1,371 research outputs found

    Tunable asymmetric magnetoimpedance effect in ferromagnetic NiFe/Cu/Co films

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    We investigate the magnetization dynamics through the magnetoimpedance effect in ferromagnetic NiFe/Cu/Co films. We observe that the magnetoimpedance response is dependent on the thickness of the non-magnetic Cu spacer material, a fact associated to the kind of the magnetic interaction between the ferromagnetic layers. Thus, we present an experimental study on asymmetric magnetoimpedance in ferromagnetic films with biphase magnetic behavior and explore the possibility of tuning the linear region of the magnetoimpedance curves around zero magnetic field by varying the thickness of the non-magnetic spacer material, and probe current frequency. We discuss the experimental magnetoimpedance results in terms of the different mechanisms governing the magnetization dynamics at distinct frequency ranges, quasi-static magnetic properties, thickness of the non-magnetic spacer material, and the kind of the magnetic interaction between the ferromagnetic layers. The results place ferromagnetic films with biphase magnetic behavior exhibiting asymmetric magnetoimpedance effect as a very attractive candidate for application as probe element in the development of auto-biased linear magnetic field sensors.Comment: 5 figure

    Biomonitoramento de abelhas silvestres (hymenoptera: Apoidea em SAFs com dendê (Elaeis guineensis jacq.) em Tomé-Açu, PA).

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    Dentre as oleaginosas cultivadas no Brasil, o dendezeiro (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) é a que mais produz óleo por unidade de área. A forma tradicional de cultivo do dendezeiro é o monocultivo, porém na Amazônia os Sistemas Agroflorestais (SAFs) são opções atrativas para o uso do solo, por apresentarem maior similaridade com a floresta e já existirem iniciativas de cultivo de dendê nesse sistema. Visando avaliar a presença de polinizadores em SAFs com dendê no Município de Tomé-Açu (PA), foram coletadas abelhas silvestres com armadilhas aromáticas, pan-traps e rede entomológica, na época seca e chuvosa, nos anos de 2009 e 2010. Foram capturadas 967 abelhas, de 27 grupos taxonômicos. As armadilhas aromáticas capturaram 673 indivíduos, de 16 espécies, dos gêneros Euglossa (8), Eulaema (5), Exaerete (2) e Eufriesea (1), além de 21 morfoespécies. Com pan-traps foram capturadas 144 abelhas de 3 famílias: Apidae (109), Halictidae (29) e Andrenidae (6). Basicamente o mesmo grupo de abelhas capturadas com pan-traps, foi coletado com rede entomológica. Os SAFs apresentaram maior diversidade e abundância de abelhas em relação aos demais sistemas avaliados.Editores técnicos: Roberto Porro, Milton Kanashiro, Maria do Socorro Gonçalves Ferreira, Leila Sobral Sampaio e Gladys Ferreira de Sousa

    A study to guide breeding of new cultivars of organic cherry tomato following a consumer-driven approach.

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    Agricultural studies focusing on the development and/or improvement of new varieties of fruits and vegetables usually prioritize the productivity, disease resistance, response to fertilization, and higher nutrient content. However, new product development needs to take into account not only flavour preference, but also consumer preference for appearance since without tasting products, consumers have to make decisions based on the way a product looks. The present study evaluated the sensory characteristics and consumer preference of ten promising accessions of organic cherry tomato for fresh consumption aiming at identifying the sensory attributes related to appearance that contributed to consumer liking/disliking the fruit. More specifically, the objective of the study was to guide producers regarding the target appearance attributes that play a role on consumer acceptance of cherry tomatoes. Ten accessions of organic cherry tomatoes were evaluated by a trained panel using the QDA methodology, and also by 80 tomato consumers for the acceptance of appearance and intention to purchase. The results achieved after integrating these two data sets (from the trained panel and consumers) in a multidimensional map allowed the elucidation of consumer liking of tomatoes in relation to the appearance, i.e. drivers of liking/disliking were identified. Results revealed that tomatoes with round shape and red colour (reddish) (cultivar ENAS 1031, ENAS 1010, ?Perinha Agua Branca?, Super Sweet, and ?Joana?) were the most liked cherry tomatoes. Those genotypes were also liked by the smallest segment (17.5% of participants) but for them unusual shapes (oblong and pear), orange-yellow colour, and bigger size were also liked. Despite the small number of participants in this study (80 consumers), new shapes and colours for the organic cherry tomatoes could be considered promising alternatives in the Brazilian market, and can be an opportunity for the producers of the state of Rio de Janeiro

    Sistemas de produção melhorados para gado de corte em Mato Grosso do Sul.

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    A Embrapa Gado de Corte vem realizando estudos que visam a identificar, descrever e analisar, com ênfase nos custos, os sistemas de produção de gado de corte mais freqüentemente utilizados nas principais regiões produtoras do País. Esses sistemas, denominados modais, são em geral pouco produtivos, como relatado por Costa et al. (2005), tendo portanto grande potencial para melhorias técnicas e gerenciais. Em vista disso, os estudos incluem uma segunda etapa, que trata da formulação de sistemas melhorados, a serem oferecidos como referências para o aprimoramento dos sistemas atualmente em uso. O presente trabalho apresenta uma proposta de cinco sistemas melhorados para o planalto de Mato Grosso do Sul, como alternativas ao sistema praticado pela maioria dos produtores dessa região.bitstream/CNPGC-2009-09/12487/1/COT102.pd