45 research outputs found

    The importance of the environment in everyday school life: working with deaf students using active methodologies

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    It is relevant that the study presented presents an analysis of the main methodologies used in the education of students that emerged in Elementary School, having as a model the theme, The Environment in School Daily Life and its Active Methodologies. The study aims to evaluate the results by the capacity of the students acquired Environment in the Daily School Life of these deaf students, through active methodologies. The student is encouraged to take an active and responsible stance in their learning process, seeking self-regulation and meaningful learning. Learning methods and techniques that stimulate student-teacher and student-student interaction, teaching materials and resources and handouts, almost always, in collaborative learning, taking the student to be responsible for the construction of their knowledge. Based on this premise, we will present a qualitative research and significant results. Expand our information through field research by observation studies and studies, expanding experiences with students emerging from a state school in Manaus. Therefore, we will present some methodologies, among which are Recycle, Reuse and Reduce solid waste. It was found that the methodologies used are oriented according to child-centered learning theories. In this investment in the deaf and their registration, student, context, thus, the service to useful services for stimulation and development is essential. Based on the evaluation of the results by the applicability of the environment themes obtained in the school routine, and the uses of active methodologies, to propose a new method of study to train deaf students. We will seek the best way to work as methodologies in the training of the deaf subject. It was verified the use of the methodologies that motivate the use of the methodologies that motivate the use of their disks and the direction of solutions to make an impasse and promote their development, which is an adequate and necessary instrument for a new learning. It is concluded that the teaching and learning process with deaf students still lacks research opportunities aimed at the adoption of new techniques that favor learning at better levels of qualification for the child

    A importância da convergência tecnológica nas áreas de telecomunicações como ferramenta estratégica ao desenvolvimento regional: uma visão dos stakeholders

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção.O Estado do Amazonas, em decorrência de suas características geográficas, sempre apresentou, por um lado, grandes dificuldades de comunicação. Por outro lado, a sua história econômica e cultural contribuiu para a conservação de seus recursos naturais. Hoje, a floresta amazônica apresenta 98% de sua vegetação preservada. Assim, o objetivo geral deste trabalho consiste em demonstrar a importância da convergência tecnológica na área de telecomunicações, principalmente no que diz respeito à sua utilização para o desenvolvimento sustentável do Estado do Amazonas, na visão de importantes stakeholders. Por conseguinte, este trabalho apresentou um estudo relacionando o advento da globalização da economia, o conceito de desenvolvimento sustentável e o avanço tecnológico na área das telecomunicações, assim como a visão dos stakeholders selecionados, quanto à utilização da convergência tecnológica como ferramenta para o desenvolvimento sustentável do estado, visando, principalmente, a conservação de seus recursos naturais e o bem-estar da população interiorana. De Maneira geral, constatou-se que o desenvolvimento sustentável no tocante a convergência tecnológica preconizada para o Estado do Amazonas, apresenta-se ainda incipiente, sendo até mesmo ignorado o seu conceito pela maioria dos stakeholders entrevistados. Finalmente, apresenta-se, neste trabalho, sugestões para futuras pesquisas, que possam contribuir para a elucidação dos interesses políticos em nível nacional e local, assim como recomendações que possam contribuir para o desenvolvimento sustentável da região

