50 research outputs found

    Prevalencia de genotípos del papiloma virus en mujeres de Cuenca

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    OBJETIVOS. Determinar la prevalencia de los genotipos del papiloma virus de alto y bajo grado oncogénico; relacionar con los grupos de edad, con los genotipos que evitan las dos vacunas existentes y con los factores de riesgo para cáncer cervical uterino. METODOLOGÍA. Estudio epidemiológico, observacional, transversal. La muestra aleatorizada fue de 500 mujeres de la zona urbana de la ciudad de Cuenca. Se efectuaron dos tomas del cuello uterino. Se utilizó el método de reacción de cadena de polimerasa y el estudio citopatológico Papanicolaou. RESULTADOS. La prevalencia de los genotipos del papiloma virus de alto grado oncogénico fue del 35,9% y para bajo grado el 14,3%. La prevalencia de las alteraciones citológicas, Papanicolaou, fue del 16%. Estas prevalencias fueron más frecuentes en los grupos de 30 a 39 años y 40 a 50 años. Por inferencia, la cobertura de la vacuna Cervarix sería del 8% y para el Gardasil del 13%. Fueron factores de riesgo los relacionados con el número y frecuencia de relaciones sexuales, número de compañeros sexuales. CONCLUSIONES. La prevalencia de los genotipos fue alta y la cobertura de las vacunas baja.OBJECTIVES. To determine the prevalence of papilloma virus genotypes of high and low oncogenic grade, to relate to age groups, with genotypes that avoid both existing vaccines and the risk factors for uterine cervical cancer. METHODS. Epidemiological, observational, cross-sectional study. The random sample was 500 women from the urban area of Cuenca city. Two samples of the cervix were taken. Polimeraza chain reaction method and cytopathology Papanicolaou study were used. RESULTS. The prevalence of papilloma virus genotypes of high oncogenic grade was 35,9% and 14,3% low oncogenic grade. The prevalence of cytologic abnormalities, Papanicolaou, was 16%. This prevalence was more frequent in the group of 30-39 years, and 40-50 years. By inference, the coverage of the Cervarix vaccine would be 8% and 13% for Gardasil. Risk factors were related to the number and frequency of intercourse and number of sexual partners. CONCLUSION. The prevalence of genotypes was high and the vaccine coverage was low.Cuenc

    Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Universidad de Cuenca

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    OBJETIVO: Determinar la prevalencia de los genotipos del papiloma virus humano en muestras cérvico-uterinas y su relación con los factores de riesgo en mujeres con vida sexual activa de la ciudad de Cuenca. METODOLOGÍA: Estudio observacional de tipo transversal con una muestra de 500 mujeres del cantón Cuenca de los Hospitales Monte Sinai y del Instituto Ecuatoriano de Seguridad Social (IESS). Los exámenes se realizaron en el laboratorio de Biología Molecular BIONCOGEN de la ciudad de Cuenca y se utilizó la técnica de PCR en Tiempo Real más el examen de Papanicolaou. RESULTADOS: La prevalencia del VPH fue de 78.4% y el genotipo más frecuente es el HPV 16 con el 26,2%. El NIC I con el 27% constituye la patología ginecológica más frecuente. CONCLUSIÓN: Los genotipos 16 /18 representan los tipos de VPH que están relacionados directamente con el desarrollo de cáncer cérvico uterino ya que al correlacionar con la citología (Papanicolau) se demuestra que la célula sufre cambios morfológicos (coilocitosis).OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of human papilloma virus genotypes in cervical-uterine samples and their relation to risk factors in women with active sex life in Cuenca. METHODOLOGY: It is a cross-sectional observational study with a sample of 500 women from Cuenca who were attended in the Monte Sinai Hospital and the Ecuadorian Institute of Social Security (IESS). The exams were carried out in the BIONCOGEN Molecular Biology Laboratory which is located in Cuenca. The Real Time PCR technique plus the Pap examination were used. RESULTS: The prevalence of HPV was 78.4 % and the most frequent genotype was the HPV 16 with 26.2 %. On the other hand, the CIN I with 27% is the most frequent gynecological pathology. CONCLUSION: The genotypes 16/18 represent the types of HPV that are directly related to the development of cervical cancer because when it is correlated with cytology (Pap) it is demonstrated that the cell undergoes morphological changes (koilocytosis). Keywords: Genotype, Human papillomavirus 16, Human papillomavirus 18, Clinical Laboratory Techniques, PCR; Risk factors; Monte Sinai Hospital, Hospital of the Ecuadorian Institute of Social Security, Cuenca-Ecuador.Cuenc

    Caracterización de los genotipos frecuentes del virus del papiloma humano en mujeres atendidas en los hospitales Monte Sinai y del Seguro Social Cuenca- Ecuador. 2008- 2014

