558 research outputs found

    Growth-induced electron mobility enhancement at the LaAlO3_3/SrTiO3_3 interface

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    We have studied the electronic properties of the 2D electron liquid present at the LaAlO3_3/SrTiO3_3 interface in series of samples prepared at different growth temperatures. We observe that interfaces fabricated at 650{\deg}C exhibit the highest low temperature mobility (≈10000 cm2/Vs\approx 10000 \textrm{ cm}^2/\textrm{Vs}) and the lowest sheet carrier density (≈5×1012 cm−2\approx 5\times 10^{12} \textrm{ cm}^{-2}). These samples show metallic behavior and Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations in their magnetoresistance. Samples grown at higher temperatures (800-900{\deg}C) display carrier densities in the range of ≈2−5×1013 cm−2\approx 2-5 \times 10^{13} \textrm{ cm}^{-2} and mobilities of ≈1000 cm2/Vs\approx 1000 \textrm{ cm}^2/\textrm{Vs} at 4K. Reducing their carrier density by field effect to 8×1012 cm−28\times 10^{12} \textrm{ cm}^{-2} lowers their mobilites to ≈50 cm2/Vs\approx 50 \textrm{ cm}^2/\textrm{Vs} bringing the conductance to the weak-localization regime

    Linear and nonlinear coupling of quantum dots in microcavities

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    We discuss the topical and fundamental problem of strong-coupling between a quantum dot an the single mode of a microcavity. We report seminal quantitative descriptions of experimental data, both in the linear and in the nonlinear regimes, based on a theoretical model that includes pumping and quantum statistics.Comment: Proceedings of the symposium Nanostructures: Physics and Technology 2010 (http://www.ioffe.ru/NANO2010), 2 pages in proceedings styl

    BioCultural Landscapes per la rigenerazione innovativa dei territori di montagna

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    Simplification of agricultural systems, farmland abandonment, uncontrolled urbanization, together with global scale drivers, determine fast and unpredictable phenomena of hydrogeological instability, biodiversity decline and identity loss. Men should hence promote socio-economic resilience and place identity, using biocultural landscapes as a resource. These landscapes are the outcome of the historical relationship between man and nature, resulting from complex interactions between biodiversity (at all levels, including species richness, ecosystem and biotope diversity) and cultural diversity, including material and immaterial aspects (architectural heritage, traditions, customs, local traditional agricultural practices, dialectal culture). Traditional water use is one of the main defining factors of traditional agricultural landscapes, characterized by significantly multiplied and enhanced functions and by the highest degree of biocultural diversity. The integrity of traditional agricultural landscapes is an indicator of environmental sustainability, socio-economic growth and habitat resilience. Land management and planning should promote the multi-functionality of biocultural landscapes through new interdisciplinary frameworks and innovative strategies, aimed at landscape conservation, enhancement and creative management

    Ultra-Fast Stark-Induced Control of Polaritonic States

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    A laser pulse, several meV red-detuned from the excitonic line of a quantum well, has been shown to induce an almost instantaneous and rigid shift of the lower and upper polariton branches. Here we demonstrate that through this shift, ultra-fast all-optical control of the polariton population in a semiconductor microcavity should be achievable. In the proposed setup a Stark field is used to bring the lower polariton branch in or out of resonance with a quasi-resonant continuous-wave laser, thereby favoring or inhibiting the injection of polaritons into the cavity. Moreover we show that this technique allows for the implementation of optical switches with extremely high repetition rates

    Tunable Rashba spin-orbit interaction at oxide interfaces

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    The quasi-two-dimensional electron gas found at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface offers exciting new functionalities, such as tunable superconductivity, and has been proposed as a new nanoelectronics fabrication platform. Here we lay out a new example of an electronic property arising from the interfacial breaking of inversion symmetry, namely a large Rashba spin-orbit interaction, whose magnitude can be modulated by the application of an external electric field. By means of magnetotransport experiments we explore the evolution of the spin-orbit coupling across the phase diagram of the system. We uncover a steep rise in Rashba interaction occurring around the doping level where a quantum critical point separates the insulating and superconducting ground states of the system

