37 research outputs found

    Estudo de confiabilidade entre avaliadores e análise fatorial da versão brasileira do Schedule for the Assessment of Insight: Expanded Version (SAI-E)

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    OBJECTIVES: The Schedule for the Assessment of Insight - Expanded Version consists of 11 items that encompass: awareness of having a mental illness, ability to rename psychotic phenomena as abnormal, and compliance with treatment. The objective of the study was to evaluate the inter-rater reliability and to study the factorial structure of the Brazilian version of the instrument. METHOD: The Brazilian version of the Schedule for the Assessment of Insight - Expanded Version was used for the assessment of insight of 109 psychotic inpatients, 60 of whom had the interview tape-recorded in order to be scored by an independent evaluator. Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was adopted as the inter-rater reliability coefficient. In the factor analysis, principal components analysis and Varimax rotation were adopted. RESULTS: Inter-rater reliability coefficients from good to excellent were found for the individual items of the Schedule for the Assessment of Insight - Expanded Version with ICC values ranging from 0.54 to 0.82. Regarding the total score, inter-rater reliability was excellent, with ICC = 0.90. A factorial structure similar to the one obtained by the original version of the Schedule for the Assessment of Insight - Expanded Version was found, with 3 factors accounting for 71.72% of variance. CONCLUSION: In the Brazilian context, the Schedule for the Assessment of Insight - Expanded Version presented good inter-rater reliability and factorial structure compatible to the insight dimensions that are intended to be evaluated.OBJETIVOS: O Schedule for the Assessment of Insight - Expanded Version é constituído por 11 itens que abordam: reconhecimento de se ter um transtorno mental, capacidade de renomear fenômenos psicóticos como anormais e adesão ao tratamento. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a confiabilidade entre avaliadores e estudar a estrutura fatorial da versão brasileira do Schedule for the Assessment of Insight - Expanded Version. MÉTODO: A versão brasileira do Schedule for the Assessment of Insight - Expanded Version foi utilizada na avaliação de 109 pacientes psicóticos internados, dos quais 60 tiveram a entrevista gravada para atribuição de escores por avaliador independente. O coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (ICC) foi utilizado na avaliação da confiabilidade entre avaliadores. Para a análise fatorial foram adotadas análise de componentes principais e rotação varimax. RESULTADOS: A confiabilidade entre avaliadores para os itens do Schedule for the Assessment of Insight - Expanded Version encontrada esteve entre boa e excelente, com ICC variando de 0,54 a 0,82; para o escore total foi excelente, com ICC = 0,90. Uma estrutura fatorial semelhante à obtida para a versão original do Schedule for the Assessment of Insight - Expanded Version foi encontrada, com três fatores explicando 71,72% da variação. CONCLUSÃO: No contexto brasileiro, o Schedule for the Assessment of Insight - Expanded Version apresentou boa confiabilidade entre avaliadores e estrutura fatorial compatível com as dimensões do insight que pretende avaliar.35936

    Values And Dsm-5: Looking At The Debate On Attenuated Psychosis Syndrome.

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    Although values have increasingly received attention in psychiatric literature over the last three decades, their role has been only partially acknowledged in psychiatric classification endeavors. The review process of the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) received harsh criticism, and was even considered secretive by some authors. Also, it lacked an official discussion of values at play. In this perspective paper we briefly discuss the interplay of some values in the scientific and non-scientific debate around one of the most debated DSM-5 category proposals, the Attenuated Psychosis Syndrome (APS). Then, we point out some ethical consequences of a facts-plus-values perspective in psychiatric classification. Different stakeholders participated in the APS-debate and for analytical purposes we divided them into four groups: (i) researchers in the field of high-risk mental states; (ii) the DSM-5 Psychotic Disorders Work Group; (iii) patient, carers and advocacy groups; and (iv) external stakeholders, not related to the previous groups, but which also publicly expressed their opinions about APS inclusion in DSM-5. We found that each group differently stressed the role of values we examined in the APS-debate. These values were ethical, but also epistemic, political, economic and ontological. The prominence given to some values, and the lack of discussion about others, generated divergent positions among stakeholders in the debate. As exemplified by the APS discussion, although medicine is primarily an ethical endeavor, values of different kinds that take part in it also shape to a large extent the profession. Thus, it may be strategic to openly discuss values at play in the elaboration of diagnostic tools and classificatory systems. This task, more than scientifically or politically significant, is ethically important.17

