988 research outputs found

    Symbolic crosschecking of data-parallel floating-point code

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    Shadow symbolic execution for better testing of evolving software

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    In this idea paper, we propose a novel way for improving the testing of program changes via symbolic execution. At a high-level, our technique runs two different program versions in the same symbolic execution instance, with the old version effectively shadowing the new one. In this way, the technique can exploit precise dynamic value information to effectively drive execution toward the behaviour that has changed from one version to the next. We discuss the main challenges and opportunities of this approach in terms of pruning and prioritising path exploration, mapping elements across versions, and sharing common symbolic state between versions. Copyright © 2014 ACM

    Personal Identity as a Hypothesis

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    I propose that the notions of personhood and personal identity are most accurately understood as merely negative hypotheses in the brains of us humans. Understanding the notions of personhood and personal identity in this way will also explain why the disagreements about the nature of personhood and personal identity have been intractable so far in the philosophical literature. And it also predicts that settling these disagreements through the analytic dialectic is unlikely

    Cognitive Ageing

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    Cognitive decline is the first outward sign of dementia, which has a major public health impact on individuals and governments around the world. As individuals age, cognitive abilities gradually start to deteriorate for independent or combined genetic and environmental causes. Given that very little can be done regarding our genetic inheritance, the focus of the current research is on modifiable risk factors across the life course. There is a well-established relationship between specific lifestyle behaviours and cognitive decline, but extremely limited research on the role of combined lifestyle factors. This chapter aims to describe the process of cognitive ageing on multiple cognitive domains (fluid and crystallised), highlighting the changes in cognitive performance occurring as a normal process of ageing, as well as the most severe forms of cognitive impairment indicative of probable risk of dementia. Also, the role of modifiable risk factors such as lifestyle behaviours (alcohol, smoking, physical activity and dietary patterns) will be evaluated in relation to healthy cognitive ageing and preventions of cognitive decline. There are many questions to be answered regarding the biological foundations of cognitive ageing across the spectrum, and the potential role of lifestyle behaviours in reverting the accelerated changes in the cognitive ageing process

    The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cognitive decline

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    New Skills in a Changing World: Strategic Alliances at World Heritage Sites

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    The presentation aims to examine the new type of skills that heritage professionals may need to acquire in response to the changing socio-economic context of the contemporary world. It will also look into possible strategic alliances between higher education, communities and the tourism sector that could link conservation and sustainable development (especially youth employment) at World Heritage Sites. Particular attention will be given to the social threats induced by tourism at heritage sites, such as the dramatic decrease of young population, rural exodus, or the deterioration of the local social fabric, and the critical need for revitalization strategies in this regard.La présentation vise à examiner le nouveau type de compétences que les professionnels du patrimoine peuvent avoir besoin d'acquérir en réponse au contexte socio-économique changeant du monde contemporain. Elle se penchera également sur d'éventuelles alliances stratégiques entre l'enseignement supérieur, les collectivités et le secteur du tourisme qui pourraient lier la conservation et le développement durable (en particulier l'emploi des jeunes) dans les sites du patrimoine mondial. Une attention particulière sera accordée aux menaces sociales induites par le tourisme sur les sites du patrimoine, telles que la baisse spectaculaire de la jeune population, l'exode rural, ou la détérioration du tissu social local, ainsi que la nécessité cruciale pour les stratégies de revitalisation à cet égard.يهدف هذا العرض إلى امتحان النوع الجديد من المهارات التي قد يحتاج أخصائيو التراث أن يتلقوها كاستجابة للسياق الاجتماعي والاقتصادي المتغير للعالم المعاصر. وسوف ينظر العرض أيضا في التحالفات الاستراتيجية المحتملة بين التعليم العالي والمجتمعات المحلية والقطاع السياحي الذي قد يربط بين الأصالة و التنمية المستدامة (وخاصة تشغيل الشباب) في مواقع التراث العالمي. وسيولى اهتمام خاص للتهديدات الاجتماعية الناجمة عن السياحة في مواقع التراث، مثل الانخفاض الهائل في عدد السكان اليافعين، والهجرة من الريف، أو تدهور النسيج الاجتماعي المحلي، والحاجة الماسة لوضع استراتيجيات تنشيط في هذا الصدد