50 research outputs found

    Skills in the green economy: recycling promises in the UK e-waste management sector

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    In advanced economies the ‘greening’ of the economy is widely seen as promising extensive job creation and upskilling, alongside its other benefits. In popular and policy rhetoric, the growing importance of ‘green skills’ is asserted frequently. This paper critically examines these claims within the context of the electronic waste management sector in the UK. Drawing on the cases of a non profit organisation and a small private enterprise in North West England, we observe that despite government support for developing skills in e-waste, both the development and utilisation of skills remain minimal. Critically, the relatively more skill-intensive process of reuse is substantially less profitable than recycling and resource capture. The paper concludes by noting that the expectations from the green economy for high quality jobs need to be assessed within the context of similar, misplaced celebrations of previous transformations of work in order to avoid recycling the same promises

    Training in Europe Second report on vocational training research in Europe 2000; background report, vol. 1-3

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    Der Forschungsbericht zur beruflichen Bildung baut auf dem 1998 erstmals von CEDEFOP herausgegenenen ersten Bericht auf, mit dem eine Uebersicht ueber den Stand der Berufsbildungsforschung in der Europaeischen Union vermittelt werden sollte. Band 1 befasst sich mit Berufsbildungssystemen und der Koordination mit dem Arbeitsmarkt und der Steuerung sowie mit Herausforderungen und Reformen, die sich aus lebenslangem Lernen und Kompetenzen ergeben. Band 2 geht auf Ausbildung und Beschaeftigung aus betrieblicher Sicht ein und auf Beschaeftigung, Wirtschaftsleistung und Qualifikationsmismatch. Band 3 beleuchtet individuelle Leistung, Uebergang ins Erwerbsleben und sozialen Ausschluss; ausserdem werden Berufsbildungsforschungsaktivitaeten ausserhalb der Europaeischen Union beschrieben. Im Anhang wird Berufsbildungsforschung im laufenden Forschungsprogrammrahmen der Europaeischen Kommission vorgestellt. (IAB)German title: Ausbildung in Europa: zweiter Bericht ueber Berufsbildungsforschung in Europa 2000; HintergrundreportAvailable from UB Jena(27)-0430-140 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    Training funds and the incidence of training

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    Training funds are used to incentivize training in developing countries, but the funds are based on payroll taxes that lower the return to training. In the absence of training funds, larger, high-wage and more capital-intensive firms are the most likely to offer training unless they are liquidity constrained. If firms are not liquidity constrained, the fund could lower training investments. Using an administrative data set on the Mauritius training fund, we find that the firms most likely to train pay more in taxes than they gain in subsidies. The smallest firms receive more benefits than they pay in taxes