60 research outputs found

    Rintangan Komunikasi Antar Budaya dalam Perkawinan dan Perceraian Etnis Jawa dengan Papua di Kota Jayapura (suatu Strategi Manajemen Konflik dalam Hubungan Interpersonal Pasangan Suami Istri)

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    The research aims to (1) identify the barriers of communication between the pair of Javanese culture with Papua, which is still in wedlock or from couples who have divorced, (2) analyzing conflict management strategies in interpersonal relationships Javanese couples with Papua in addressing existing conflicts. Research using interpretive approach to qualitative research methods. Data obtained by conducting in-depth interviews with 15 informants, which consists of 5 couples who still harmony in marriage and two pairs ex-husband and wife who have been divorced, and 1 widow of marriage Javanese settled Papua in Jayapura. Based on the results of the study indicate that many married couples of different ethnic Papuans with Java, which tends to want to show the characteristic of the culture of self respective dominant one another. One source of conflict is due to misscommunication between two parties resulting from differences in ethnicity and its difficult to adjust the condition. This study shows that openness of communication between couples who either can not necessarily reduce the intensity of the conflict escalation process in a marital relationship. Factors communication style in Javanese with Papua (controlling, aggressive, coercive, domination and racist) contribute to determining the appearance of conflict. The ultimate solution is that they form a bond strong commitment and understanding of the need for diversity. Penelitian bertujuan (1) mengidentifikasi rintangan komunikasi antar budaya pasangan etnis Jawa dengan Papua yang masih dalam ikatan perkawinan maupun dari pasangan yang telah bercerai, (2) menganalisa strategi manajemen konflik dalam hubungan interpersonal pasangan etnis Jawa dengan Papua dalam menyikapi konflik yang ada. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan interpretatif dengan metode penelitian kualitatif. Data diperoleh dengan melakukan wawancara mendalam dengan 15 orang informan, yang terdiri dari 5 pasangan suami istri yang masih harmonis dalam ikatan perkawinan dan 2 pasangan mantan suami istri yang telah bercerai, serta 1 orang janda dari perkawinan etnis Jawa dengan Papua yang menetap di Kota Jayapura. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian mengindikasikan bahwa banyak pasangan suami istri berbeda etnis Papua dengan Jawa yang cenderung ingin menampilkan ciri khas budaya diri masing-masing secara dominan satu sama lain. Salah satu penyebab terjadinya konflik adalah karena adanya misscommunication diantara kedua belah pihak yang diakibatkan karena perbedaan etnis dan sulit nya menyesuaikan kondisi tersebut. Penelitian ini menunjukkan, keterbukaan komunikasi antar pasangan suami istri yang baik belum tentu bisa mengurangi intensitas konflik pada proses eskalasi hubungan dalam perkawinan. Faktor gaya komunikasi pada etnis Jawa dengan Papua (mengontrol, agresif, koersif, dominasi dan bersifat rasis) memberi kontribusi untuk menentukan munculnya konflik. Solusi utamanya adalah mereka membentuk ikatan komitmen yang kuat dan perlunya pemahaman akan adanya keberagaman

    Masjid Kampus sebagai Media Komunikasi Aktivis Dakwah dalam Pembentukan Karakter Mahasisw A

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    Campus mosque has an important role in propaganda activities on campus, making it attractive for the research object. This aims of the research are to determine the influence of da'wah activities and the use of campus mosque as a medium of communication in the character building of students in the city of Makassar. and to observe how the characters of students built and suvervised through Da'wah activities conducted in campus mosques. This research employed a mixture of quantitative and qualitative methods. Data were collected with questionnaires, interviews, observation, and documentation and were analyzed with classification and then presented in frequency tables. The results of the research indicated that campus da'wah activities and the use of mosque as a communication media is simultaneously and significantly correlated to the change of students' characters. Students' characters built through campus mosques da'wah activities tend to be characters of worship, personal and social. thus the mosque is a vital communication medium in missionary activity

    Manajemen Program Siaran Lokal Aceh TV Dalam Upaya Penyebarluasan Syariat Islam Dan Pelestarian Budaya Lokal

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    Managing broadcasting management is not easy. Managing the broadcasting business is a difficult and challenging. This research aims to analyze the activity of management and organizational performance ACEH TV television media in an effort to disseminate the Islamic Sharia and Preservation of Local Culture in Aceh. This research is descriptive qualitative. Informants of this research is managing director, program director, executive producer, cameraman / reporter, as well as additional informants Regional Chairman of the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPID) Aceh, Aceh Province Department of Islamic Law, and local media observers. The location of this research is in Banda Aceh, Aceh province. Sampling was done purposively. Data collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. Data were analyzed by analysis of an interactive model of Miles and Huberman. The results showed that the ACEH TV as the medium of television that is broadcasting management ACEH have done according to a local television broadcasting standard. Agenda setting function of mass media performed in the ACEH TV dissemination of Islamic Shariah in Aceh and local culture to influence the people of Aceh to implement Islamic Sharia and also maintain the culture and local wisdom Aceh. It can be seen from all the programs that are aired ACEH TV is a program of local cultural nuances of Islamic law. There are still some shortcomings in running broadcasting broadcasting technology such as lack of equipment that is increasingly sophisticated. The results of image editing is very simple, and some programs presenter still looks stiff when in front of the camera