    Barrido de frecuencia en coordenadas de fase Frequency scan on phase-coordinates

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    El análisis de redes eléctricas ha transitado de modelos en componentes de secuencia a modelos en coordenadas de fase. La formulación del barrido de frecuencia en coordenadas de fase, además de facilitar la modelación más precisa de las redes desequilibradas, permite especificar inyecciones armónicas de cualquier tipo: monofásicas o trifásicas de la secuencia deseada. Por lo que puede estudiarse el efecto de las cargas no lineales de acuerdo a sus características y conexión al circuito. El presente trabajo desarrolla el modelo en coordenadas de fase de una red eléctrica, considerando la representación de bancos de transformadores monofásicos de tres o dos transformadores, así como otros tipos de asimetrías que pueden encontrarse en los sistemas eléctricos de instalaciones industriales, de edificios comerciales o de servicio. El modelo desarrollado se prueba con un ejemplo sencillo de un sistema delta a cuatro hilos que permite destacar las posibilidades del modelo.The electric networks analysis has upgraded from the sequence components frame models to the phase- coordinates frame models. The formulation of the frequency scan method in a phase- coordinates frame, besides allowing for a more accurate modeling of unbalanced networks, allows the specification of harmonic injections of any type: single-phase or three-phase of the desired sequence. Therefore, it is possible to study the effect of the non-linear loads according to its features and connection to the circuit. This paper develops the phase-coordinates model of a distribution power system, considering the representation of three-phase transformer banks of three or two single-phase transformers, as well as other asymmetries that can be found in the electrical systems of industrial plants, commercial or service facilities. The frequency scan based on the presented model is tested with a simple example of a four-wire delta system that highlights the possibilities of the mode

    Optimization of the transfer process to the Municipalities and the Federal District - DF, of Law 13,240, of December 30, 2015

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    The need for continuous improvement in the transfer process to municipalities and the Federal District in compliance with the legislation in art. 27 of Law No. 13,240, of December 30, 2015, included the wording of art. 6-B in Decree-Law No. 2,398, of December 21, 1987, establishing the obligation for the Union, through the Secretariat for Coordination and Governance of the Union\u27s Heritage - SPU, to transfer the corresponding to the Municipalities and the Federal District - DF to 20% (twenty percent) of the annual collections of the previous year referring to Forum, Occupancy Fee and Laudemium, charged for the use of those properties located in the municipalities and in the DF and art. 17 of Law No. 13,240, of 2015, and 16-G of Law No. 13,465, of July 11, 2017, likewise determined the transfer of 20% of equity income arising from the sale of Federal properties that are registered in occupation and, also, the remission of jurisdiction of the real estate under a lease, respectively, always observing the location of the real estate. The primary interest is to examine the transfer process in the last 5 (five) years and optimize, analyze the failures of the transfer process, as well as quantify the amounts not transferred to the states

    Proposal for the development of burn-in inline

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    Advanced manufacturing promises to significantly impact the economy in various branches and industrial segments, such as metallurgy and agribusiness. Therefore, the aim is to develop a new product implemented at the company Transire, an automated system for storage in a controlled temperature environment, testing and test monitoring in real-time of its final products. Thus, this article can be considered exploratory, applied, and qualitative under the aspects of bibliographical research and case studies. Data collection was through meetings with company professionals, technical visits, and research on the importance of the topic. The results showed that the main stages of development of the Burn-In Inline were validated and that studies of production capacity associated with these developments can generate factory modernization and greater competitiveness among companies in the fiel

    IoT System for Ultraviolet Ray Index Monitoring

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    Este artigo apresenta um sistema de monitoramento de índice ultravioleta usando aplicativos de IoT. O objetivo é auxiliar na prevenção de doenças causadas pela radiação solar ultravioleta por meio de mensagens de aviso com medidas preventivas a cada alteração no nível do índice ultravioleta ao longo do tempo. O monitoramento do índice de UV é de fundamental importância para a prevenção de várias doenças, como câncer de pele, doenças cardiovasculares, falta de cálcio e outras. O sistema apresentou bons resultados no monitoramento do índice UV, apresentando valores medidos dos índices UV de acordo com a radiação solar observada durante os experimentos, classificados de acordo com a Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS)

    Environmental education: The 3r\u27s (three r’s) in the first year of fundamental education

