26 research outputs found

    FILO Ciliophora

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    Capítulo de libroEl conocimiento de la diversidad de los ciliados planctónicos en aguas de Galicia hasta la fecha es muy limitado. La mayor parte de los estudios publicados solo incluyen grandes grupos o algunas especies dominantes, que clásicamente se identificaban por microscopía óptica adaptada y hoy en día se se usan técnicas moleculares basadas en la amplificación, clonación y secuenciación de regiones del gen codificador del ARNr 18S, que permite la identificación filogenética de las "especies" o OTUs que componen las comunidades de ciliados planctónicos, por ejemplo. La lista añadida incluye 25 familias y 88 géneros y especies, recogidos en el marco de proyectos de observación sistemática del IEO... La clasificación usada se basa en Lynn&Small (2002) y la nomenclatura empleada en WORMS (Warren, 2011). Diferenciación por ambientes pelágicos.En prens

    Diversity and abundance of planktonic communities in the deep waters off the galician coast (NW Spain)

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    Comunicación oralPlanktonic communities play pivotal roles within marine ecosystems, affecting their structure, functioning and services. Although they have been extensively studied in the epipelagic ocean, the knowledge about these communities in the dark ocean is rather short. In this study, we explored patterns of abundance and biomass of a wide variety of taxonomic groups from the prokaryotes to mesozooplankton in the epi-, meso- and bathypelagic waters off the Galician coast. As expected, ciliate and zooplankton abundances are depleted in the bathypelagic waters relative to abundances of prokaryotes and nanoflagellates. The rate of decrease of zooplankton biomass with depth is twice as that of prokaryotes and nanoflagellates, indicating that relative contribution of mesozooplancton to the total plankton biomass decreases with depth. Overall, the diversity of prokaryotes in the dark ocean is almost as high as in the epipelagic layer, although the phylotypes are different. The major fraction of epipelagic ciliates belongs to alloricate genera, whereas tintinnids dominate the deep ciliate populations. Small copepods were dominant in the epi- and meso-pelagic zone. By contrast, foraminiferans, big copepods and myctophic fishes were more abundant in the deep ocean

    Biomass production and variation in the biochemical profile (total protein, carbohydrates, RNA, lipids and fatty acids) of seven species of marine microalgae

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    Seven species of marine microalgae (Pavlova lutheri, Isochrysis galbana, Tetraselmis suecica, Chaetoceros calcitrans, Phaeodactylum tricornutum, Rhodomonas spp and Heterosigma akashiwo) were harvested at three phases in the growth curve and biochemical composition was determined. Saturated fatty acids and, to a lesser extent, monoethylenic fatty acids represent between 70 and 100% of the total fatty acids. RNA levels never excedeed 2.5%. The daily production was calculated for each batch culture in three growth phases and was compared with the production of a semicontinuous culture maintained in the exponential phase. The daily production of each of the biochemical components also varied with the specie