9 research outputs found

    Karakterisasi Proses Gasifikasi Sampah Organik dengan Variasi Jenis Bahan

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    One of the abundant energy source in Indonesia is organic waste in the form of leafs and branches which is widely avalilable in homeyard. It can be utilized as alternative energy source by gasification process. The objective of the study was to know the influence of raw material and AFR to the characteristic of organic waste gasification process. The raw material used were leafs and branches of melinjo (gnetum gnemon) which obtained from homeyard of inhabitant in Sidomoyo village, Godean sub-district, Sleman Regency, Indonesia. Before being gasified, it was prepared for proximate analysis in laboratorium. The gasification begins by feeding the raw material to the reactor with variation of 100% leaf, 100% branch, and 50%-50% leaf and branch. The gasification process was occured in reactor for one hour, and syn gas which produced has been analized to know the composition of it. Result shows that raw material have influenced the characteristic of gasification process. The highest heating rate was occured for gasification process of 100% leaf and AFR 0.5, which it gas has burned after 25 minuted process in oxidation temperature of 650 0C, reduction temperature of 350 0C, and pyrolysis temperature of 240 0C

    “Briquette La Bendo\u27, Pemanfaatan Limbah Ampas Onggok Menjadi Bisnis Briket sebagai Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Dusun Bendo Desa Daleman Kecamatan Tulung Kabupaten Klaten

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    The development industry in Bendo, Daleman, Tulung, Klaten District is flour processing from Arenga pinnata trees. Beside produces flour, this industry also produces biomass waste in abundant quantity. This waste is not fully utilized, so that gives the negative impact to local air and water quality. UGM students through Student Creativity Program took an initiative to utilize the biomass waste into briquettes together with the local community. The implementation of this activity conducted from February until July 2013. The activities including observation and identification of issues, public education, training briquettes production, society empowerment and the establishment of Small Medium Enterprises. The results show that the community supports the dissemination activities and ready to carry out the activities. The community has been able to make briquettes from beginning till end. However, the community has still not to make briquettes continuously and sustainability. This condition cause the plan to establishment small medium enterprise is delayed. Besides that, this activity has publication by online news and newspaper about utilization of biomass waste into briquettes. Therefore, the community need to empowerment intensively to make briquettes, reparation the briquettes tools in order to effective and efficiently, and then actuating to establishment the Small Medium Enterprises of briquettes. In the future, if this activity is sustainability, it can reduce the amount of biomass wastes in case to improve the air and water quality

    Desain Sistem Informasi Cerdas Pada Smart Grid Berbasis Internet of Things Dan Artificial Neural Network

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    Smart grid merupakan sistem kelistrikan yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk melakukan proses menjual dan membeli daya listrik. Pada penelitian ini dirancang model smart grid dengan sumber daya dari listrik PLN dan panel surya yang terhubung dengan beban. Beban yang digunakan memiliki daya maksimal 40 W dan panel surya yang digunakan memiliki kapasitas 100 Wp. ESP32 digunakan sebagai perangkat Internet of Things, yang digunakan sebagai pengukur dan pengontrol daya listrik yang akan dijual atau dibeli. Raspberry Pi digunakan sebagai web server pengolah data dari smart grid. Aplikasi “Smart Grid Dikti†merupakan aplikasi berbasis android yang dapat digunakan untuk melakukan pemantauan serta pengaturan dalam sistem smart grid tersebut. Aplikasi android tersebut telah diuji coba dengan metode Black Box, dengan hasil pengujian 100% berhasil. Kecerdasan buatan berbasis Artificial Neural Network (ANN) dengan metode backpropagation diimplementasikan dalam sistem smart grid yang berfungsi sebagai pengaturan otomatis dalam proses jual dan beli daya listrik. ANN yang digunakan memiliki 3 input, 2 layer neuron, 3 output, dan masing-masing layer memiliki 4 neuron yang diimplementasikan ke dalam bahasa Python. Setelah pelatihan sebanyak 11.000 kali, didapatkan Root Mean Square  Error (RMSE) sebesar 0,12151 dan pada saat uji coba didapatkan RMSE sebesar 0,10500 dengan akurasi rata-rata sebesar 89,50%

    Pengembangan Smart Home System Berbasis Kecerdasan Buatan untuk Memanajemen Konsumsi Energi Rumah Tangga dengan Pendekatan Finansial

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    Teknologi rumah pintar yang dikembangkan saat ini belum sepenuhnya mampu mendukung program konservasi energi yang dicanangkan pemerintah. Selain Saat ini kontrol untuk pengaturan rumah pintar masih dilakukan secara manual, belum sepenuhnya otomatis. Pada penelitian ini akan dibangun sistem rumah pintar yang dikendalikan oleh kecerdasan buatan untuk mengendalikan pemakaian energi berdasarkan besaran nilai tagihan bulanan. ESP32 digunakan sebagai perangkat Internet of Things (IoT) yang berfungsi mendeteksi keberadaan manusia dan mengukur energi listrik yang dikonsumsi. Data-data tersebut disimpan dalam online web server yang dibangun dari Raspberry Pi. Sistem ini dapat dimonitor dan dikendalikan oleh aplikasi berbasis Web. Aplikasi ini sudah diuji dengan menggunakan metode Black Box, hasilnya 100% aplikasi berjalan lancar. Artificial Neural Network diimplementasikan menggunakan bahasa Python, dengan 4 input, 2 layer, dan 4 output dimana masing-masing layer terdiri dari 4 neuron. Variabel masukan yang digunakan dalam ANN yaitu intensitas cahaya, temperatur ruangan, durasi waktu penggunaan ruangan, dan target biaya bulanan, sedangkan keluaran dari ANN ini yaitu durasi penggunaan peralatan listrik, dalam purwarupa ini yaitu durasi penggunaan AC, TV, refrigerator, dan lampu. Sistem sudah mampu berjalan dengan baik, mampu memberikan rekomendasi durasi maksimal penggunaan peralatan listrik dengan tingkat kesalahan sebesar 1,64%

    Implementation of Electronic Industrial Training Application for Industrial Training Management Based on Netbeans and Android

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    The research builds a management information system software that can be used by organizer and trainees in the industry. Training information system that aims to improve the effectiveness of managing industrial training and improve employee access to competency information and industry training. It is expected that there will be an increase in employee competencies so that it has an impact on increasing industrial production. The e-IndT application is designed in the form of applications for organizer and training participants. The design of e-IndT application was tested using the balckbox method and questionnaire. Testing on the e-IndT training application for training organizer in the form of time to search for data access, enter data, update data, delete data, and send data via e-mail and SMS then compared with classical systems. Testing on the e-IndT application for training participants in the form of a questionnaire with a quantitative approach. The results of the study stated that the effectiveness of the management of industrial training increased with the processing time in e-IndT applications Faster than classical systems. Increasing training participants' access to competency and industry training information is achieved as evidenced by more than 95% of respondents stating the ease of accessing training information