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    We can observe that, at present, the social body suffers from the dilemma of the excess of the inadequate corollary creation of solid waste. This excessive amount of waste has been worrisome because, if not properly collected and disposed of, it causes serious consequences to health and the environment. Thus, the reluctance of the non-management of solid waste is numerous and includes environmental, economic, social, and health aspects. In this scenario, it is clear that waste cannot be completely eliminated; however, it is possible to decrease it by reducing the amount of waste and recycling as much as possible. It is true that the contemporary world is characterized by an almost constant state of crisis, however, to recycle or reuse has the sense to restrain what is used, to limit waste and residues, to protect the environment, to conserve and defend the ecosystem. For this, there is a need to moderate this expressed consumption, not only to use what is necessary, but also to reuse what is possible. The optics of the "3R\u27s" concept aims to contain the ecosystemic shock with applicability to the development of new products. In this sense, it is essential to emphasize education, as an agent of change, for the development of people into informed and active citizens. In view of the above, the objective of this work was to observe, the perception of children in the first year of elementary school about the environment to, subsequently, make them aware in a critical and reflective way of how we relate to each other and how we can improve our environment through the reduction and reuse of waste. The concept of the three Rs in this case study was used, therefore, to clarify and promote reflection regarding excessive shopping, the reuse of what would go to waste such as cans, cardboard, bottles among others, and finally, to offer the possibility of converting items no longer used into other creations. This study contributed to the awareness and preservation of the environment and its didactic-pedagogical sequence promoted progression in the visuomotor, motor, motor, playful, affective, and critical-reflexive aspects, for the promotion of the acquisition and strengthening of competencies and skills

    Process of Establishment And In Vitro Development of Simaba Cedron Planch Seedlings. (Simaroubaceae)

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    Simaba cedron, popularly known as "cedron", is largely used for fever and snake bites. Its seeds are used in the treatment of stomach problems and liver infections. The fruits are used for the treatment of pain and malaria while its bark is an antispasmodic. Simaba cedron is generally propagated through seeds, but with limited success, as the low viability of same restricts its propagation. In view of such difficulty, it becomes necessary the study for adequate conditions for the large scale production of these seedlings. Being it known that in several species, the use of micropropagation has made it possible to obtain a large amount of disease-free and more homogeneous seedlings, in reduced time and physical space, in comparison with conventional propagation methods, the objective of this work was to analyze the effect of two culture media on the production of aseptic parent plants as a first step in the development of a micropropagation protocol for Simaba cedron. The seeds were collected from a matrix plant located in the Amazon Biotechnology Center (CBA), in Manaus/AM. The experiment was installed at the Vegetable Tissue Culture Laboratory, where the  explants were desinfected and grown in culture medium  according to Murashige & Skoog (MS) and in Wood Plant Medium (WPM), during 60 days. The disinfestation rate obtained was 75% and, of the disinfested seeds, 100% germinated. The cultivation medium that was more favorable to the cultivation of simaba was the MS, where the multiplication rate was of 8.0: 1, whose seedlings reached, in average, 4.8 cm and 75% of rooting

    Compliance application process as a strategic tool in the management of a third sector organization

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    Adapting to integrity models that respect the current legislation has become fundamental in the management of organizations as a strategic form, mainly in entities with public and non-profit purposes, in a non-governmental scope. Therefore, the objective is to implement a model for the application of the compliance program in a Third Sector institution. In this way, the present article can be considered in an exploratory, applied and qualitative way, in two aspects, bibliographic research and case study, the data collection was through a meeting and interview with the company\u27s professionals, reporting the importance of the theme. The results showed the main tools and compliance mechanism, proposing actions that can be used in practice with the purpose of providing a broad view of the functioning of the proposed model, with transparency and ethics, thus increasing the competitiveness of the business

    Analysis of the quality of the welding process in the exchange of component of BGA technology

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    In recent years, many efforts have been expended by companies in the search for technological improvement of their products by adding features such as lightweight materials, reduced size and high levels of performance at the lowest cost, to meet a worldwide demand in this regard. This article aimed to conduct an analysis of the quality of the Reflow of soldering in exchange of component of BGA technology. The methods and techniques used were the qualitative-quantitative approach, conducted by the case study technique in the welding process of the BGA component by collecting (cross section and X-ray) and data analysis (alignment, cracks and voids) within the process. The achieved results showed that the Reflow welding process in the exchange of BGA component meets the criteria for acceptance of international standards IPC -A - 610E and IPC 7095B. This fact leads to the inference that the quality of the process in question may reflect in better conditions and cost competitiveness for the investigated organization