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    OBJETIVO: Determinar la prevalencia de los ge- notipos del papiloma virus humano en muestras cérvico-uterinas y su relación con los factores de riesgo en mujeres con vida sexual activa de la ciu- dad de Cuenca. METODOLOGÍA: Estudio observacional de tipo transversal con una muestra de 500 mujeres del cantón Cuenca de los Hospitales Monte Sinai y del Instituto Ecuatoriano de Seguridad Social (IESS). Los exámenes se realizaron en el laboratorio de Biología Molecular BIONCOGEN de la ciudad de Cuenca y se utilizó la técnica de PCR en Tiempo Real más el examen de Papanicolaou. RESULTADOS: La prevalencia del VPH fue de 78.4% y el genotipo más frecuente es el HPV 16 con el 26,2%. El NIC I con el 27% constituye la patología ginecológica más frecuente. CONCLUSIÓN: Los genotipos 16 /18 representan los tipos de VPH que están relacionados directa- mente con el desarrollo de cáncer cérvico uterino ya que al correlacionar con la citología (Papani- colau) se demuestra que la célula sufre cambios morfológicos (coilocitosis).OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of hu- man papilloma virus genotypes in cervical-uterine samples and their relation to risk factors in women with active sex life in Cuenca. METHODOLOGY: It is a cross-sectional observatio- nal study with a sample of 500 women from Cuen- ca who were attended in the Monte Sinai Hospi- tal and the Ecuadorian Institute of Social Security (IESS). The exams were carried out in the BIONCO- GEN Molecular Biology Laboratory which is loca- ted in Cuenca. The Real Time PCR technique plus the Pap examination were used. RESULTS: The prevalence of HPV was 78.4 % and the most frequent genotype was the HPV 16 with 26.2 %. On the other hand, the CIN I with 27% is the most frequent gynecological pathology. CONCLUSION: The genotypes 16/18 represent the types of HPV that are directly related to the de- velopment of cervical cancer because when it is correlated with cytology (Pap) it is demonstrated that the cell undergoes morphological changes (koilocytosis)


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    El SARS-CoV-2 o también conocido como Covid-19, es un virus del tipo ARN, el cual es de contagio rápido, por lo cual se ha propagado de manera presurosa a nivel mundial, teniendo como su epicentro la ciudad Wuhan perteneciente al país de China. Este virus se encuentra afectando los alveolos pulmonares, que a medida que evolucione su cuadro clínico, llegara a producir una neumonía, no sólo eso, puesto que, sabemos que produce daño multisistémico. Aunque, el virus no es de alta mortalidad, su alta rapidez de propagación es lo que ha producido cuadros clínicos graves que, sin un tratamiento oportuno y eficaz, lleva a la muerte del paciente. Un factor predictor agravante de la evolución de los pacientes con Covid-19, son los pacientes con VIH; en los cuales, los niveles de linfocitos CD4 se encuentran en un nivel bajo, pudiendo la infección por coronavirus agravar su morbilidad, si no se lleva un tratamiento con antirretroviral oportuno. Los pacientes con VIH y a su vez positivos a la infección por Covid-19, deben llevar un tratamiento interrelacionado, como los son medicamentos como el Lopinavir y Ritonavi

    Prevalencia de genotipos del papiloma virus humano en mujeres de la provincia del Azuay, Ecuador

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    Los principales objetivos de la investigación fueron detectar en función con la edad, la prevalencia de los genotipos de alto y bajo riesgo oncogénico de virus del papiloma humano (VPH) en muestras cervicales de las mujeres en los catorce cantones de la provincia de Azuay. El proyecto abarcó el diagnóstico histopatológico de las lesiones cervicales intraepiteliales y la relación de los genotipos encontrados, con los factores de riesgo y las vacunas existentes que se utilizan como medida de prevención de cáncer de cuello uterino. Fueron examinadas muestras de frotis cervicales de una población aleatoria de 500 mujeres con la prueba de Papanicolaou (Pap), usando la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa en tiempo real (PCR). El estudio reveló una prevalencia de VPH de 25.6%; 4.8% genotipos oncogénicos de bajo riesgo y el 20.8% genotipos oncogénicos de alto riesgo respectivamente, y sólo en el grupo de edad de 20 a 29 años, una significativa prevalencia mayor de los genotipos de alto riesgo 31 y 66 (p<0.05). Las células escamosas atípicas de significado indeterminado (ASCUS) representan el 7% y la lesión intraepitelial escamosas de bajo grado (LIEBG) 1.8%. Por otra parte no se identificaron lesiones escamosas intraepiteliales de alto grado.De la población encuestada 2.8% de las mujeres poseen genotipos virales que son tratables por las vacunas distribuidas por el Ministerio de Salud Pública (MSP)The main objectives of the research were to detect as a function of age the prevalence of high-and low-risk oncogenic Human Papillomaviruses (HPV) in cervical samples of woman in the fourteen districts of the province of Azuay. The project encompassed the cytopathological diagnosis of intraepithelial cervical lesions and the risk factors of the genotypes found were related with existing vaccines which are used as a preventive measure of cervical cancer. Cervical smear samples from a random population of 500 women were screened with the Papanicolaou (Pap) test using real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The study revealed a prevalence of HPV of 25.6%, respectively 4.8% low-risk oncogenic genotypes and 20.8% high-risk oncogenic genotypes, and only in the 20-29 age group a significant higher prevalence of the high-risk genotypes 31 and 66 (p<0.05) was observed. Atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASCUS) represent 7% and the low-grade squamous intraepithelilial lesion (LSIL) 1.8%. Furthermore no high-grade squamous intraepithelilial lesionswere identified. Of the surveyed population 2.8% of the women possess viral genotypes which are treatable by the vaccines distributed by the Ministry of Public Health (MSP

