40 research outputs found

    The Impact of Internet and Social Media on Kids’ and Parents’ Game Habits

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    Internet, already a part of our lives far surpassing its limits as a means of communication, seems to have shaped most fields in human life and changed most of our daily habits and as a consequence the digital natives are observed to be completely living in Internet culture. One of the reflections of this culture and arenas in the Internet, social media has substantial impacts on gaming habits of digital natives. Up to the period in which Internet has interfered in man’s life, the games played by parents were passed from older generations to the new ones as a tradition, so generations used to play the same games; when the children of a previous era became parents they described the games they used to play to their kids thus paving the way to the sustainability of this game tradition. While different generations used to play the same games, today with the dissemination of Internet and social media caused a change of format in the traditionally played games and street games started to give their places to those played on the computers. Therefore, children started to play games on the Internet, an endless space whether negative or positive. The fact that parents are alienated from this arena, enabled the children to play violent games without any boundaries and to take place in social media arenas that could have negative impact on children’s worldly and spiritual well-being. The study is highly important in the sense that it clarifies the extent to which Internet and social media, which is actually the agent of change in children’s gaming habits, environments changed parents’ gaming habits among themselves and with their children. Surveys are conducted to the parents of primary school students as a field work to identify the changes originating from Internet and social media. According to research results, social media and Internet are found to be altering gaming habits of parents with their children. It is identified that parents keep themselves away from online environments in which their kids take place thus possibly breaking off the communication relationships between kids and parents

    Mukopolisakkaridoz hastalarındaki otolarengolojik bulgular

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    Bu derleme makalede MPS hastalarındaki otolarengolojik sorunları raporladık. Mukopolisakkaridozlar (MPS'ler) her biri mukopolisakkaritlerin parçalanmasında rol alan ve şimdilerde glikozaminoglikanlar denilen (GAG'ler) kalıtsal bir enzim eksikliği nedeniyle oluşan bir lizozom depo hastalıkları grubudur. Mukopolisakkaridozlar, mukopolisakkaridoz tip 1-VII diye bilinen 7 metabolizma hastalığı grubunu oluştururlar. Grupların tümünde klinik ve otolaringolojik belirtiler görülür. Mukopolisakkaridoz hastalarında sık görülen otolarengolojik bulgular olarak üst hava yolu obstrüksiyonu, obstrüktif uyku apnesi, ağız açmanın kısıtlanması, orta kulak efüzyonu, işitme ve soluma sorunları vb. bildirilmektedir. KBB uzmanları arasında MPS'ler konusunda farkındalığın artırılması çocuk doktorundan ziyade bir KBB uzmanına giden MPS'den kuşkulanılan hastalar için yaşam kurtarıcı bir çaba olacaktır. Mukopolisakkaridoz hastalarında kısa boyun nedeniyle trakeotomi yapmak zorlaşabilir. Ağız açmanın kısıtlanması nedeniyle tonsillektomi ve adsenoidektomi ameliyatlarından önce hastalar dikkatle değerlendirilmelidir. Anesteziden önce hava yolu sorunları değerlendirilmelidir. Tüm KBB uzmanlarının bu sorunların farkınnda olmaları konusunda dikkati çekilmelidir.In this review paper, we reported otolaryngological problems in patients with mucopolysaccharidoses (MPSs). Mucopolysaccharidoses are a group of lysosomal storage diseases, each of which is produced by an inherited deficiency of an enzyme involved in the degradation of acid mucopolysaccharides, now called glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). The mucopolysaccharidoses consist of a group of 7 metabolic disorders, known as mucopolysaccharidoses types I-VII. In all groups, there are clinical and otolaryngological manifestations. In MPS patients, upper airway obstruction, obstructive sleep apnea, restriction of mouth opening, middle ear effusion, hearing and breathing problems, etc. are reported as common otolaryngological findings. Increasing awareness of MPS's among ENT doctors will be a life saving attempt for MPS suspected patients who admit an ENT doctor rather than a pediatrician. In MPS patients, tracheotomy may be difficult due to short neck. Due to mouth opening restriction, patients should be evaluated carefully before tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy operations. Airway problems must be evaluated before anesthesia. All ENT doctors should be noticed to be aware of these problems


