716 research outputs found

    Breach procedure for axillary hyperhidrosis.

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    Dear Editor, We read with interest the communication on ‘A simple and practical method for axillary osmidrosis resection’ by Liu X, Mao T, Lei Z, Fan D appeared on JPRAS 2009.1 We found the description of the technique very useful with the support of intra-operative pictures. The use of artery clips to evert the skin flaps can be easily reproduced. However it is surprising that the Authors did not consider and mention in the References a paper by Mr N Breach appeared in the Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England in the late 70ies,2 when he was Senior Registrar at the Plastic Surgery Department of the Queen Victoria Hospital, East Grinstead, UK. Since then this latter procedure for surgical treatment of axillary hyperhidrosis has been widely adopted, [3], [4] and [5] especially in the Western world and in the UK where is known as the ‘Breach’ procedure. The main difference with the technique described in the paper by Liu X et al. consists in the number of incisions that has now been minimized

    A Contrastive Analysis of the Category of Number in English and Albanian Nominal System

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    English and Albanian as members of the Indo-European trunk of languages undoubtedly share certain characteristics, common for all members of this family of languages, but as two structurally different languages, they also show significant differences. The main aim of this paper is to highlight not only some of the differences, but also similarities in regard to the grammatical category of number in English and Albanian nominal system. The paper is based on various English and Albanian grammar books, written by prominent authors, which provide an abundance of data examined through the contrastive method. The results indicate that nouns in these two languages show differences which concern several aspects of the grammatical category of number. Some of these differences concern the way these two languages treat nouns in the singular and plural number, the ways of forming the plural number, and their usage with articles and numerals. One essential difference, however, concerns the collective and compound nouns which show an almost complete discrepancy in these two languages due to the ways they write these nouns, and the ways these nouns function in these languages. Nevertheless, in spite of the differences, there are also some similarities that concern mainly the ways of forming the plural number, but also the group of nouns used only in the singular called “singularia tantum”, and those used only in the plural “pluralia tantum”

    Biocompatibility and cytotoxicity evaluation of hybrid nanocrystals for cancer therapy

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    Health Care Providers Payments Regulation when Horizontal and Vertical Differentiation Matter

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    This paper analyzes the regulation of payment schemes for health care providers competing in both quality and product differentiation of their services. The regulator uses two instruments: a prospective payment per patient and a cost reimbursement rate. When the regulator can only use a prospective payment, the optimal price involves a trade-off between the level of quality provision and the level of horizontal differentiation. If this pure prospective payment leads to underprovision of quality and overdifferentiation, a mixed reimbursement scheme allows the regulator to improve the allocation efficiency. This is true for a relatively low level of patients’transportation costs. We also show that if the regulator cannot commit to the level of the cost reimbursement rate, the resulting allocation can dominate the one with full commitment. In particular, some cost reimbursement might be optimal even for higher levels of transportation costs.

    Smoking within the Household: Spousal Peer Effects and Children's Health Implications

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    This paper studies spousal peer effects on the smoking behaviour and their implication for\ud the health of children through passive smoking. Smoking decisions are modeled as equilibrium\ud strategies of an incomplete information game within the couple. Using data from the French\ud Health Survey 2002-2003, we identify two distinct effects linked to spousal behaviour: a smoking\ud enhancing effect of smoking partners and a smoking deterring effect of non smoking partners.\ud On the one hand, having a smoking partner might make smoking more valuable because of\ud the possibility of smoking together. On the other hand, having a non smoking partner might\ud reduce the utility of smoking because the smoker partially internalises the nuisance imposed\ud on the partner. An implication of these findings is that the smoking behaviour could differ\ud qualitatively in couples in which both partners smoke and in which just one partner smokes. This\ud interpretation is supported by our finding that the respiratory health of children is negatively\ud affected only if both parents smoke


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    The study aims to determine the evaluation tools used and the reasons teachers use evaluation tools in class XI IPS SMA Negeri 16 Surabaya. The second study objective was to determine the feasibility of the evaluation tool. This research is quantitative descriptive research approach. Results of the study is an evaluation tool that is used in the form of type written test multiple choice or description. The rationale is to measure the level of understanding of students and adjust the type of material that has been presented both theory and analysis. As for the results of the feasibility study is based on an expert evaluation tool that the evaluation tool used in SMA Negeri 16 Surabaya overall decent. Keywords: Using, Tool, Evaluation, Accounting, SM

    Long-Term Care Insurance and Family Norms

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    Long-term care policy with nonlinear strategic bequests

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    We study the design of long-term care (LTC) policy when children differ in their cost of providing informal care. Parents do not observe this cost, but they can commit to a "bequests rule" specifying a transfer conditional on the level of informal care. Care provided by high-cost children is distorted downwards in order to minimize the rent of low-cost ones. Social LTC insurance is designed to maximize a weighted sum of parents' and children's utility. The optimal uniform public LTC provision strikes a balance between insurance and children's utility. Under decreasing absolute risk aversion less than full insurance is provided to mitigate the distortion on informal care which reduces children's rents. A nonuniform policy conditioning LTC benefits on bequests provides full insurance even against the risk of having children with a high cost of providing care. Quite surprisingly the level of informal care induced by the optimal (uniform or nonuniform) policy always increases in the children's' welfare weight

    Opting out and topping up reconsidered: informal care under uncertain altruism

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    We study the design of public long-term care (LTC) insurance when the altruism of informal caregivers is uncertain. We consider non-linear policies where the LTC benefit depends on the level of informal care, which is assumed to be observable while children's altruism is not. The traditional topping up and opting out policies are special cases of ours. Both total and informal care should increase with the children's level of altruism. This obtains under full and asymmetric information. Social LTC, on the other hand, may be non-monotonic. Under asymmetric information, social LTC is lower than its full information level for the lowest level of altruism, while it is distorted upward for the higher level of altruism. This is explained by the need to provide incentives to highaltruism children. The implementing contract is always such that social care increases with formal care