147 research outputs found

    The protohistoric research in Sardinia (Italy) between 1935 and 1950. The birth of the modern archaeology in the Sardinian island

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    In this paper we analyse the birth and development of modern archeology, with particular reference to protohistoric research, on the island of Sardinia (Italy), at the center of the Western Mediterranean. In Sardinia, indeed, studies about protohistoric age have largely monopolized archaeological research until now, because on the island there is the well-known phenomenon of Nuragic civilization, which developed from the Middle Bronze Age to the first phases of the Iron Age. The analysis focuses on the period 1935-1950, years in which the most important Sardinian archaeologist, Giovanni Lilliu, of the University of Cagliari, began to operate. In these years we see the beginnings of a new scientific and cultural season that, from the 1950s onwards, will outline and demonstrate to the world the extraordinary importance of Nuragic civilization

    Die Mitteilungspflicht des Legitimationsaktionärs - zugleich Anmerkung zu OLG Köln AG 2012, 599

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    In seinem Urteil vom 6. Juni 2012 hat das Oberlandesgericht Köln entschieden, Legitimationsaktionäre unterlägen im Hinblick auf die Stimmrechte aus den ihnen anvertrauten Namensaktien einer Mitteilungspflicht nach § 21 Abs. 1 WpHG. Die folgende Besprechung kommt nach einer Auseinandersetzung mit den Argumenten des Oberlandesgerichts zu dem Ergebnis, dass eine Mitteilungspflicht von Legitimationsaktionären nur auf Grundlage von § 22 Abs. 1 Nr. 6 WpHG in Betracht kommt

    Recensione ai volumi: Esplorare nel passato, indagare sul contemporaneo. Dare senso al paesaggio. Vol. I, a cura di Luca Vargiu, Mimesis Edizioni (collana Kosmos, n. 12), Milano 2015, pp. 234, ISBN 9788857528984; Convocare esperienze, immagini, narrazioni. Dare senso al paesaggio. Vol. 2, a cura di Silvia Aru e Marcello Tanca, Mimesis Edizioni (collana Kosmos, n. 17), Milano 2015, pp. 291, ISBN 9788857528991

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    Review to: Esplorare nel passato, indagare sul contemporaneo. Dare senso al paesaggio. Vol. I, a cura di Luca Vargiu, Mimesis Edizioni (collana Kosmos, n. 12), Milano 2015, pp. 234, ISBN 9788857528984; Convocare esperienze, immagini, narrazioni. Dare senso al paesaggio. Vol. 2, a cura di Silvia Aru e Marcello Tanca, Mimesis Edizioni (collana Kosmos, n. 17), Milano 2015, pp. 291, ISBN 9788857528991 Recensione ai volumi: Esplorare nel passato, indagare sul contemporaneo. Dare senso al paesaggio. Vol. I, a cura di Luca Vargiu, Mimesis Edizioni (collana Kosmos, n. 12), Milano 2015, pp. 234, ISBN 9788857528984; Convocare esperienze, immagini, narrazioni. Dare senso al paesaggio. Vol. 2, a cura di Silvia Aru e Marcello Tanca, Mimesis Edizioni (collana Kosmos, n. 17), Milano 2015, pp. 291, ISBN 978885752899

    Grotta Su Mrajani di Monte Casula-Iglesias (Sardegna meridionale). Campagna di scavo 2011

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    Una breve nota d’aggiornamento sui risultati della campagna di scavi archeologici svoltasi nel 2011 presso la grotta di Su Mrajani di Monte Casula (Iglesias)

    Ricerche presso il Nuraghe di Su Angiu - Mandas (Ca). Notizia preliminare (campagne 2007-2009)

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    Si presentano i risultati preliminari delle operazioni di scavo presso il sito protostorico e storico di Su Angiu - Mandas (Sardegna Meridionale

    Il dolmen MI10 nel sito di Henchir Midid (Governatorato di Siliana - Tunisia)