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    G&uuml;n&uuml;m&uuml;zde, nesilden nesile aktarılan bir takım alışkanlıkların yeni iletişim teknolojileriyle farklılık g&ouml;sterdiği ve yeni neslin tamamen internet k&uuml;lt&uuml;r&uuml;yle b&uuml;y&uuml;d&uuml;ğ&uuml; g&ouml;r&uuml;lmektedir. İnsanlar internet ve sosyal medya ara&ccedil;ları ile iletişim kurmakta, bir&ccedil;ok bilgiyi paylaşmakta ve oyunlar oynayarak sanal &acirc;lemde aktif olmaktadırlar. Bu durum &ldquo;dijital nesil&rdquo; olarak adlandırılan ve neredeyse t&uuml;m g&uuml;n&uuml; internet ağırlıklı ge&ccedil;iren g&uuml;n&uuml;m&uuml;z &ccedil;ocukları i&ccedil;in de ge&ccedil;erlidir. &Ouml;zellikle oyun oynama alışkanlıkları değişen yeni jenerasyonun kendi ebeveynleriyle ortak bir oyunu yok denecek kadar azdır. Anne babaların oyun alışkanlıkları ile &ldquo;dijital neslin&rdquo; oyun alışkanlıklarının farklılaştığını ortaya koymak ve nesiller arasındaki bakış farkını yansıtmak amacıyla bu &ccedil;alışmada ilk&ouml;ğretim 4-5 sınıflarında okuyan &ouml;ğrencilere ve ebeveynlerine alan araştırması uygulanmıştır. Bu &ccedil;alışma sonucunda, dijital neslin oyun alışkanlıklarının &ccedil;eşitlendiği, internet ve sosyal medyanın oyun alışkanlıklarını etkilediği fakat geleneksel oyunlardan bir kopuş olmadığı; bununla beraber ebeveynlerin &ccedil;ocuklarıyla olan oyun alışkanlıklarında &ouml;nemli bir farklılaşmanın s&ouml;z konusu olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmaktadır.Anahtar Kelimeler: Geleneksel Oyun, Dijital Oyun, Dijital Nesil, Sosyal Medya&nbsp;Nowadays, it is observed that habits transferred from generation to generation differ with the advancement of new communication technologies and new generation grow up completely with the internet culture. People get into communication, share ideas and information via internet and social media instruments, and get active via play games on the cyber space. This is the case with our children who are called &ldquo;digital generation&rdquo; and who spend almost their times with the Internet. Specifically, the kids&rsquo; gaming habits have changed to a large extent, so they have nothing to share with their parents in terms of gaming. This study includes a field work which has been conducted on Primary School 4-5 graders and their parents to clarify that there has been a huge gap between the current generation&rsquo;s gaming habits and those of their parents and to reflect how the two generations perceive each other. In conclusion, the study makes it clear that the digital generation&rsquo;s gaming habits have changed a lot but there hasn&rsquo;t still been a break from traditional gaming habits; even so there has been an important alteration in gaming habits of kids and their parents.Key words: Traditional Game, Digital Game, Digital Generation, Social Media</p