    Demographics And Complaints Of University Students Who Sought Help At A Campus Mental Health Service Between 1987 And 2004.

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    Client characterization is an important step in evaluating the services offered by campus counseling and mental health centers and in their further planning and development. The objectives here were to describe reported complaints and demographics among students who sought counseling/mental healthcare at a Brazilian campus mental health service over a 17-year period and to compare these characteristics with those of the general university student body. Retrospective study at the Psychological and Psychiatric Service for Students (SAPPE), Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp). The participants were all of the 2,194 students who sought counseling/mental health care at SAPPE from 1987 to 2004. Information was obtained from clients clinical charts. Unicamps database was consulted for general information on its students. The findings indicated overrepresentation, among the clients, of undergraduates, female students, students from Brazilian states other than São Paulo, students living in the campus residence hall and those whose main source of income was a scholarship grant. We also found overrepresentation of Humanities and Arts students among the clients. The most frequently reported complaints were difficulties in interpersonal relationships, family conflicts and poor academic performance. Course level (undergraduate or postgraduate), study field, living in a university residential facility and reliance on a scholarship grant were found to influence the behavior of seeking mental health counseling among Brazilian university students in this study. Course level was found to influence the pattern of complaints reported at first contact with the mental health service.12658-6

    Desempenho acadêmico de alunos que se submeteram a tratamento psiquiátrico no serviço de saúde mental para estudantes de uma universidade brasileira

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    University students are generally at the typical age of onset of mental disorders that may affect their academic performance. We aimed to characterize the university students attended by psychiatrists at the students’ mental health service (SAPPE) and to compare their academic performance with that of non-patient students. Cross-sectional study based on review of medical files and survey of academic data at a Brazilian public university. Files of 1,237 students attended by psychiatrists at SAPPE from 2004 to 2011 were reviewed. Their academic performance coefficient (APC) and status as of July 2015 were compared to those of a control group of 2,579 non-patient students matched by gender, course and year of enrolment. 37% of the patients had had psychiatric treatment and 4.5% had made suicide attempts before being attended at SAPPE. Depression (39.1%) and anxiety disorders/phobias (33.2%) were the most frequent diagnoses. Severe mental disorders such as psychotic disorders (3.7%) and bipolar disorder (1.9%) were less frequent. Compared with non-patients, the mean APC among the undergraduate patients was slightly lower (0.63; standard deviation, SD: 0.26; versus 0.64; SD: 0.28; P = 0.025), but their course completion rates were higher and course abandonment rates were lower. Regarding postgraduate students, patients and non-patients had similar completion rates, but patients had greater incidence of discharge for poor performance and lower dropout rates. Despite the inclusion of socially vulnerable people with severe mental disorders, the group of patients had similar academic performance, and in some aspects better, than, that of non-patients.13512328Estudantes universitários geralmente estão na faixa etária típica do início de transtornos mentais que podem afetar seu desempenho acadêmico. Tivemos como objetivos caracterizar os estudantes atendidos por psiquiatras em serviço universitário de saúde mental para alunos (SAPPE) e comparar seu desempenho acadêmico com o de alunos não pacientes. Estudo transversal baseado em revisão de prontuários e levantamento de dados acadêmicos em uma universidade pública brasileira. Prontuários de 1.237 estudantes assistidos por psiquiatras do SAPPE entre 2004 e 2011 foram revisados. Seu coeficiente de rendimento (CR) e status acadêmicos em julho de 2015 foram levantados e comparados aos de um grupo de controle com 2.579 alunos não pacientes, pareados por sexo, curso e ano de matrícula. 37% dos pacientes tiveram acompanhamento psiquiátrico e 4,5% fizeram tentativas de suicídio prévios ao atendimento pelo serviço. Os diagnósticos mais frequentes foram depressão (39,1%) e transtornos fóbico-ansiosos (33,2%). Transtornos mentais graves, como o psicótico (3,7%) e o bipolar (1,9%), foram menos frequentes. Entre os pacientes dos cursos de graduação, o CR médio foi levemente inferior (0,63; desvio padrão, DP: 0,26; versus 0,64; DP: 0,28; P = 0,025) que o de não pacientes, mas suas taxas de conclusão do curso foram maiores e as de evasão, menores. Na pós-graduação, as taxas de conclusão foram semelhantes, mas pacientes tiveram maior frequência de desligamento por baixo desempenho acadêmico e menor de desistência. Mesmo incluindo pessoas socialmente vulneráveis e com transtornos mentais graves, o grupo de pacientes teve desempenho acadêmico semelhante e, em alguns aspectos melhor, do que o de não pacientes