    Reciprocal contribution of clinical studies and the HP10 antigen ELISA for the diagnosis of extraparenchymal neurocysticercosis.

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    Abstract To evaluate diagnosis of active neurocysticercosis, paired cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) and serum samples from 24 neurocysticercosis (NCC) patients and 17 control neurological patients were assayed in the HP10 Taenia antigen (Ag) ELISA. The CSF samples were also tested with an HP10 Lateral Flow Assay (LFA). The HP10 Ag was detected by ELISA in the CSF of 5/5 patients with Definitive extraparenchymal NCC, and in 4/5 of the corresponding sera. In the Definitive parenchymal group, on the other hand, the HP10 Ag was absent in 2/3 CSF (with a very low value in the one positive sample) and all the corresponding serum samples. Samples of CSF from 4/7 patients in the Probable parenchymal group, were also significantly HP10 Ag positive, suggesting the presence of extraparenchymal cysts not identified by the imaging studies. With the possible exception of one patient, the corresponding serum samples of the Probable parenchymal NCC group, were all HP10 Ag negative. Samples of CSF from 9 NCC patients diagnosed with Mixed parenchymal and extraparenchymal NCC were all significantly HP10 Ag positive, confirming the presence of extraparenchymal cysts, with only 7/9 of the corresponding serum samples being HP10 positive. Thus detection of the HP10 Ag indicates extraparenchymal and not parenchymal cyst localization and is more sensitive with CSF than serum. Three neurological patients clinically diagnosed as subarachnoid cyst, hydrocephalus and tuberculoma, respectively, were clearly positive for HP10 Ag. Of these, two were confirmed as NCC by subsequent imaging; the third died prior to further examination. Thus, a total of 8 patients had their clinical diagnosis questioned. Finally, there was good agreement between the HP10 Ag ELISA and LFA with CSF samples giving an optical density ≥0.4 in the ELISA assay. In conclusion, the HP10 Ag assay should provide a valuable and reciprocal tool in the clinical diagnosis and follow up of extraparenchymal NCC.Abstract To evaluate diagnosis of active neurocysticercosis, paired cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) and serum samples from 24 neurocysticercosis (NCC) patients and 17 control neurological patients were assayed in the HP10 Taenia antigen (Ag) ELISA. The CSF samples were also tested with an HP10 Lateral Flow Assay (LFA). The HP10 Ag was detected by ELISA in the CSF of 5/5 patients with Definitive extraparenchymal NCC, and in 4/5 of the corresponding sera. In the Definitive parenchymal group, on the other hand, the HP10 Ag was absent in 2/3 CSF (with a very low value in the one positive sample) and all the corresponding serum samples. Samples of CSF from 4/7 patients in the Probable parenchymal group, were also significantly HP10 Ag positive, suggesting the presence of extraparenchymal cysts not identified by the imaging studies. With the possible exception of one patient, the corresponding serum samples of the Probable parenchymal NCC group, were all HP10 Ag negative. Samples of CSF from 9 NCC patients diagnosed with Mixed parenchymal and extraparenchymal NCC were all significantly HP10 Ag positive, confirming the presence of extraparenchymal cysts, with only 7/9 of the corresponding serum samples being HP10 positive. Thus detection of the HP10 Ag indicates extraparenchymal and not parenchymal cyst localization and is more sensitive with CSF than serum. Three neurological patients clinically diagnosed as subarachnoid cyst, hydrocephalus and tuberculoma, respectively, were clearly positive for HP10 Ag. Of these, two were confirmed as NCC by subsequent imaging; the third died prior to further examination. Thus, a total of 8 patients had their clinical diagnosis questioned. Finally, there was good agreement between the HP10 Ag ELISA and LFA with CSF samples giving an optical density ≥0.4 in the ELISA assay. In conclusion, the HP10 Ag assay should provide a valuable and reciprocal tool in the clinical diagnosis and follow up of extraparenchymal NCC