1,150 research outputs found

    Des patrons modulaires de requĂȘtes SPARQL dans le systĂšme SWIP

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    National audienceLe systĂšme SWIP a pour objectif l'interrogation d'entrepĂŽts de donnĂ©es sĂ©mantiques par un utilisateur final. Dans cet article, nous proposons une dĂ©finition de patrons de requĂȘtes modulaires. Ces patrons sont composĂ©s de sous-patrons imbriquĂ©s, optionnels ou rĂ©pĂ©tables. Ce nouveau modĂšle de patron est implĂ©mentĂ© Ă  partir d'une ontologie OWL 2. Il a Ă©tĂ© validĂ© sur un jeu de requĂȘtes portant sur le domaine du cinĂ©ma

    La rupture conventionnelle : objectifs officiels versus enjeux implicites

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    URL des Documents de travail : http://centredeconomiesorbonne.univ-paris1.fr/bandeau-haut/documents-de-travail/Documents de travail du Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne 2010.101 - ISSN : 1955-611XThe ‘conventional cancelation' is a way for employer and employee to mutually agree for ending the labor contract. Officially, it will permit to raise mutually beneficial agreements and to reduce the judge role. First, what is at stake here is the bargaining capacity of the employee and the nature of his agreement since he is in a relation of subordination. Second, the meaning of the eviction of the judge will be also questioned.La rupture conventionnelle du contrat de travail, alternative au licenciement et Ă  la dĂ©mission, s'adresse aux ruptures d'initiative commune entre salariĂ© et employeur. Officiellement, elle est censĂ©e rĂ©duire le contentieux et favoriser les ruptures nĂ©gociĂ©es. Il s'agit ici de questionner les enjeux implicites de ces objectifs officiels et leurs Ă©ventuels effets pervers. En effet, en permettant une nĂ©gociation bilatĂ©rale avec un salariĂ© en position de subordination, elle altĂšre sa capacitĂ© de nĂ©gociation et fragilise son libre consentement ; par ailleurs, elle pose la question du sens de la baisse du contentieux observĂ©e aprĂšs de telles ruptures, consĂ©quence d'une rĂ©duction de l'espace du contentieux possible plutĂŽt que d'une rĂ©duction de la conflictualitĂ©

    Passage de la langue naturelle Ă  une requĂȘte SPARQL dans le systĂšme SWIP

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    International audienceNotre objectif est de fournir aux utilisateurs un moyen d'interroger des bases de connaissances en utilisant des requĂȘtes exprimĂ©es en langue naturelle. Nous souhaitons masquer la complexitĂ© liĂ©e Ă  la formulation des requĂȘtes dans un langage de requĂȘtes graphes comme SPARQL. L'originalitĂ© principale de notre approche rĂ©side dans l'utilisation de patrons de requĂȘtes. Dans cet article, nous justifions le postulat selon lequel les requĂȘtes issues d'utilisateurs de la "vraie vie" sont des variations autour de quelques familles typiques de requĂȘtes. Nous expliquons Ă©galement comment notre approche est adaptable Ă  diffĂ©rentes langues. Les premiĂšres Ă©valuations sur le jeu de donnĂ©es du challenge QALD-2 montrent la pertinence de notre approche

    Demo : Swip, a semantic web interface using patterns

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    International audienceOur purpose is to provide end-users with a means to query ontology based knowledge bases using natural language queries and thus hide the complexity of formulating a query expressed in a graph query language such as SPARQL. The main originality of our approach lies in the use of query patterns. Our contribution is materialized in a system named SWIP, standing for Semantic Web Interface Using Patterns. The demo will present use cases of this system

    Swip : une interface Langue Naturelle à SPARQL programmée en SPARQL

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    Session 4 : Web sĂ©mantiqueNational audienceL'approche Swip a pour objectif de traduire en SPARQL des requĂȘtes exprimĂ©es en langue naturelle en exploitant des patrons de requĂȘtes prĂ©alablement dĂ©finis. Nous prĂ©sentons ici le module au coeur du systĂšme implĂ©mentant cette approche qui repose entiĂšrement sur SPARQL. Les traitements mis en oeuvre au sein de ce module sont en effet entiĂšrement rĂ©alisĂ©s sur une base de triplets RDF par l'intermĂ©diaire de requĂȘtes de mise Ă  jour SPARQL. L'implĂ©mentation bĂ©nĂ©ficie ainsi des capacitĂ©s du moteur SPARQL employĂ©, ce qui permet d'Ă©viter de mettre en place des fonctions de manipulation et d'appariement de graphes, un moteur SPARQL Ă©tant justement conçu et optimisĂ© pour ces tĂąches

    Expression de requĂȘtes SPARQL Ă  partir de patrons: prise en compte des relations