    Perselingkuhan dan Kesetiaan dalam Sinetron “Catatan Hati Seorang Istri” (suatu Studi Analisis Komunikasi Keluarga dalam Perspektif Semiotika)

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    This research aimed to investigate the representations of infidelity and loyalty, and its effects of the actor of the infidelity and loyalty on the communication of an Islamic family as presented in the soap opera “Catatan Hati Seorang Istri”. The method used in analyzing the soap opera “Catatan Hati Seorang Istri” was descriptive- qualitative with the approach of semiotic theory by Roland Barthes. In semiotic approach, the message communication process experienced two layers of meaning, namely he first layer (denotation or the illustration of the infidelity and loyalty in the opera soap “Catatan Hati Seorang Istri”) and the second layer (connotation or the concept of infidelity and loyalty). The research results revealed that there were 86 pictures representing the infidelity, 10 pictures representing the loyalty, and 20 pictures representing the effect of the infidelity actor, and 2 pictures representing the effect of the loyalty actor on the family communication in the islamic perspective as represented in the opera soap “Catatan Hati Seorang Istri”. Besides, in the opera soap “Catatan Hati Seorang Istri” semiotically, the signs for lying were used to represent infidelity, while the signs of the shalehah women were used to represent loyalty. In the opera soap “Catatan Hati Seorang Istri”, infidelity and loyalty effects had significant effects on the communication of islamic families

    Internet dan Masyarakat Marginal di Kota Makassar; Studi Kasus Pemanfaatan Galeri Internet Bbppki

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    This research aims to know the knowledge and attitudes marginal users gallery internet in Balai Besar Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Komunikasi dan Informatika Makassar in Makassar city and effort BBPPKI Makassar.in overcoming the digital gap between city and marginalized communities in the city Makassar.Method used in the research is a method of qualitative description,to examine knowledge and attitudes marginal users BBPPKI Makassar. Research informants and Key informants deliberately obtained. Than through the observation,data collection is also done through in-depth in terviews with key informants,and informants, and the study of the document.Results of research show that knowledge has not been marginalized people maximum and still need help from the employee of internet gallery.From knowledge of aspects of the changes occurred mainly after the visitors gallery gallery utilize the increased knowledge,because guidance for free while aspects of behavior BBPPKI to overcome the digital gap in the socialization is done through electronic media,mass media and interpersonal communication

    Isu Strategis Komunikasi Politik di Kalangan Elite Daerah dalam Proses Pembentukan Kabupaten Luwu Tengah

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    This research aims to determine (1) the actual issues evolving and wished by local elites related to expansion of Central Luwu Regency, (2) the role of local elites in encouraging the acceleration of Central Luwu Regency expansion, (3) communication patterns among local elites in the underway process of Luwu Regency formation. The research was conducted in Luwu Regency, particularly in the prospective area of Central Luwu Regency and in Makassar. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative, i.e. focusing on the description of the strategic issue among local elites in the formation process of Central Luwu Regency. The qualitative data is the interview result with informants chosen through purposive sampling method. Data is analyzed through depicting or describing (description) a number of variables that dealed with strategic issues which developed among the local elite in the formation process of Central Luwu Regency and the roles of local elites during the underway process of expansion. Results of this study indicate that the strategic issues as an excuse to encourage the expansion of Central Luwu Regency includes: full range of governance, inequalities in development, access to services, policy instruments, the realization of Tana Luwu to be a province and factor of elite interests. Political communication that occurs among the local elite in the prospective Central Luwu Regency is still dominated by private and group interests; the political process is going on a lot longer as political conflict. This is proved by the existence of factions that exist among local elites, hence until now a concensus or compromise which aims to speed up the formation of Central Luwu Regency has not happened yet

    Pemanfaatan Saluran Komunikasi dalam Penyerapan Aspirasi Masyarakat oleh Pusat Pelayanan Informasi dan Pengaduan ( Pindu) Pemerintah Kabupaten Pinrang

