71,437 research outputs found

    Discontinuous Transition in a Boundary Driven Contact Process

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    The contact process is a stochastic process which exhibits a continuous, absorbing-state phase transition in the Directed Percolation (DP) universality class. In this work, we consider a contact process with a bias in conjunction with an active wall. This model exhibits waves of activity emanating from the active wall and, when the system is supercritical, propagating indefinitely as travelling (Fisher) waves. In the subcritical phase the activity is localised near the wall. We study the phase transition numerically and show that certain properties of the system, notably the wave velocity, are discontinuous across the transition. Using a modified Fisher equation to model the system we elucidate the mechanism by which the the discontinuity arises. Furthermore we establish relations between properties of the travelling wave and DP critical exponents.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    Cohomological characterization of vector bundles on multiprojective spaces

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    We show that Horrock's criterion for the splitting of vector bundles on \PP^n can be extended to vector bundles on multiprojective spaces and to smooth projective varieties with the weak CM property (see Definition 3.11). As a main tool we use the theory of nn-blocks and Beilinson's type spectral sequences. Cohomological characterizations of vector bundles are also showed

    Gauge Field Emergence from Kalb-Ramond Localization

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    A new mechanism, valid for any smooth version of the Randall-Sundrum model, of getting localized massless vector field on the brane is described here. This is obtained by dimensional reduction of a five dimension massive two form, or Kalb-Ramond field, giving a Kalb-Ramond and an emergent vector field in four dimensions. A geometrical coupling with the Ricci scalar is proposed and the coupling constant is fixed such that the components of the fields are localized. The solution is obtained by decomposing the fields in transversal and longitudinal parts and showing that this give decoupled equations of motion for the transverse vector and KR fields in four dimensions. We also prove some identities satisfied by the transverse components of the fields. With this is possible to fix the coupling constant in a way that a localized zero mode for both components on the brane is obtained. Then, all the above results are generalized to the massive pp-form field. It is also shown that in general an effective pp and (p1)(p-1)-forms can not be localized on the brane and we have to sort one of them to localize. Therefore, we can not have a vector and a scalar field localized by dimensional reduction of the five dimensional vector field. In fact we find the expression p=(d1)/2p=(d-1)/2 which determines what forms will give rise to both fields localized. For D=5D=5, as expected, this is valid only for the KR field.Comment: Improved version. Some factors corrected and definitions added. The main results continue vali

    New Analytical Solutions for Bosonic Field Trapping in Thick Branes

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    New analytical solutions for gravity, scalar and vector field localization in Randall-Sundrum(RS) models are found. A smooth version of the warp factor with an associated function f(z)=exp(3A(z)/2)f(z)=\exp(3A(z)/2) inside the walls (z<d|z|<d) is defined, leading to an associated equation and physical constraints on the continuity and smoothness of the background resulting in a new space of analytical solutions. We solve this associated equation analytically for the parabolic and P\"oschl-Teller potentials and analyze the spectrum of resonances for these fields. By using the boundary conditions we are able to show that, for any of these solutions, the density probability for finding a massive mode in the membrane has a universal behavior for small values of mass given by ψm(0)2=β1m+β3m3+βLm3log(m)+|\psi_m(0)|^2=\beta_1m+\beta_3m^3+\beta_L m^3\log(m)+\cdots. As a consequence, the form of the leading order correction, for example, to the Newton's law is general and does not depend on the potential used. At the end we also discuss why complications arises when we try to use the method to find analytical solutions to the fermion case.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures; v2: extended version; references and section added; title, conclusions and abstract change