    Avaliação da resposta terapêutica ao tratamento de manutenção com lítio em pacientes com transtorno afetivo bipolar

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    Objetive To identify potential clinical and epidemiological predictors of long-term response to lithium treatment. Methods A total of 40 adult outpatients followed in an university hospital, with confirmed diagnosis of bipolar disorder and with history of lithium use for at least a six months period, had their response to this medication assessed through the use of a standardized instrument. The ALDA scale is based on retrospective clinical data, in our study assessed through a thoroughly reviewed of the medical charts, and is used to evaluate the clinical improvement with the treatment (Criterion A), corrected by the acknowledgement of possible confounding factors, such as duration of the treatment, compliance and concomitant use of additional medications (Criterion B), in order to estimate the response that can be specifically attributable to lithium. Results Our study found an inverse relation between the number of mood episodes with psychotic symptoms and lithium treatment outcome. Conclusion The results reinforce the hypothesis that lithium seems to be less efficacious in patients with bipolar disorder who present psychotic symptoms.Objetivo Identificar potenciais preditores clínicos e epidemiológicos de resposta terapêutica ao uso prolongado de lítio. Métodos Um total de 40 pacientes adultos em tratamento ambulatorial em um hospital universitário, com diagnóstico confirmado de transtorno afetivo bipolar e história de pelo menos seis meses de uso de lítio, teve sua resposta a essa medicação avaliada com a utilização de um instrumento padronizado. A escala ALDA leva em consideração informações clínicas obtidas de forma retrospectiva, em nosso estudo, por meio de minuciosa revisão dos prontuários médicos, para julgar a melhora clínica obtida com o tratamento (Critério A), corrigida pela identificação de possíveis fatores confundidores, tais como duração do tratamento, adesão e uso concomitante de outras drogas (Critério B), de forma a estimar a resposta que pode ser atribuída especificamente ao uso do lítio. Resultados Nosso estudo encontrou uma relação inversa entre o número de episódios de humor com a presença de sintomas psicóticos e o desfecho no tratamento com lítio. Conclusão Esses resultados reforçam a hipótese de que o lítio parece ser menos eficaz em pacientes com transtorno afetivo bipolar que manifestam sintomas psicóticos.To identify potential clinical and epidemiological predictors of long-term response to lithium treatment. A total of 40 adult outpatients followed in an university hospital, with confirmed diagnosis of bipolar disorder and with history of lithium use for651916sem informaçãosem informaçãoIdentificar potenciais preditores clínicos e epidemiológicos de resposta terapêutica ao uso prolongado de lítio. Métodos Um total de 40 pacientes adultos em tratamento ambulatorial em um hospital universitário, com diagnóstico confirmado de transtorno af