768 research outputs found

    Suitable classification of mortars from ancient roman and renaissance frescoes using thermal analysis and chemometrics

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    Background Literature on mortars has mainly focused on the identification and characterization of their components in order to assign them to a specific historical period, after accurate classification. For this purpose, different analytical techniques have been proposed. Aim of the present study was to verify whether the combination of thermal analysis and chemometric methods could be used to obtain a fast but correct classification of ancient mortar samples of different ages (Roman era and Renaissance). Results Ancient Roman frescoes from Museo Nazionale Romano (Terme di Diocleziano, Rome, Italy) and Renaissance frescoes from Sistine Chapel and Old Vatican Rooms (Vatican City) were analyzed by thermogravimetry (TG) and differential thermal analysis (DTA). Principal Component analysis (PCA) on the main thermal data evidenced the presence of two clusters, ascribable to the two different ages. Inspection of the loadings allowed to interpret the observed differences in terms of the experimental variables. Conclusions PCA allowed differentiating the two kinds of mortars (Roman and Renaissance frescoes), and evidenced how the ancient Roman samples are richer in binder (calcium carbonate) and contain less filler (aggregate) than the Renaissance ones. It was also demonstrated how the coupling of thermoanalytical techniques and chemometric processing proves to be particularly advantageous when a rapid and correct differentiation and classification of cultural heritage samples of various kinds or ages has to be carried out

    Catalytic fuel cell used as an analytical tool for methanol and ethanol determination. Application to ethanol determination in alcoholic beverages

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    A small direct catalytic methanol 'fuel cell' was used for analytical purposes. Three different formats were investigated for methanol and ethanol determination: two different Open Circuit Voltage (OCV) formats and a potentiostatic (i.e. amperometric) format; the latter was used if the current supplied by the cell was recorded. The measurement times using one or other of these three formats were much different. The time required by the potentiostatic format was more short for a suitable analytical measurement. The cell was used to check ethanol content in several commercial wine and beer samples and the possibility of using the fuel cell for the analytical measures in real samples, discussed. Lastly the results were compared with those obtained using two conventional amperometric enzyme sensors and statistical tests carried out. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Amperometric enzyme sensor to check the total antioxidant capacity of several mixed berries. comparison with two other spectrophotometric and fluorimetric methods

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    The aim of this research was to test the correctness of response of a superoxide dismutase amperometric biosensor used for the purpose of measuring and ranking the total antioxidant capacity of several systematically analysed mixed berries. Several methods are described in the literature for determining antioxidant capacity, each culminating in the construction of an antioxidant capacity scale and each using its own unit of measurement. It was therefore endeavoured to correlate and compare the results obtained using the present amperometric biosensor method with those resulting from two other different methods for determining the total antioxidant capacity selected from among those more frequently cited in the literature. The purpose was to establish a methodological approach consisting in the simultaneous application of different methods that it would be possible to use to obtain an accurate estimation of the total antioxidant capacity of different mixed berries and the food product

    Bioethanol in biofuels checked by an amperometric organic phase enzyme electrode (OPEE) working in “substrate antagonism” format

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    The bioethanol content of two samples of biofuels was determined directly, after simple dilution in decane, by means of an amperometric catalase enzyme biosensor working in the organic phase, based on substrate antagonisms format. The results were good from the point of view of accuracy, and satisfactory for what concerns the recovery test by the standard addition method. Limit of detection (LOD) was on the order of 2.5 × 10−5 M. © 2016 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Comparison between a direct-flow SPR immunosensor for ampicillin and a competitive conventional amperometric device: analytical features and possible applications to real samples

