317 research outputs found

    Investigation of Possible Groundwater Contamination from Septic System Siting in Port Harcourt, Nigeria

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of siting of septic systems on the quality of groundwater in the immediate vicinity. Water samples were collected randomly from twenty (20) boreholes located less than 30m from septic systems in Port Harcourt, Nigeria to determine their physico-chemical qualities and microbiological characteristics. Standard analytical techniques were employed in the investigation. Five (5) boreholes at distances ranging from 60m to 100m from the nearest septic system were sampled for analyses as controls.  The water temperature, dissolved oxygen, turbidity and total dissolved solid values were within the World Health Organisation (WHO) standards. The pH of water from all the boreholes including the controls were lower than the WHO standards.  The values of the physico-chemical parameters obtained for water samples from boreholes located less than 30m were similar to the values obtained from control boreholes.  These physico-chemical parameters were invariably not a function of the location of the borehole in relation to septic system. The total coliform bacteria concentration ranged from 130 MPN index/100ml to 172 MPN index/100ml while the faecal coliform distribution ranged from 14 MPN index/100ml to 36 MPN index/100ml. Going by WHO standards on total and faecal coliforms, the studied boreholes and controls are all polluted. However, total Coliform and faecal coliform are found in all the control boreholes. The presence of these coliforms in borehole located close to septic systems cannot be specifically said to have come from the septic system. Keywords: Borehole, septic system, advection, dispersion, diffusion, coliform, contamination

    Seismic Explosive Energy Sources and the Possible Impact on Groundwater Quality in the Niger Delta Area of Nigeria

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    The possible impact of the use of seismic explosive energy sources on groundwater quality in the Niger Delta Area of Nigeria was investigated. A 3-Dimensional seismic survey was carried in OML X in the Niger Delta area using dynamite as the energy source. A total of 116,349.2 kg of dynamite was detonated in 60,398 source points in an area of 771.26 square kilometres, an equivalent of explosive densification of 150.85 kg/km2. Each shot point was loaded with a charge of 2kg of dynamite and a piece of electrical detonator. The possible impact of these dynamite shots on the groundwater was monitored using 7 boreholes evenly distributed in the area. The average coefficient of permeability of the soil of the area collected from the depths of 25m and 50m were 0.019cm/s and 0.55cm/s respectively. Water samples from the boreholes were analysed using standard methods. Control samples were taken from the borehole stations a day before detonation of dynamite. Another sampling was carried out 10 days after dynamites detonation. During the study there was regular rainfall and 10 days was considered sufficient for any pollutant resulting from the detonation of the explosives to travelled to the commonly exploited aquifers in the area considering the permeability of the soil. A comparison of the analyses results showed that the detonation of dynamite did not have any noticeable impact on the groundwater quality of the area.Keywords: seismic, explosive, groundwater contamination, Niger Delt

    Ground Magnetic Survey over Lead-Zinc Mineralization in Edor, Cross River State, Nigeria

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    Ground magnetic survey was carried out to investigation Lead-Zinc ore presence in Edor area of Cross River State, Nigeria. Magnetic-intensity profiles were made along seven profile lines over the target area. All the magnetic lows match in position with aeromagnetic lows which have been associated with Pb-Zn mineralisations in the area. It was therefore concluded that the Pb-Zn mineralisation is depicted by magnetic lows

    Postnatal probiotic supplementation can prevent and optimize treatment of childhood asthma and atopic disorders: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials

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    Background: Although several randomized controlled trials (RCTs) published over the past 5 years show that prenatal or postnatal probiotics may prevent or optimize the treatment of childhood asthma and atopic disorders, findings from the systematic reviews and meta-analyses of these studies appear inconsistent. More recent RCTs have focused on postnatal probiotics, and linked specific probiotic strains to better disease outcomes. Objective: This systematic review aimed to determine if postnatal probiotics are as effective as prenatal probiotics in preventing or treating childhood asthma and atopic disorders. Methods: We searched the PubMed, Medline, Google Scholar, and EMBASE databases for RCTs published within the past 5 years (from 2017 to 2022). We included only full-text RCTs on human subjects published in or translated into the English language. We retrieved relevant data items with a preconceived data-extraction form and assessed the methodological quality of the selected RCTs using the Cochrane Collaboration's tool for assessing the risk of bias in randomized trials. We qualitatively synthesized the retrieved data to determine any significant differences in study endpoints of the probiotic and placebo groups. Results: A total of 1,320 participants (688 and 632 in the probiotic and placebo groups) from six RCTs were investigated. One RCT showed that early Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG) led to a reduction in the cumulative incidence rate of asthma. Another study demonstrated that mixed strains of Lactobacillus paracasei and Lactobacillus fermentum could support clinical improvement in children with asthma while one trial reported a significant reduction in the frequency of asthma exacerbations using a mixture of Ligilactobacillus salivarius and Bifidobacterium breve. Three trials showed that a combination of LGG and Bifidobacterium animalis subsp lactis, Lactobacillus rhamnosus alone, and a probiotic mixture of Lactobacillus LOCK strains improved clinical outcomes in children with atopic dermatitis and cow-milk protein allergy. Conclusions: Postnatal strain-specific probiotics (in single or mixed forms) are beneficial in preventing and treating atopic dermatitis and other allergies. Similarly, specific strains are more effective in preventing asthma or improving asthma outcomes. We recommend more interventional studies to establish the most useful probiotic strain in these allergic diseases

    An Assessment of Adherence to Professional Ethics and Practices among Medical Radiographers in Lagos State, Nigeria.