    Two-dimensional quantum oscillations of the conductance at LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interfaces

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    We report on a study of magnetotransport in LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interfaces characterized by mobilities of the order of several thousands cm2^{2}/Vs. We observe Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations that indicate a two-dimensional character of the Fermi surface. The frequency of the oscillations signals a multiple sub-bands occupation in the quantum well or a multiple valley configuration. From the temperature dependence of the oscillation amplitude we extract an effective carrier mass m∗≃1.45m^{*}\simeq1.45\,mem_{e}. An electric field applied in the back-gate geometry increases the mobility, the carrier density and the oscillation frequency.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Brand Network Booster: A New System for Improving Brand Connectivity

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    This paper presents a new decision support system offered for an in-depth analysis of semantic networks, which can provide insights for a better exploration of a brand's image and the improvement of its connectivity. In terms of network analysis, we show that this goal is achieved by solving an extended version of the Maximum Betweenness Improvement problem, which includes the possibility of considering adversarial nodes, constrained budgets, and weighted networks - where connectivity improvement can be obtained by adding links or increasing the weight of existing connections. We present this new system together with two case studies, also discussing its performance. Our tool and approach are useful both for network scholars and for supporting the strategic decision-making processes of marketing and communication managers

    An analytical model based on radiative heating for the determination of safety distances for wildland fires

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    International audienceThe radiative heat transfer is often the main thermal impact of a wildfire on people fighting the fire or on structures. Thus, the estimation of the radiation coming from the fire font and hitting a target is of primary importance for forest and urban managers. A new flame model based on the solid flame assumption is developed by considering a finite fire front width. The realistic description of finite fire front widths allows proposing a new criterion for the estimation of the radiative impact of the fire, which is based on the ratio fire front width/ flame length, opposed to the classical approach of considering only the flame length. The new model needs to be solved numerically so an analytical approximation is proposed to obtain a simple and useful formulation of the acceptable safety distance. A sensivity analysis is conducted on the different physical and geometrical parameters used to define the flame front. This analysis shows that the flame temperature is the most sensitive parameter. The results of the analytical model are compared with the numerical solution of the flame model and previous approaches based only on flame length. The results show that the analytical model is a good approximation of the numerical approach and displays realistic estimations of the acceptable safety distance for different fire front characteristics

    Adenocarcinoma classification: patterns and prognosis

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    Lung cancer is the most frequent human malignancy and the principal cause of cancer-related death worldwide. Adenocarcinoma is now the main histologic type, accounting for almost half of all the cases. The 2015 World Health Organization has adopted the classification recently developed by the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer, American Thoracic Society, and European Respiratory Society. This new adenocarcinoma classification has incorporated up-to-date advances in radiological, molecular and oncological knowledge, providing univocal diagnostic criteria and terminology. For resection specimens, new entities have been defined such as adenocarcinoma in situ and minimally invasive adenocarcinoma to designate adenocarcinomas, mostly nonmucinous and ≤ 3 cm in size, with either pure lepidic growth or predominant lepidic growth with ≤ 5 mm invasion, respectively. For invasive adenocarcinoma, the new classification has introduced histological subtyping according to the predominant pattern of growth of the neoplastic cells: lepidic (formerly non mucinous brochioloalveolar adenocarcinoma), acinar, papillary, micropapillary, and solid. Of note, micropapillary pattern is a brand new histologic subtype. In addition, four variants of invasive adenocarcinoma are recognized, namely invasive mucinous (formerly mucinous brochioloalveolar adenocarcinoma), colloid, fetal, and enteric. Importantly, three variants that were considered in the previous classification have been eliminated, specifically mucinous cystadenocarcinoma, signet ring cell, and clear cell adenocarcinoma. This review presents the changes introduced by the current histological classification of lung adenocarcinoma and its prognostic implications
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