2,659 research outputs found

    Coexistence of Superconductivity and Spin Density Wave orderings in the organic superconductor (TMTSF)_2PF_6

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    The phase diagram of the organic superconductor (TMTSF)_2PF_6 has been revisited using transport measurements with an improved control of the applied pressure. We have found a 0.8 kbar wide pressure domain below the critical point (9.43 kbar, 1.2 K) for the stabilisation of the superconducting ground state featuring a coexistence regime between spin density wave (SDW) and superconductivity (SC). The inhomogeneous character of the said pressure domain is supported by the analysis of the resistivity between T_SDW and T_SC and the superconducting critical current. The onset temperature T_SC is practically constant (1.20+-0.01 K) in this region where only the SC/SDW domain proportion below T_SC is increasing under pressure. An homogeneous superconducting state is recovered above the critical pressure with T_SC falling at increasing pressure. We propose a model comparing the free energy of a phase exhibiting a segregation between SDW and SC domains and the free energy of homogeneous phases which explains fairly well our experimental findings.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, revised v: fig.9 added, section 4.2 rewritten, accepted v: sections 4&5 improve

    Influence of Quantum Hall Effect on Linear and Nonlinear Conductivity in the FISDW States of the Organic Conductor (TMTSF)_2PF_6

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    We report a detailed characterization of quantum Hall effect (QHE) influence on the linear and non-linear resistivity tensor in FISDW phases of the organic conductor (TMTSF)2PF6. We show that the behavior at low electric fields, observed for nominally pure single crystals with different values of the resistivity ratio, is fully consistent with a theoretical model, which takes QHE nature of FISDW and residual quasi-particle density associated with different crystal imperfection levels into account. The non-linearity in longitudinal and diagonal resistivity tensor components observed at large electric fields reconciles preceding contradictory results. Our theoretical model offers a qualitatively good explanation of the observed features if a sliding of the density wave with the concomitant destruction of QHE, switched on above a finite electric field, is taken into account.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, submitted to EPJ

    Evidence for the coexistence of Dirac and massive carriers in a-(BEDT-TTF)2I3 under hydrostatic pressure

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    Transport measurements were performed on the organic layered compound \aI3 under hydrostatic pressure. The carrier types, densities and mobilities are determined from the magneto-conductance of \aI3 . While evidence of high-mobility massless Dirac carriers has already been given, we report here, their coexistence with low-mobility massive holes. This coexistence seems robust as it has been found up to the highest studied pressure. Our results are in agreement with recent DFT calculations of the band structure of this system under hydrostatic pressure. A comparison with graphene Dirac carriers has also been done.Comment: 5 pages 5 figure

    A simple construction of elliptic RR-matrices

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    We show that Belavin's solutions of the quantum Yang--Baxter equation can be obtained by restricting an infinite RR-matrix to suitable finite dimensional subspaces. This infinite RR-matrix is a modified version of the Shibukawa--Ueno RR-matrix acting on functions of two variables.Comment: 6 page

    Ashkin-Teller universality in a quantum double model of Ising anyons

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    We study a quantum double model whose degrees of freedom are Ising anyons. The terms of the Hamiltonian of this system give rise to a competition between single and double topologies. By studying the energy spectra of the Hamiltonian at different values of the coupling constants, we find extended gapless regions which include a large number of critical points described by conformal field theories with central charge c=1. These theories are part of the Z_2 orbifold of the bosonic theory compactified on a circle. We observe that the Hilbert space of our anyonic model can be associated with extended Dynkin diagrams of affine Lie algebras which yields exact solutions at some critical points. In certain special regimes, our model corresponds to the Hamiltonian limit of the Ashkin-Teller model, and hence integrability over a wide range of coupling parameters is established.Comment: 11 pages, minor revision

    Polynomial Realization of sq(2)s\ell_q(2) and Fusion Rules at Exceptional Values of qq

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    Representations of the sq(2)s\ell_q(2) algebra are constructed in the space of polynomials of real (complex) variable for qN=1q^N=1. The spin addition rule based on eigenvalues of Casimir operator is illustrated on few simplest cases and conjecture for general case is formulated

    Self-organization of charge under pressure in the organic conductor (TMTSF)2ReO4

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    (TMTSF)2ReO4 presents a phase coexistence between two anion orderings defined by their wave vectors q_2=(1/2,1/2,1/2) and q_3=(0,1/2,1/2) in a wide range of pressure (8-11kbar) and temperature. From the determination of the anisotropy of the conductivity and the superconducting transitions in this regime we were able to extract the texture which results from a self-organization of the orientations of the ReO4 anions in the sample. At the lowest pressures, the metallic parts, related to the q_3 order, form droplets elongated along the a-axis embedded in the semiconducting matrix associated with the q_2 order. Above 10kbar, filaments along the a-axis extend from one end of the sample to the other nearly up to the end of the coexistence regime. A mapping of the system into an anisotropic Ising lattice is satisfactory to analyze the data. satisfactory to analyze the data.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, EPL forma

    The BCS theory of q-deformed nucleon pairs - qBCS

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    We construct a coherent state of q-deformed zero coupled nucleon pairs distributed in several single-particle orbits. Using a variational approach, the set of equations of qBCS theory, to be solved self consistently for occupation probabilities, gap parameter Delta, and the chemical potential lambda, is obtained. Results for valence nucleons in nuclear degenerate sdg major shell show that the strongly coupled zero angular momentum nucleon pairs can be substituted by weakly coupled q-deformed zero angular momentum nucleon pairs. A study of Sn isotopes reveals a well defined universe of (G, q) values, for which qBCS converges. While the qBCS and BCS show similar results for Gap parameter Delta in Sn isotopes, the ground state energies are lower in qBCS. The pairing correlations in N nucleon system, increase with increasing q (for q real).Comment: 8 pages, REVTEX, 3 eps figure

    Geometric frustration and magnetization plateaus in quantum spin and Bose-Hubbard models on tubes

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    We study XXZ Heisenberg models on frustrated triangular lattices wrapped around a cylinder. In addition to having interesting magnetic phases, these models are equivalent to Bose-Hubbard models that describe the physical problem of adsorption of noble gases on the surface of carbon nanotubes. We find analytical results for the possible magnetization plateau values as a function of the wrapping vectors of the cylinder, which in general introduce extra geometric frustration besides the one due to the underlying triangular lattice. We show that for particular wrapping vectors (N,0)(N,0), which correspond to the zig-zag nanotubes, there is a macroscopically degenerate ground state in the classical Ising limit. The Hilbert space for the degenerate states can be enumerated by a mapping first into a path in a square lattice wrapped around a cylinder (a Bratteli diagram), and then to free fermions interacting with a single ZN{\bf Z}_N degree of freedom. From this model we obtain the spectrum in the anisotropic Heisenberg limit, showing that it is gapless. The continuum limit is a c=1c=1 conformal field theory with compactification radius R=NR=N set by the physical tube radius. We show that the compactification radius quantization is exact in the projective J/Jz1J_\perp/J_z \ll 1 limit, and that higher order corrections reduce the value of RR. The particular case of a (N=2,0)(N=2,0) tube, which corresponds to a 2-leg ladder with cross links, is studied separately and shown to be gapped because the fermion mapped problem contains superconducting pairing terms.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figure