22 research outputs found

    The regeneration of the cephalic neural crest, a problem revisited: the regenerating cells originate from the contralateral or from the anterior and posterior neural fold

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    The mesencephalic and rhombencephalic levels of origin of the hypobranchial skeleton (lower jaw and hyoid bone) within the neural fold have been determined at the 5-somite stage with a resolution corresponding to each single rhombomere, by means of the quail-chick chimera technique. Expression of certain Hox genes (Hoxa-2, Hoxa-3 and Hoxb-4) was recorded in the branchial arches of chick and quail embryos at embryonic days 3 (E3) and E4. This was a prerequisite for studying the regeneration capacities of the neural crest, after the dorsal neural tube was resected at the mesencephalic and rhombencephalic level. We found first that excisions at the 5-somite stage extending from the midmesencephalon down to r8 are followed by the regeneration of neural crest cells able to compensate for the deficiencies so produced. This confirmed the results of previous authors who made similar excisions at comparable (or older) developmental stages. When a bilateral excision was followed by the unilateral homotopic graft of the dorsal neural tube from a quail embryo, thus mimicking the situation created by a unilateral excision, we found that the migration of the grafted unilateral neural crest (quail-labelled) is bilateral and compensates massively for the missing crest derivatives. The capacity of the intermediate and ventral neural tube to yield neural crest cells was tested by removing the chick rhombencephalic neural tube and replacing it either uni- or bilaterally with a ventral tube coming from a stage-matched quail. No neural crest cells exited from the ventral neural tube but no deficiency in neural crest derivatives was recorded. Crest cells were found to regenerate from the ends of the operated region. This was demonstrated by grafting fragments of quail neural fold at the extremities of the excised territory. Quail neural crest cells were seen migrating longitudinally from both the rostral and caudal ends of the operated region and filling the branchial arches located inbetween. Comparison of the behaviour of neural crest cells in this experimental situation with that showed by their normal fate map revealed that crest cells increase their proliferation rate and change their migratory behaviour without modifying their Hox code

    Determination of the identity of the derivatives of the cephalic neural crest: incompatibility between Hox gene expression and lower jaw development

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    In addition to pigment cells, and neural and endocrine derivatives, the neural crest is characterized by its ability to yield mesenchymal cells. In amniotes, this property is restricted to the cephalic region from the mid-diencephalon to the end of rhombomere 8 (level of somites 4/5), The cephalic neural crest is divided into two domains: an anterior region corresponding to the diencephalon, mesencephalon and metencephalon (r1, r2) in which expression of Hox genes is never observed, and a posterior domain in which neural crest cells exhibit (with a few exceptions) the same Hox code as the rhombomeres from which they originate. By altering the normal distribution of neural crest cells in the branchial arches through appropriate embryonic manipulations, we have investigated the relationships between Hox gene expression and the level of plasticity that neural crest cells display when they are led to migrate to an ectopic environment. We made the following observations. (i) Hox gene expression is not altered in neural crest cells by their transposition to ectopic sites. (ii) Expression of Hox genes by the I)A ectoderm does not depend upon an induction by the neural crest. This second finding further supports the concept of segmentation of the cephalic ectoderm into ectomeres (Couly and Le Douarin, 1990), According to this concept, metameres can be defined in large bands of ectoderm including not only the CNS and the neural crest but also the corresponding superficial ectoderm fated to cover craniofacial primordia, (iii) The construction of a lower jaw requires the environment provided by the ectomesodermal components of BA1 or BA2 associated with the Hox gene non-expressing neural crest cells. Hox gene-expressing neural crest cells are unable to yield the lower jaw apparatus including the entoglossum and basihyal even in the BA1 environment. In contrast, the posterior part of the hyoid bone can be constructed by any region of the neural crest cells whether or not they are under the regulatory control of Hox genes. Such is also the case for the neural and connective tissues (including those comprising the cardiovascular system) of neural crest origin, upon which no segmental restriction is imposed. The latter finding confirms the plasticity observed 24 years ago (Le Douarin and Teillet, 1974) for the precursors of the PNS

    Impact Of Gram Negative Bacteria Airway Recolonization On The Occurrence Of Chronic Lung Allograft Dysfunction After Lung Transplantation In A Population Of Cystic Fibrosis Patients

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    International Conference of the American-Thoracic-Society (ATS), Washington, DC, MAY 19-24, 2017International audienc

    Impact Of Gram Negative Bacteria Airway Recolonization On The Occurrence Of Chronic Lung Allograft Dysfunction After Lung Transplantation In A Population Of Cystic Fibrosis Patients

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    International Conference of the American-Thoracic-Society (ATS), Washington, DC, MAY 19-24, 2017International audienc