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    In this research, we developed a direct-flow surface plasmon resonance (SPR) immunosensor for ampicillin to perform direct, simple, and fast measurements of this important antibiotic. In order to better evaluate the performance, it was compared with a conventional amperometric immunosensor, working with a competitive format with the aim of finding out experimental real advantages and disadvantages of two respective methods. Results showed that certain analytical features of the new SPR immunodevice, such as the lower limit of detection (LOD) value and the width of the linear range, are poorer than those of a conventional amperometric immunosensor, which adversely affects the application to samples such as natural waters. On the other hand, the SPR immunosensor was more selective to ampicillin, and measurements were more easily and quickly attained compared to those performed with the conventional competitive immunosensor

    Studio e caratterizzazione analitica dei prodotti di corrosione di conii e punzoni appartenenti alla Collezione Estense di Modena

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    The aim of the present work is to make a physico-chemical characterization of corrosion products found on minting dies and punches belonging to the Estense Collection. The data, obtained using different instrumental chemical methods, proved to be useful in characterizing both the products and their phases (crystalline and amorphous). The analysis of the composition of the items was realised by the use of non destructive and non invasive test techniques (EDXRF, ADXD, EDXD). Whenever this was not possible, we in any case attempted to use specific techniques (DRIFT, TGA/DTA, XRD,ICP) aimed at shedding some light on our problem without in any way altering the objects of the study or their state of conservation

    A green approach to clean iron stains from marble surfaces

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    AbstractIn the field of cultural heritage restoration, the removal of iron corrosion stains is a difficult problem to deal with, especially in stone materials. Many studies in recent years have been aimed at finding simple and reliable methods using non-toxic chelating compounds. The search for natural non-toxic compounds is therefore of great relevance, especially in the conservation of cultural heritage, where the use of toxic chemical compounds often involves risks for the environment and human health. Following this trend, the purpose of this preliminary work was to verify the use of two proteins, Lactotransferrin (Ltf) and Ovotransferrin (Ovt), for the removal of iron-based stains on marble surfaces. The two proteins, whose high affinity for iron "in vivo" has been widely documented, were extracted from their natural matrices. The protein extracts were then immobilized using a common cellulose pulp. The poultices obtained were spread on the surfaces of artificially stained marble specimens and, after a set time, were easily removed. The effectiveness of the removal, visually evident, was detected by spectrocolorimetry and image analysis. The surface analyses, before and after the treatment, carried out by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), confirmed that both proteins have a selective and effective complexing capacity for the ferric ions of rust stains

    A flow SPR immunosensor based on a sandwich direct method

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    In this study, we report the development of an SPR (Surface Plasmon Resonance) immunosensor for the detection of ampicillin, operating under flow conditions. SPR sensors based on both direct (with the immobilization of the antibody) and competitive (with the immobilization of the antigen) methods did not allow the detection of ampicillin. Therefore, a sandwich-based sensor was developed which showed a good linear response towards ampicillin between 10-3 and 10-1 M, a measurement time of ≤20 min and a high selectivity both towardsβ-lactam antibiotics and antibiotics of different classes. © 2016 by the author

    Calcium hydroxide nanoparticles and hypogeum environment: test to understand the best way of application

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    For a long time the conservation of archaeological artefacts has been based on the principles of compatibility and minimal intervention. This involves a series of partially unsolved problems, concerning the products used for deteriorated structures consolidation. The choice of materials depends on several factors such as: microclimatic conditions, application methods, and reaction time of products. Recently the employment of nanolime in the consolidation treatments of decorative carbonate matrix surfaces had a great development, thanks to multifunctional use in calcium standard-sized particles treatments. However, while the use of the nanostructured materials is described in several specialized papers, the information about the best conditions of applicability of the nanolime and its related potentiality for the consolidation in hypogeum environment is rarely considered. The present work is devoted to represent a case study with the aim to give useful elements in order to evaluate the application of nanolime. The funerary inscriptions coming from St. Callixtus Catacombs have been the object of the research carried out in situ and in laboratory, checking indirectly in the short run and in the long run the porosity variation in the materials. The present study intends to indicate the best suspension concentration on consolidation in relationship with hypogeum environment