85 research outputs found

    National and Confessional Image of Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    Sociologists of the 19th and the 20th centuries were tackling the relation between science and religion. A few models of these relations were offered, by which the monopoly over the truth by any one of those is crashed. Therefore, there are a few models but each is with lots of limitations. None is sufficient to explain the relation between the science and religion, but each contributes to certain extent to better understanding of those relations. Almost every one of the interpretations was under the influence of the social (particularly ideological and political) conditions in which they were emerging. One of those could be named as „Riding on an old horse: there is no reconciliation between faith and reason“. Is the enlightenment theory the source of a conflict between “faith” and “reason”? What is it that leads to the conflict of the science and religion? From rejection to acceptance – a view on Darwin’s theory then and now. do creationist theories lead to exacerbation of relations between the science and religion? Postmodernism on the relation of science and religion. Stand views of religious communities – science and religion are not in conflict. Examples that confirm such opinion. Many priests and Islamic teachers have given their contributions to the development of science (technology, medicine, geography, architecture, urbanism, music etc.). Isn’t it that the calendars, past (Egyptian, Chinese, Aztec etc.) and present (Hindu, Jewish, Islamic, Gregorian etc.) have come from the umbrella of religions. Are conflicts between science and religion the matter of the past? Disputes over use of drugs in rituals exist even today. Religion and science are autonomous fields – but where is the border between them? Technology and religions. How religions refer to technology. Examples of applications of technical achievements in religious activities. An ecological theory that is being developed within sociology of religion focuses on the relation of religions and religious communities toward nature. Contemporary dilemmas (ethic discussions within the field of biomedicine– euthanasia, abortion, organ donation, aesthetic surgery etc.)