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    This research aimed to illustrate and study the utilization of communication channels in the absorption of the community aspirations by the Information and Complaint Service Center (PINDU) in the Local Government of Pinrang Regency. The research was a Communication Channel Study which was qualitative. The data collection used the techniques of observation, interviews. The data were then analyzed using data, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The data obtained from the observation were presented in the form of pictures/photography, while the data obtained from the library study were presented in the form of quotation in order to support the research findings. The research results revealed that the utilization process of the community channels in absorbing the community aspirations by the Information and Complaint center (PINDU), in the local Government of Pinrang Regency was already in accordance to the Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) and the Work Flow Of PINDU, such as the circular Communication Model. The Community of Pinrang Regency and Work Unit of the Local Force (SKPD) had utilized the facilities of the Information and Complaint Service Center (PINDU), when there was a complaint from the community, the community had utilized the communication channels and then processed through PINDU by SKPD. The form/type of the community aspirations were accepted by PINDU when the aspirations were related to the performance of the local Government of Pinrang Regency, such as complaints, suggestions, oral or written information and they were delivered through the recommended communication channels, using the good and correct Indonesia Language in order to guarantee that the aspirations were well understood. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengambarkan dan mengkaji tentang Pemanfaatan Saluran Komunikasi dalam Penyerapaan Aspirasi masyarakat oleh Pusat Pelayanan Informasi dan Pengaduan (PINDU) Pemerintah Kabupaten Pinrang. Penelitian ini merupakan studi saluran komunikasi yang bersifat kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui obesrvasi,wawancara. Data dianalisis dengan menelaah, mereduksi, menyajikan, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Data hasil observasi disajikan dalam bentuk gambar (foto). Data hasil studi kepustakaan disajikan dalam bentuk kutipan-kutipan untuk memperkuat temuan penelitian. Hasil penelitian menujukan bahwa proses pemanfaatan saluran komunikasi dalam penyerapan aspirasi masyarakat oleh Pusat Pelayanan Informasi dan Pengaduan (PINDU) Pemerintah Kabupaten Pinrang dalam proses pemanfaatan saluran komunikasi sesuai dengan alur penanganan pengaduan sesuai dengan Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) PINDU dan Alur kerja PINDU seperti model komunikasi sirkular untuk menyerap aspirasi masyarakat. Masyrakat Kabupaten Pinrang dan Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah (SKPD) telah mengunakan saran Pusat Pelayanan Informasi dan Pengaduan (PINDU) dengan adanya aduan masyarakat dengan mengunakan saluran komunikasi dan diproses melalui PINDU oleh SKPD. Aspirasi masyarakat diterima oleh PINDU dalam bentuk pengaduan yang ada kaitannya dengan kinerja pemerintah Kabupaten Pinrang berupa keluhan, saran, informasi dalam bentuk lisan dan tulisan disampaikan melalui saluran komunikasi. Dianjurkan untuk memakai bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar agar pengaduan dapat dimengerti dengan baik

    Penggunaan Teknologi Informasi Online dalam Kecepatan Pelayanan dan Pengamanan pada Bank Bca Makassar (sebuah Studi Komunikasi Organisasi)

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    Toward the era of globalization, information and communication technology systems are increasingly required the company, particularly in improving the good of the flow of information, speed of service and data security in the banking world. The aims of this study are (1) to analyze the effectiveness of the using of online communication technologies in the service system and security at BCA Makassar, (2) analyze the constraints in the use of online communication technologies in Makassar BCA. This type of survey is a descriptive qualitative research (Qualitative Descriptive). Qualitative descriptive aims to outline the benefits of using online communication technologies in Makassar BCA bank in the speed of service and security aspects of an organization's data .The results showed that the using of technology to process online information services and security products and services at the Main Branch of the Bank of Makassar is very efficient. Online information technology encourage branches to be more focused on delivering solutions to its customers . The effort is part of a change in the BCA approach initially focus on products to be more focus on the customer (customer oriented), using a data storage center on a large scale. In addition, research also shows that the security threat posed by the use of online information technology systems. Normally, this threat is addressed to the user that in fact weak in terms of tech awareness. Some of the threats that often arise, among others; burglary atm card, typo -site or website forgings, key - logger is a virus or trojan hidden and duty to record every key typed user input keyboard, and the man in the middle attack

    Jilbab sebagai Simbol Komunikasi di Kalangan Mahasiswa Universitas Hasanuddin (Studi Komunikasi Nonverbal)

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    This research is a study of nonverbal communication behaviors of students covered by a descriptive qualitative. Inthis study obtained of 145 studens which wearing veil as a sample, withc cluster sampling technique in which aquota sample drawn by the percentage of 2% of each faculty. To obtain data conducted by distributingquiestionaries, in depth interviewes, direct observation and literature study, then analyzed qualitatively. Discussionof this research uses the concept of nonverbal communication and the concept of symbolic interactionism byBlumer. Result showed that student's view on the hijab covering ideology, adaptation and identity. From the contextof Islamic ideology, “Clothes are mandatory for Muslims who have entered legally Baligh, because the commandsare written clearly covered in the Qur'an, where Muslim women are prohibited from revealing private parts exceptthe face and hands.” From the context of identity, “just as life-style headscarf.” More students to consider problemsand models wearing the headscarf that matched rather than syar'i according to Islam, and the trend is more the issuethan the issue of religious obligation. From the context of adaptation, ‘significant other' very influental on thebehavior of students wearing the hijab as parents and family, and veiled student behavior based on a communityreference group. Students inclined have as a friend that similarity through ideology, vision in veil, hobby or style:“cognitive consistency”