological implications related to the implementation of such research. Using a methodological review, we identified 13 studies conducted using the hermeneutic phenomenological approach with this population, resulting from a systematic search carried out in fall 2023. After parallel selection and an assessment of the rigour of the studies, a content analysis was performed. It revealed the methodological implications from the recruitment phase all the way to data analysis, particularly related to the creation of bonds of trust and an inclusive communication space. The inclusion of children living with a disorder in these studies involves the implementation of various adapted strategies

    Effectiveness of CO-OP Approach for Children With Neurodevelopmental Disorders: A Systematic Review

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    Objective: To examine the scientific evidence regarding the effectiveness of the Cognitive Orientation to Daily Occupational Performance (CO-OP) approach for children with neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs). Data Sources: Selected articles published between January 2001 and September 2020 and listed in CINAHL, MEDLINE, and PsycINFO on the EBSCO platform, or found searching with Scopus, Google Scholar, OTseekern Central Register of Controlled Trials in the Cochrane Library, WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform, Turning Research into Practice, and ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. An update was performed in March 2022. Study Selection: Eligibility criteria included studies that assessed the effectiveness of the CO-OP approach on children (0-18 years) with NDDs. Unpublished results were excluded, as well as research published in a language other than English or French. Data Selection: The first 2 authors independently reviewed the titles, abstracts, and full texts. Discrepancies were discussed and resolved by consensus. Included studies were quality appraised using the PEDro-P scale or using the risk of bias scale in N-of-1 trials (RoBiNT) according to experimental design. Data Synthesis: Results were reported following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses. Eighteen studies were initially included, with 2 additional studies added in the update. Three reached evidence level III (15%), 10 reached level IV (70%), and 5 reached level V (15%). All data collected on the activity-participation domain showed a significant improvement. Group therapy sessions show promising results for the improvement of activities or participation, as well as psychosocial dimensions such as self-esteem. Conclusions: The scientific evidence analyzed shows that the CO-OP approach has a positive effect on children with NDDs, particularly in regard to their activities and participation. Future experimental studies should be designed in ways that allow determining effect sizes. Group therapy sessions appear relevant but require further research

    A Systematic Review of the CO-OP Approach for Children and Adults With Developmental Coordination Disorder

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    Sabine Vincon - ORCID: 0000-0002-1406-975X https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1406-975XItem is not available in this repository.Purpose of Review Support for the Cognitive Orientation to daily Occupational Performance (CO-OP) Approach exists, but its specific evidence base for children and adults with developmental coordination disorder (DCD) is unclear. Accordingly, the objective of this study was to synthesize and critically assess the evidence regarding the use of the CO-OP approach with children and adults with DCD. A systematic review of four health-related databases was conducted to identify studies, published from 1998 to 2023, which reported on the effectiveness of the CO-OP approach or explored its components. Following data extraction and critical appraisal, the strength of the body of evidence for the outcomes extracted was assessed, and a meta-analysis of three of the studies was conducted. Recent Findings Thirty-one articles were selected. Findings consistently support CO-OP’s effectiveness with children having DCD, yielding positive outcomes for specific measures. However, characteristics of identified studies highlight the need for more rigorous research to bolster confidence in the evidence base. Summary This systematic review serves as a compelling call for an extended and diverse body of research aimed at deepening our understanding of the CO-OP approach. Exploration of its effectiveness across the lifespan, its adaptability, and its theoretical foundations is essential.https://doi.org/10.1007/s40474-023-00290-8aheadofprintaheadofprin


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    Ce numéro se tourne vers l’action et l’amélioration des situations de travail, des thèmes chers à la revue PISTES. Il est question de différents types d’intervention pour agir sur les conditions d’exercice du travail, mais aussi pour accompagner le développement des personnes