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    Background: Radiography practice integrates scientific knowledge and technical skills which has to be complemented by regular exercise of sound professional and ethical judgment in order to ensure qualitypatient care and acquisition of useful diagnostic information. This study investigated the extent of adherence to professional ethics and practices by practicing radiographers in Lagos state, Nigeria.Methodology: A structured, self administered questionnaire was randomly distributed to two hundred practicing radiographers in various public and private healthcare facilities in Lagos state. The respondents were broadly assessed on ethical handling of patients, adherence to continuous professional development & training, and participation in other professional responsibilities. The completed questionnaires were verified and corroborated by substantiated proof of claim by each respondent. Data analysis was by a statisticalsoftware Epi-Info.3.5.1 version.Results: Majority (85%) of the respondents rated ethical handling of patients excellent. However, none of the respondents had regular implementation of quality assurance on their equipments while only 28.8% of the respondents attended at least one mandatory continuous professional development programme within the past one year. The adherence of the participants to other evaluated professional and ethical issues was found to be 51.6%.Conclusion: The adherence of Radiographers to professional ethical handling of patients was rated excellent. However, implementation of quality assurance programmes on equipments and adherence to continuous professional development were grossly low. It is recommended that efforts towards increased emphasis on the importance of practitioner adherence to professional/ethical issues during training in continuous development programmes, conferences, seminars and short courses or direct enrolment in further postgraduate degrees, be intensified

    Comparative Evaluation of Batch and Continuous Anaerobic Digesters in Biogas Production from Municipal Solid Waste using Mathematical Models

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    An investigation was conducted into the suitability of either of the batch or continuous (CSTR) digesters for anaerobic degradation of municipal solid waste (MSW) in the production of biogas. Mathematical models were developed for the design and evaluation of the two systems. The development of the models was based upon a material balance analysis of the digesters'operation. A Microsoft Visual Basic Version 6.0 Programme was developed for the solution ofthe model equations, and the digesters' operations simulated over a range of percentage total solids (PTS) concentration of 4-10% for the CSTR and 4-30% for the batch digester, and fractional conversion of 0.2-0.8. The results of the simulation show that although the amount of methane (0.0764m3) produced per unit volume of the batch digester is about 4 times less than the amount (0.284m3) per unit volume of the CSTR, the cost per unit volume of the batch digester (5.98)is6timeslessthanthatoftheCSTR(5.98) is 6 times less than that of the CSTR (33.8), suggesting that the overall cost of producing gas with the batch digester would be more economical. So, it was deduced that the batch digester is better suited for the digestion of MSW for biogas production, compared to the CST

    Effect of Total Solids Concentration of Municipal Solid Waste on the Biogas Produced in an Anaerobic Continuous Digester

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    Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) contains a relatively large amount of organic matter, which decomposes by the actions of microorganisms under anaerobic conditions to produce biogas. The total solids (TS) concentration of the waste influences the pH, temperature and effectiveness of the microorganisms in the decomposition process. This work investigated various concentrations of the TS of MSW in an anaerobic continuously stirred tank reactor (CSTR) and the corresponding amounts of biogas produced, in order to determine conditions for optimum gas production. Five laboratory-scale anaerobic batch digesters of 5 litres volume each were set up for the digestion of 2kg of shredded MSW diluted to a %TS concentration of 26.7%. The results from the batch experimentation were adapted to the design of a CSTR for the digestion of MSW. The CSTR was simulated over a range of %TS concentration of 4-10, at a maximum fractional conversion of 0.8 to cater for system inefficiencies. Mathematical models were developed for the process and solved using the Microsoft Visual Basic version 6.0 Programme. The results show the amount of biogas produced as a power function of the %TS concentration, indicating that as the process continues, a time comes when any marginal increase in the %TS concentration would no longer contribute to the increasing volume of biogas produced. The results further show that, given the limiting upper boundary of the %TS concentration, optimum biogas production in a CSTR digesting MSW cannot be ascertained with the concentration of the %TS alone

    Gastrodiscoides hominis Infestation on Vegetables (Cabbages) Sold in Ekpoma Markets, Edo State, Southern Nigeria- A Case Report

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    In an experiment to determine the human parasites present in fruits and vegetables sold in markets within Ekpoma, in Esan west Local Government Area of Edo state, an ova of Gastrodiscoides hominis was observed. The study involved a total of two hundred and fifty (250) samples of seven different vegetables -cabbage, carrot, spinach, pumpkin, cucumber, tomatoes, and waterleaf, and two fruits -pineapple and garden egg. Using the flotation and sedimentation techniques, trophoziotes, cysts, larvae, and ova of intestinal protozoa, cestodes and nematodes in the vegetables and fruits were recovered. Although 106 (42.4%) of the samples were positive for different species of parasites indicating a high prevalence of vegetable and fruit infestation, one interesting observation however, was the incidence of Gastrodiscoides hominis in cabbage (0.9%). Judging by the public health importance of Gastrodiscoides hominis, there is therefore, an urgent need for control measures especially in this area of study.Keywords: Gastrodiscoides hominis, Vegetables, Fruits, Parasite

    Characteristics of Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Value Chain Development Programme in Bauchi State, Nigeria

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    The study characterized Bauchi State sesame value chain development programme that started in April 2008 aimed at maximizing agricultural revenue through the production of sesame. Ninety respondents purposively and proportionately selected constituted the population for the study. The study revealed that the respondents on average produced 6.49 90kg/bag of sesame and realized about N86,000 annually. The respondents perceived that the agencies have played most of the roles expected of them especially in supervising day to day activities of the demonstration farms (M=3.64) and in establishment of demonstration farms (M=3.55). Major constraints to the implementation of the programme as perceived by the respondents were marketing problems (M = 2.52) and lack of access to credit facility (M = 2.40). The study recommended that effort should be made to ensure that farmers get money for all seed produced and prevent exploitation of farmers by middle men