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    In Tunisia, nell’ambito del progetto interdisciplinare “Storia dei paesaggi preistorici e protostorici nell’Alto Tell tunisino”, nel corso degli anni 2002-2005 il Centro Interdipartimentale per la Preistoria e la Protostoria del Mediterraneo dell’UniversitĂ  degli Studi di Cagliari (C.I.P.P.M.), in collaborazione con l’Institut National du Patrimoine de la RĂ©publique Tunisienne (I.N.P.), ha effettuato tre missioni di ricerca interdisciplinare sul territorio del circondario di Maktar, Henchir Midid (o Mididi), a poche decine di Km da Maktar (Governatorato di Siliana) ed Ellès (presso Le Sers, Governatorato di El Kef), con la Direzione Scientifica della Prof.ssa Giuseppa Tanda e del Prof. Mansour Ghaki. Durante la seconda (2003) e terza (2005) missione si è effettuato lo scavo archeologico del dolmen denominato MI10, ubicato nelle vicinanze dell’insediamento romano di Henchir Midid. Nel contributo vengono presentati i risultati di tali indagini, condotte da chi scrive, che hanno evidenziato un’interessante situazione stratigrafica e hanno permesso di ricostruire le varie fasi di utilizzo del dolmen, dall’epoca preistorica e protostorica sino alle fasi di rifrequentazione di etĂ  bizantina. [ultima revisione Dicembre 2021]   In Tunisia, within the interdisciplinary project "History of the prehistoric and proto-historic landscapes in Tunisian High Tell", during the years 2002-2005 the Interdepartmental Centre for the Mediterranean Prehistory and Proto-History of the University of Cagliari (C.I.P.P.M.), in collaboration with the Institut National du Patrimoine de la RĂ©publique Tunisienne (I.N.P.), has carried out three missions of interdisciplinary searches on the territory of the district of Maktar, Henchir Midid (or Mididi), about ten Km from Maktar (Governorship of Siliana) and Ellès (near Le Sers, Governorship of El Kef), with the Scientific Direction of Giuseppa Tanda and Mansour Ghaki. During the second (2003) and third (2005) mission, the Ă©quipe has effected an archaeological excavation in the dolmen denominated MI10, situated in the proximities of the Roman settlement of Henchir Midid. In this contribution the author introduces the results of his investigations, that have evidenced an interesting stratigraphic situation: the investigation has allowed to reconstruct several phases of use of the dolmen, from the prehistoric and proto-hystoric age to the phases of Byzantine reuse. &nbsp

    Studio dell’insediamento protostorico in un’area della Sardegna centro-occidentale tramite strumenti GIS ed analisi multivariate

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    The authors analyze, as a sample-area, the region that includes the municipality of Mogoro, in central-western Sardinia, with the objective to reconstruct, through the study of the settlements and their relationships, some economic and social aspects of the human groups of nuragic culture that inhabited this area between the 18th and the 8th century BC. The territory is located at the foot of Monte Arci, along the Mogoro river that runs through the southern part of the plain of the Campidano of Oristano. The area has been intensively investigated from the half of the past century; an in-depth stratigraphic investigation was carried out since 1994 near the nuragic site of Cuccurada, the main center of an articulated territorial system including a rich network of monuments related to the nuragic civilization. The results are illustrated through various research methods: GIS, with the application of spatial analysis tools, and multivariate analysis (cluster and principal components analysis) that allowed to set out new hypotheses on occupation and populating dynamics and to identify among pre-historical monuments one or more homogeneous and distinguishable groups, resulting from a database in which geomorphological characteristics are recorded. A hierarchical organization and a specific criterion for exploiting and monitoring the landscape have been developed, in which settlement choices depend on functionality criteria, having nuraghi and villages a key role on the strategic control of the territor

    Nuova figurazione antropomorfa di cultura Ozieri da Serra Neula/Puisteris-Mogoro (OR)

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    Si presenta una nuova figurina antropomorfa identificata su un frammento ceramico di cultura Ozieri, recuperato durante gli scavi archeologici nel sito di Serra Neula (Mogoro), presso il noto villaggio preistorico di Puisteris, importante centro di lavorazione dell’ossidiana durante il Neolitico. La raffigurazione, femminile con schema “a clessidra”, sebbene presenti peculiari caratteristiche di grande interesse, rientra perfettamente nell’ambito delle decorazioni antropomorfe note realizzate su recipienti ceramici appartenenti al ricco repertorio vascolare della cultura di Ozieri.The paper presents a new anthropomorphic figurine impressed on a vessel fragment of Ozieri culture, recovered during the archaeological excavations in the site of Serra Neula (Mogoro), near the prehistoric village of Puisteris, an important centre of obsidian manufacture during the Neolithic. The figuration, female with a scheme like a “hourglass”, presents peculiar characteristics of great interest; however, it fits perfectly within the anthropomorphic decorations known from various ceramic samples belonging to the rich vascular repertory of the culture of Ozieri.
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