    Bäume und Tiere in Religionen

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    Ovim radom želimo potaći istraživanja o ulozi drveća i cvijeća u religijama i religijskim tradicijama, te uloge životinja i ptica u religijskim tradicijama. U pripremi rada koristili smo se analizom sadržaja, ponajprije „svetih spisa“ (Bhagavad-gite, Biblije, Kur\u27ana i Talmuda). U uvodu ukazujemo na bavljenje prirodom religija davno prije nastanka ekoloških pokreta. Dovelo je to, u novije vrijeme, i do razvoja zasebne teološke discipline – ekološke teologije. Ni sociologija religije nije mogla izbjeći tematiku odnosa religije – priroda. Prvi dio rada odnosi se na temu koju ćemo rijetko naći u sociologiji religije ili u religiologiji – o drveću i cvijeću u religijama i religijskim tradicijama. Pokušali smo „proći“ kroz povijest religijskih tradicija i naučavanja (od „starih“ religija, hinduizma, šintoizma, budizma, taoizma do židovstva, kršćanstva i islama) kako bismo ukazali na značaj drveća i cvijeća u religijskom životu čovjeka (drvo kao totem, uloga planina u religijskim tradicijama, drvo u obrednoj praksi…). Rečeno je i ponešto pojedinačno o drveću koje se najčešće spominje u mitologijama i religijskim tradicijama (badem, bagrem, hrast, jabuka, lipa, loza, maslina, palma, nar, smokva…). Kakva je uloga cvijeća u religijama i religijskim tradicijama (osobito u obrednoj praksi)? Izdvojili smo ono cvijeće koje najčešće spominju i pismeno analiziraju religijski autoriteti (ciklama, iris, lotos, ljiljan, ruža). Jednako nam je zanimljivo bilo istraživati ulogu životinja i ptica u religijama i religijskim tradicijama. Još smo jednom analizirali kako se na njihovu ulogu gleda iz različitih religijskih perspektiva – od hinduizma, do židovstva, kršćanstva i islama. Osobito nas je zanimala uloga životinja u žrtvenim obredima unutar različitih religijskih tradicija; tradicija proricanja na osnovu dijela tijela neke životinje; izbjegavanje konzumiranja mesa zbog religijske tradicije, itd. Naveli smo i kratak osvrt na to kakvu simboliku pojedine životinje imaju u religijskim tradicijama (bik, deva, jarac, jelen, konj, kornjača, koza, krava, lav, lisica, mačka, magarac, ovca…). I ptice igraju određenu ulogu u religijskim tradicijama. Zanimalo nas je kakva je simbolika ptica u pojedinim religijskim tradicijama (feniks, golub, grlica, labud, orao, pijetao, roda, sova…). Zaključak je da drveće, cvijeće, životinje i ptice imaju svoju ulogu u religijama i religijskim tradicijama. Osobito njihova uloga dolazi do izražaja u religijskim obredima, najčešće kao obredno sredstvo.This paper aims to encourage research on the role of trees, flowers, animals, and birds in religions in religions and religious traditions. We use the method of content analysis, primarily relying on the “scriptures” (Bhagavad-gita, the Bible, the Qur\u27an, and the Talmud). In the introduction, we point to how nature has been included in religions long before the emergence of modern environmental movements. This has recently led to the development of a separate theological discipline as well – ecological theology. Even the sociology of religion could not avoid the topic of the relationship between religion and nature. The first part of the paper deals with the topic that can rarely be found in the sociology of religion or religiology – the importance of trees and flowers in human religious life (tree as a totem, the role of mountains in religious traditions, trees in religious rituals…). We also discuss individual mentions of trees in mythologies and religious traditions (almond, acacia, oak, apple, linden, vine, olive, palm, pomegranate, fig…). We then look at the role of flowers in religions and religious traditions, especially ritual practices. We have selected those flowers that are most often mentioned and analyzed (cyclamen, iris, lotus, lily, rose). In the second part of the paper, we explore the role of animals and birds. We were particularly interested in the role of animals in sacrificial rites within different religious traditions; the tradition of divination based on a body part of an animal; avoiding meat consumption due to religious tradition, etc. We also give a brief overview of the symbolism of individual animals in religious traditions (bull, camel, goat, deer, horse, turtle, goat, cow, lion, fox, cat, donkey, sheep…). Birds also play a role in religious traditions (phoenix, dove, dove, swan, eagle, rooster, stork, owl…). We conclude that trees, flowers, birds, and animals have an important role in world religions and religious traditions, particularly religious rites such as ritual practices.Durch diese Arbeit wollen wir der Forschung der Rolle von Bäumen und Blumen in Religionen und Religionstraditionen, sowie der Rolle von Tieren und Vögeln in den Religionstraditionen einen Impuls geben. Bei der Vorbereitung auf die Arbeit haben wir Inhalte analysiert, vor allem die Inhalte der „heiligen Schrifte“ (Bhagavad-gita, Bibel, Kur\u27an und Talmud). In der Einleitung weisen wir darauf hin, dass man sich mit der Natur der Religionen lange vor dem Entstehen der ökologischen Bewegungen beschäftigt hat. Neuerdings hat dies zum Entstehen einer gesonderten theologischen Disziplin gebracht, nämlich der ökologischen Theologie. Auch die Religionssoziologie konnte das Thema des Verhältnisses Religion - Natur nicht umgehen. Der erste Teil der Arbeit behandelt ein Thema, das man selten in der Religionssoziologie oder der Religiologie findet, nämlich Bäume und Blumen in Religionen und Religionstraditionen. In der Geschichte der Religionstraditionen (von „alten“ Religionen wie Hinduismus, Schintoismus, Budhismus, Taoismus bis Judentum, Christentum und Islam) haben wir versucht, auf die Bedeutung von Bäumen und Blumen im religiösen Leben des Menschen (Baum als Totem, Rolle der Gebirge in Religionstraditionen, Baum in Handlungen des Glaubens…) hinzuweisen. Wir haben auch Bäume berücksichtigt, die man am öftesten in Mythologien und Religionstraditionen erwähnt (Mandelbaum, Akazie, Eiche, Apfelbaum, Linde, Weinrebe, Olivenbaum, Palme, Granatapfelbaum, Feigenbaum…). Welche Rolle spielen Blumen in Religioinen und Religionstraditionen (besonders in Handlungen des Glaubens)? Wir haben uns besonders auf die Blumen konzentriert, die von den Autoritäten für Religionen am öftesten erwähnt und schriftlich analysiert werden (Zyklame, Iris, Lotos, Lilie, Rose). Gleich interessant war es für uns, die Rolle von Tieren und Vögeln in Religioinen und Religionstraditionen zu erforschen. Noch einmal haben wir analysiert, wie man ihre Rolle aus Perspektiven verschiedener Religionen sieht – vom Hinduismus bis zum Judentum, Christentum und Islam. Besonders interessant fanden wir die Tiere als Opfergaben in verschiedenen Religionstraditionen; die Tradition der Wahrsagung anhand des Körperteils eines Tieres; Vermeiden von Fleischkonsum aus Gründen der Religionstraditionen, usw. Wir haben auch kurz auf die Symbolik mancher Tiere in den Religionstraditionen hingewiesen (Bulle, Kamel, Ziegenbock, Hirsch, Pferd, Schildkröte, Ziege, Kuh, Löwe, Fuchs, Katze, Esel, Schaf…). Auch Vögel spielen in den Religionstraditionen eine bestimmte Rolle. Uns hat interessiert, welche Symbolik die Vögel in einzelnen Religionstraditionen (Phönix, Taube, Turteltaube, Schwan, Adler, Hahn, Storch, Eule…) haben. Der Schluß ist, dass Bäume, Blumen, Tiere und Vögel ihre Rolle in Religionen und Religionstraditionen spielen. Besonders kommt ihre Rolle zum Ausdruck in den Handlungen des Glaubens, meistens als Opfertier

