49 research outputs found

    Surgical conservative treatment of breast cancer in Constanta

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    Spitalul Clinic Județean, Constanța, Al XI-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova și cea de-a XXXIII-a Reuniune a Chirurgilor din Moldova „Iacomi-Răzeșu” 27-30 septembrie 2011În ultimele 4 decenii conceptul de chirurgie conservatoare s-a impus ca o alternativă viabilă în arsenalul terapeutic al cancerului de sân. Această evoluție a fost determinată de concluziile numeroaselor studii clinice randomizate şi de atenția deosebită acordată calității vieții pacientelor diagnosticate cu neoplasm mamar, astfel încât standardul actual al tratamentului cancerului de sân din stadiile I şi II este reprezentat de tehnicile de chirurgie conservatoare.Cu toate că această problematică reprezintă o preocupare constantă în ultimii 7 ani în cadrul Clinicii de Chirurgie din cadrul Spitalului Clinic Judetean Constanta, numărul de intervenții chirurgicale conservatoare reprezintă un procent de doar 11.18% din totalul operațiilor pentru neoplasmele mamare.Scopul acestei lucrări este de prezenta experiența colectivului Clinicii de Chirurgie în acest domeniu şi de a identifica problemele ridicate de aplicarea în practică a acestui concept în contextul medicinei româneşti, în dorința ca această opțiune terapeutică să devină o realitate a chirurgiei cancerului de sân din țara noastră.In the last 4 decades, the concept of conservative surgery imposed itself as a viable alternative in the therapeutic scheme of breast cancer. The evolvement was determined by the conclusions of numerous randomized clinical studies and by the special attention given to the quality of life of the patients diagnosed with breast cancer so that the actual standard of treatment in breast cancer in stages Ist, and IInd is represented by conservative surgery techniques. Although this pathology represents a constant preoccupation in the last 7 years in the Surgery Clinic of County Hospital Constanta, the number of conservative surgery in breast cancer represents only 11.18% out of the total number of interventions for breast cancer. The purpose of this article is to present the experience in this domain in the Surgery Clinic of County Hospital Constanta and to identify the problems of application into the practice of this concept in the context of Romanian medicine, wishing that this therapeutical option become a reality in the surgery of breast cancer in our country

    4-[(E)-2-(2,4-Dichloro­benzyl­idene)hydrazin-1-yl]quinolin-1-ium chloride monohydrate

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    In the title hydrated salt, C16H12Cl2N3 +·Cl−·H2O, there is a small twist in the cation as seen in the torsion angle linking the benzene ring to the rest of the mol­ecule [171.96 (17)°]. In the crystal, the quinolinium H atom forms a hydrogen bond to the lattice water mol­ecule, which also forms hydrogen bonds to two Cl− anions. Each Cl− ion also accepts a hydrogen bond from the hydrazine H atom. The three-dimensional architecture is also stabilized by π–π inter­actions between centrosymmetrically related quinoline residues [centroid–centroid distance = 3.5574 (11) Å]


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    In the nearly planar title compound (r.m.s. deviation for the 24 non-H atoms = 0.064 Å), C18H16ClN3O2, the conformation about the N=C bond is E. Supra­molecular chains propagated by glide symmetry along [001] are found in the crystal packing. These are sustained by N—H⋯N hydrogen bonds with the quinoline N atom being the acceptor. The chains are connected into a three-dimensional architecture by π–π inter­actions involving all three aromatic rings [centroid–centroid distances = 3.5650 (9)–3.6264 (9) Å]

    (R*,S*)-(±)-1-(2-{[2,8-Bis(trifluoromethyl)quinolin-4-yl](hydroxy)methyl}piperidin-1-yl)ethanone methanol monosolvate

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    The title mefloquine derivative has been crystallized as its 1:1 methanol solvate, C19H18F6N2O2·CH3OH. Each of the meth­ine­hydroxyl residue [the C—C—C—O torsion angle is −16.35 (17) °] and the piperidinyl group [distorted chair conformation] lies to one side of the quinolinyl ring system. The hydroxyl and carbonyl groups lie to either side of the mol­ecule, enabling their participation in inter­molecular inter­actions. Thus, the hydroxyl and carbonyl groups of two centrosymmetrically related mol­ecules are bridged by two methanol mol­ecules via O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds, leading to a four-mol­ecule aggregate. These are linked into a supra­molecular chain along the a axis via C—H⋯O inter­actions involving the hydroxyl-O atom. The chains assemble into layers that inter­digitate along the c axis being connected by C—H⋯F inter­actions

    Optimizing decomposition of software architecture for local recovery

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.The increasing size and complexity of software systems has led to an amplified number of potential failures and as such makes it harder to ensure software reliability. Since it is usually hard to prevent all the failures, fault tolerance techniques have become more important. An essential element of fault tolerance is the recovery from failures. Local recovery is an effective approach whereby only the erroneous parts of the system are recovered while the other parts remain available. For achieving local recovery, the architecture needs to be decomposed into separate units that can be recovered in isolation. Usually, there are many different alternative ways to decompose the system into recoverable units. It appears that each of these decomposition alternatives performs differently with respect to availability and performance metrics. We propose a systematic approach dedicated to optimizing the decomposition of software architecture for local recovery. The approach provides systematic guidelines to depict the design space of the possible decomposition alternatives, to reduce the design space with respect to domain and stakeholder constraints and to balance the feasible alternatives with respect to availability and performance. The approach is supported by an integrated set of tools and illustrated for the open-source MPlayer software

    Conformal and continuous deposition of bifunctional cobalt phosphide layers on p-silicon nanowire arrays for improved solar hydrogen evolution

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    Vertically aligned p-silicon nanowire (SiNW) arrays have been extensively investigated in recent years as promising photocathodes for solar-driven hydrogen evolution. However, the fabrication of SiNW photocathodes with both high photoelectrocatalytic activity and long-term operational stability using a simple and affordable approach is a challenging task. Herein, we report conformal and continuous deposition of a di-cobalt phosphide (Co2P) layer on lithography-patterned highly ordered SiNW arrays via a cost-effective drop-casting method followed by a low-temperature phosphorization treatment. The as-deposited Co2P layer consists of crystalline nanoparticles and has an intimate contact with SiNWs, forming a well-defined SiNW@Co2P core/shell nanostructure. The conformal and continuous Co2P layer functions as a highly efficient catalyst capable of substantially improving the photoelectrocatalytic activity for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) and effectively passivates the SiNWs to protect them from photo-oxidation, thus prolonging the lifetime of the electrode. As a consequence, the SiNW@Co2P photocathode with an optimized Co2P layer thickness exhibits a high photocurrent density of -21.9 mA.cm(-2) at 0 V versus reversible hydrogen electrode and excellent operational stability up to 20 h for solar-driven hydrogen evolution, outperforming many nanostructured silicon photocathodes reported in the literature. The combination of passivation and catalytic functions in a single continuous layer represents a promising strategy for designing high-performance semiconductor photoelectrodes for use in solar-driven water splitting, which may simplify fabrication procedures and potentially reduce production costsThis work was funded by ERDF funds through the Portuguese Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalization COMPETE 2020, and national funds through FCT – The Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, under the project “PTDC/CTM-ENE/2349/2014” (Grant Agreement No. 016660). The work is also partially funded by the Portugal-China Bilateral Collaborative Programme (FCT/21102/28/12/2016/S). L. F. Liu acknowledges the financial support of the FCT Investigator Grant (IF/01595/2014) and Exploratory Grant (IF/01595/2014/CP1247/CT0001). L. Qiao acknowledges the financial support of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (Grant Agreement No. 2016YFE0132400).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio