135 research outputs found

    Resistance of the stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans (Diptera: Muscidae), to cypermethrin in outbreak areas in Midwestern Brazil.

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    Population explosions of the stable fly (Stomoxys calcitrans) have become a serious concern for livestock producers near sugarcane mills in some regions of Brazil due to the insect?s massive reproduction on sugarcane byproducts and waste. Despite the limited efficiency of insecticides for controlling stable fly outbreaks, producers still rely on chemical control to mitigate the alarming infestations in affected areas. This study evaluated the susceptibility of S. calcitrans populations to cypermethrin in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Stable flies were tested from three field populations and two colonies, established from flies previously collected at sugarcane mills. Wild flies were collected with Nzi traps in areas of sugarcane plantations. Both wild and colonized flies were exposed to eleven concentrations of cypermethrin in impregnated filter paper bioassays. All the populations proved to be resistant to cypermethrin, with resistance factors among field populations ranging from 6.8 to 38.6. The intensive use of insecticides has led to the development of pyrethroid resistance in stable fly populations in the proximities of sugarcane mills in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul

    Stable fly outbreaks related to sugarcane production in Brazil: current situation and future outlook.

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    Stomoxys calcitrans (stable fly) has historically been a pest of dairy cattle and feedlots due to the availability of decaying plant matter mixed with animal excrements in such production systems. In the last few decades, S. calcitrans outbreaks have also been reported in different situations. Population explosions of S. calcitrans flies may also have natural causes, affecting not only domestic and/or wild animals but also humans

    Stomoxys calcitrans (Diptera: Muscidae) outbreaks: current situation and future outlook with emphasis on Brazil.

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    The stable fly (Stomoxys calcitrans) has historically been a pest of dairy cattle and feedlots due to the availability of decaying plant matter mixed with animal excrements in such production systems. In the last few decades, stable fly outbreaks have also been reported in pasture-raised beef cattle, usually associated with wastes accumulated from animal feeding during winter, the introduction of large-scale crop operations near cattle ranches, and/or the inadvertent use of organic fertilizers. Population explosions of Stomoxys flies may also have natural causes, affecting not only domestic and/or wild animals but also humans. This article compiles information on stable fly outbreaks in Brazil and abroad and discusses their causes and consequences.Título em português: Surtos por Stomoxys calcitrans (Diptera: Muscidae) no Brasil: situação atual e perspectivas

    Current status of ticks and tick-host relationship in domestic and wild animals from Pantanal wetlands in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.

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    This is a commented list of tick?s species collected on various wild and domestic animals, including the reports on scientifi c literature for the studied region. Most of animals were small or medium mammals. Carnivores were the main taxa group examined. Although, the pampas deer (Ozotocerus bezoarticus) and giant anteater (Mymercophaga tridactyla) also has a good representation on study. Among domestic animals, dogs, horses and cattle were examined. Summing up, 18 tick species were listed for the region. Sixteen were hard ticks (Ixodidae) and two soft ticks (Argasidae). Amblyomma sculptum was the most common and abundant hard tick. Ornithodoros rostratus (Argasidae) was very abundant, being the more important Argasidae tick on the study region. The following species were colleted or reported on scientifi c literature: Argas miniatus Koch, 1844; Ornithodoros rostratus Aragão, 1911; Dermacentor nitens Newmann, 1897; Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus Canestrini, 1887; Amblyomma tigrinum Koch, 1844; A.dissimile Koch, 1844; A. ovale Koch, 1844; A. pauvum Aragão, 1908; A. sculptum Berlese, 1888; A. calcaratum Neumann, 1899; A. coelebs Neumann, 1899; A. dubittatum Newmann, 1899; A. scalpturatum Newmann, 1906; A. naponense Packard, 1869; A. nodosum Newmann, 1899; A. pseudoconcolor Aragão, 1908; A. rotundatum Koch, 1844; A. triste Koch, 1844.Título em português: Estado atual dos carrapatos em relação a seus animais-hospedeiros domésticos e selvagens do Pantanal no Estado do Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil

    Avaliação da eficácia de inseticidas impregnados em tecidos a adultos da moscados-estábulos (Stomoxys calcitrans).

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    A Stomoxys calcitrans, também conhecida como mosca-dos-estábulos, tem causado grandes prejuízos à pecuária brasileira devido à sua proliferação em larga escala em usinas sucroalcooleiras e ocorrência de surtos associados a este sistema de produção. Dentre os métodos de controle desta mosca destaca-se o uso de armadilhas de tecido impregnadas com inseticidas. O presente estudo objetivou avaliar in vitro a eficácia de diferentes produtos inseticidas comerciais, impregnados em tecidos, a adultos de S. calcitrans. Foram testados os produtos Bistar 100 EC, Hipermetropia 250 EC (piretroides), Capataz BR, Rotor (organofosforados) e Regent 800 WG (fenilpirazol), impregnados em peças de tecido de algodão (10 x 10 cm)

    Eficácia in vitro da aplicação superficial x homogeneizada do Diflubenzuron a imaturos de Stomoxys calcitrans.

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    A mosca-dos-estábulos (Stomoxys calcitrans) tornou-se um sério problema em diversas localidades do país devido à ocorrência de surtos associados a resíduos orgânicos produzidos em usinas sucroalcooleiras. A eliminação e/ou o adequado manejo dos sítios de reprodução da mosca (matéria vegetal em decomposição) consiste na principal estratégia de controle do parasito e prevenção de surtos; entretanto, a aplicação de produtos inseticidas nos sítios de desenvolvimento larvar pode ser uma medida necessária, dependendo da situação. O presente estudo objetivou avaliar in vitro a e1cácia do di3ubenzuron 25% aplicado super1cialmente, em comparação com sua posterior homogeneização ao meio de desenvolvimento larvar. Bioensaios foram realizados em potes plásticos transparentes (250 g), contendo 50 g de meio de criação: cana triturada (330 g), farelo de soja (125 g), farinha de carne (50 g) e água (250 ml)

    Influência do volume da calda na eficácia in vitro do Diflubenzuron a imaturos de Stomoxys calcitrans.

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    Explosões populacionais da mosca-dos-estábulos (Stomoxys calcitrans) associadas a usinas sucroalcooleiras tornaram-se um problema sem precedentes em alguns estados, com graves impactos econômicos, sociais e ambientais. Eliminação e adequado manejo dos subprodutos e resíduos orgânicos constituem a principal estratégia de prevenção destes surtos, contudo o controle químico torna-se necessário em situações críticas. O presente estudo objetivou avaliar in vitro a in4uência do volume da calda inseticida na e0cácia de um produto à base de di4ubenzuron 25% a imaturos desta mosca