    Proposed changes to the CROTIS topographic model for the basic package and the object entity of hydrography

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    In 1992, the State Geodetic Administration started with the development of cartography in the Republic of Croatia. After making a certain number of studies, STOKIS (the Official Topographic-Cartographic Information System) was defined. Topographic and cartographic data models were then defined by STOKIS. According to the STOKIS guidelines, the Croatian topographic information system (CROTIS) was developed as a data model and on the basis of CROTIS, the Basic Topographic Database (TTB) was established. One thematic entity contained in CROTIS 2.0, and whose data is often used, is the object entity of Hydrography. This article will provide an insight into the need to expand/correct the TTB data model in relation to the underlying basic package and the object entity of Hydrography, all in line with international standards and the INSPIRE directive

    Sustainable Urban Logistics: Analysis and Bibliometric Review

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    Sustainable urban logistics is imperative in view of the increasing demands related to sustainability and the satisfaction of requirements related to sustainability, and it supports the implementation and use of solutions based on the application of electric vehicles when talking about transport logistics, ensuring all the resources necessary for the development of the basic urban process, and similar. In order to analyze the current situation related to the progress of researchers, in this paper, a bibliometric analysis of existing papers and research in the field of sustainable urban logistics was carried out. According to the findings, there is a significant lack of research dealing with urban logistics from the perspective of the supporting process, and a large number of authors summarize urban logistics solely from the perspective of transportation and storage

    Mobility Trends during the COVID-19 Virus Pandemic

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    The Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) has a significant impact on countries around the world and many states have introduced restrictions to transport. This includes keeping essential transport moving, for example to transport medical supplies and other essential goods. Many countries have closed their borders and imposed curfews in sharp reductions in transport demand also on regional and continental level. Public transport but also shared mobility services are vectors for distribution of the virus, on the other hand, they are severely impacted by travel bans and individual concerns in order to avoid public gatherings leading to reduced travel and transport demand. Different countries have dealt with these challenging circumstances in different ways - and, in some cases, the directives vary from city to city. Cities in developing countries and emerging economies face bigger challenges than ever before. At the beginning of the Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) google maps started to collect detailed statistics on the movement of people using location data from mobile devices. The paper analyzes the data obtained and shows the results for various areas of movement such as shops, recreation areas, parks, public transport and other. A comparison was made of the collected data in the Republic of Croatia, which had a solid measures, Italian Republic which had many affected during the pandemic and Kingdom of Sweden which had very mild measures during a pandemic. Therefore, a study was made on how measures affected the mobility of people in individual countries with different measures

    Analysis and Assessment of the Impact of Logistics on the Perception of the Sustainability of the Urban Area: The Case of North-West Croatia

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    Increasing the sustainability of the urban area is an imperative that is based on the increasing number of inhabitants but also the increasing demand for resources. In order to ensure the normal development of social processes in urban areas, it is necessary to ensure a sufficient amount of resources such as energy, water, and food, and to ensure the normal functioning of all other processes that determine the quality of life. Given that logistics is a supporting process that ensures the efficient functioning of the core process, everything described is the task of logistics. In order to investigate the potential impact that logistics has on sustainability, in this paper is described research related to the perception of sustainability and analysis of the impact of logistics on the perception of the sustainability of an urban area. The research showed that there is an impact that can be identified through several branches of logistics. Likewise, the research indicated the most important parameter that the respondents considered to have an impact on the sustainability of the urban area was
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