    internet ve sosyal medyanın çocukların oyun alışkanlıklarına etkisi

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    Hayatımızda &ouml;nemli yeri olan internetin bilgiden sosyal yaşantımıza kadar bir&ccedil;ok alanı şekillendirdiği ve g&uuml;nl&uuml;k yaşamda da bir&ccedil;ok alışkanlıklarımızı değiştirdiği g&ouml;r&uuml;lmektedir. Nesilden nesile aktarılan bir takım alışkanlıkların yeni iletişim teknolojileriyle farklılık g&ouml;stermesi ve yeni neslin tamamen internet k&uuml;lt&uuml;r&uuml;yle b&uuml;y&uuml;mesi s&ouml;z konusudur.&nbsp; İnsanlar internetin sosyal paylaşım ağları olarak Facebook ve Twitter gibi ağlar aracılığıyla iletişim kurmakta, bir&ccedil;ok bilgiyi paylaşmakta ve oyunlar oynayarak sanal &acirc;lemde aktif olmaktadırlar. Bu durum &ldquo;dijital nesil&rdquo; olarak adlandırılan ve neredeyse t&uuml;m g&uuml;n&uuml; internet ağırlıklı ge&ccedil;iren g&uuml;n&uuml;m&uuml;z &ccedil;ocukları i&ccedil;in de ge&ccedil;erlidir. &Ouml;zellikle oyun oynama alışkanlıkları değişen yeni jenerasyonun kendi ebeveynleriyle ortak bir oyunu yok denecek kadar azdır. Anne babaların oyun alışkanlıkları ile yeni jenerasyon &ldquo;dijital neslin&rdquo; oyun alışkanlıklarının farklılaştığını ortaya koymak ve nesiller arasındaki bakışı yansıtmak amacıyla bu &ccedil;alışmada alan araştırması uygulanmıştır. İlk&ouml;ğretim 4-5 sınıflarında okuyan &ouml;ğrencilere anket uygulanarak sosyal medyadan kaynaklı ortaya &ccedil;ıkan değişimleri g&ouml;zlemek a&ccedil;ısından bu &ccedil;alışma &ouml;nem taşımaktadır. Bu &ccedil;alışma sonucunda, dijital neslin oyun alışkanlıklarının &ccedil;eşitlendiği, internet ve sosyal medyanın oyun alışkanlıklarını etkilediği bunun yanı sıra geleneksel oyunlardan da bir kopuş olmadığı sonucu ortaya &ccedil;ıkmaktadır.Anahtar Kelimeler: Oyun, Geleneksel Oyun, Dijital Oyun, Dijital Nesil, Sosyal MedyaTHE INFLUENCE OF INTERNET AND SOCIAL MEDIA ON GAMING HABITS OF KIDS AbstractIt&rsquo;s clear that the Internet shapes a lot of things ranging from our information gathering processes and social life as well as our daily life practices. There has been a huge in the habits transferred from generation to generation with the advancement of new communication technologies and the current generation has happened to be raised with the Internet culture. People get into communication, share ideas and information via social sharing platforms as Facebook and Twitter, and actively play games online. This is the case with our children who are called &ldquo;digital generation&rdquo; and who spend almost their times with the Internet. Specifically, the kids&rsquo; gaming habits have changed to a large extent, so they have nothing to share with their parents in terms of gaming. This study includes a field work to clarify that there has been a huge gap between the current generation&rsquo;s gaming habits and those of their parents and to reflect how the two generations perceive each other. A survey has been conducted on Primary School 4-5 graders to observe the changes emerging as a result of social media. In conclusion, the study makes it clear that the digital generation&rsquo;s gaming habits have changed a lot and Internet and social media have a say on this alteration and there hasn&rsquo;t still been a break from traditional gaming habits.Key Words: Game, Traditional Game, Digital Game, Digital Generation, Social Media</p

    The Impact Of Internet And Social Media On Kids And Parents Game Habits

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    &nbsp;&nbsp;Internet, already a part of our lives far surpassing its limits as a means of communication, seems to have shaped most fields in human life and changed most of our daily habits and as a consequence the digital natives are observed to be completely living in Internet culture. One of the reflections of this culture and arenas in the Internet, social media has substantial impacts on gaming habits of digital natives. Up to the period in which Internet has interfered in man&rsquo;s life, the games played by parents were passed from older generations to the new ones as a tradition, so generations used to play the same games; when the children of a previous era became parents they described the games they used to play to their kids thus paving the way to the sustainability of this game tradition. While different generations used to play the same games, today with the dissemination of Internet and social media caused a change of format in the traditionally played games and street games started to give their places to those played on the computers. Therefore, children started to play games on the Internet, an endless space whether negative or positive. The fact that parents are alienated from this arena, enabled the children to play violent games without any boundaries and to take place in social media arenas that could have negative impact on children&rsquo;s worldly and spiritual well-being.The study is highly important in the sense that it clarifies the extent to which Internet and social media, which is actually the agent of change in children&rsquo;s gaming habits, environments changed parents&rsquo; gaming habits among themselves and with their children. Surveys are conducted to the parents of primary school students as a field work to identify the changes originating from Internet and social media.According to research results, social media and Internet are found to be altering gaming habits of parents with their children. It is identified that parents keep themselves away from online environments in which their kids take place thus possibly breaking off the communication relationships between kids and parents.Keywords: Traditional Games, Digital Games, Internet, Social Media, Parents, Digital Natives</p