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    International audienceNotre objectif est de masquer la difficultĂ© d'exprimer une requĂȘte dans le langage de graphes SPARQL. Nous proposons un mĂ©canisme permettant d'exprimer des requĂȘtes dans un langage pivot trĂšs simple, constituĂ© essentiellement de mots-clĂ©s et de relations entre ces mots-clĂ©s. Notre systĂšme associe les mots-clĂ©s et les Ă©lĂ©ments de l'ontologie (concepts, relations, instances) correspondants. Il sĂ©lectionne alors des patrons de requĂȘtes prĂ©-Ă©crits, puis les instancie Ă  partir des mots-clĂ©s de la requĂȘte initiale. Plusieurs requĂȘtes sont alors prĂ©sentĂ©es Ă  l'utilisateur sous forme de phrases descriptives en langue naturelle. L'utilisateur sĂ©lectionne alors la requĂȘte qui l'intĂ©resse. La requĂȘte SPARQL est alors gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©e

    Natural language query interpretation into SPARQL using patterns

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    International audienceOur purpose is to provide end-users with a means to query ontology based knowledge bases using natural language queries and thus hide the complexity of formulating a query expressed in a graph query language such as SPARQL. The main originality of our approach lies in the use of query patterns. In this article we justify the postulate supporting our work which claims that queries issued by real life end-users are variations of a few typical query families. We also explain how our approach is designed to be adaptable to different user languages. Evaluations on the QALD-3 data set have shown the relevancy of the approach

    The uses of islands in the production of the southern Euroepan migration border

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    The political uses of islands under the dynamics of EU border production and management are explored in this four-paper collection. Although the island migration model is not unique per se, irregular migration to southern European islands does have some specific features, including the extraordinary media attention it draws. From this perspective, the scientific analyses offered here aim both to show the particular situation that these islands find themselves in within the European policy framework for controlling irregular immigration and, more generally, to illustrate how these island places are like the development of film into photograph, revealing the issues, complexity and stakes particular to undesirable migrations

    Hyperspectral images segmentation: a proposal

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    Hyper-Spectral Imaging (HIS) also known as chemical or spectroscopic imaging is an emerging technique that combines imaging and spectroscopy to capture both spectral and spatial information from an object. Hyperspectral images are made up of contiguous wavebands in a given spectral band. These images provide information on the chemical make-up profile of objects, thus allowing the differentiation of objects of the same colour but which possess make-up profile. Yet, whatever the application field, most of the methods devoted to HIS processing conduct data analysis without taking into account spatial information.Pixels are processed individually, as an array of spectral data without any spatial structure. Standard classification approaches are thus widely used (k-means, fuzzy-c-means hierarchical classification...). Linear modelling methods such as Partial Least Square analysis (PLS) or non linear approaches like support vector machine (SVM) are also used at different scales (remote sensing or laboratory applications). However, with the development of high resolution sensors, coupled exploitation of spectral and spatial information to process complex images, would appear to be a very relevant approach. However, few methods are proposed in the litterature. The most recent approaches can be broadly classified in two main categories. The first ones are related to a direct extension of individual pixel classification methods using just the spectral dimension (k-means, fuzzy-c-means or FCM, Support Vector Machine or SVM). Spatial dimension is integrated as an additionnal classification parameter (Markov fields with local homogeneity constrainst [5], Support Vector Machine or SVM with spectral and spatial kernels combination [2], geometrically guided fuzzy C-means [3]...). The second ones combine the two fields related to each dimension (spectral and spatial), namely chemometric and image analysis. Various strategies have been attempted. The first one is to rely on chemometrics methods (Principal Component Analysis or PCA, Independant Component Analysis or ICA, Curvilinear Component Analysis...) to reduce the spectral dimension and then to apply standard images processing technics on the resulting score images i.e. data projection on a subspace. Another approach is to extend the definition of basic image processing operators to this new dimensionality (morphological operators for example [1, 4]). However, the approaches mentioned above tend to favour only one description either directly or indirectly (spectral or spatial). The purpose of this paper is to propose a hyperspectral processing approach that strikes a better balance in the treatment of both kinds of information....Cet article prĂ©sente une stratĂ©gie de segmentation d’images hyperspectrales liant de façon symĂ©trique et conjointe les aspects spectraux et spatiaux. Pour cela, nous proposons de construire des variables latentes permettant de dĂ©finir un sous-espace reprĂ©sentant au mieux la topologie de l’image. Dans cet article, nous limiterons cette notion de topologie Ă  la seule appartenance aux rĂ©gions. Pour ce faire, nous utilisons d’une part les notions de l’analyse discriminante (variance intra, inter) et les propriĂ©tĂ©s des algorithmes de segmentation en rĂ©gion liĂ©es Ă  celles-ci. Le principe gĂ©nĂ©rique thĂ©orique est exposĂ© puis dĂ©clinĂ© sous la forme d’un exemple d’implĂ©mentation optimisĂ© utilisant un algorithme de segmentation en rĂ©gion type split and merge. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus sur une image de synthĂšse puis rĂ©elle sont exposĂ©s et commentĂ©s
