306 research outputs found

    Do Job Security Guarantees Work?

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    We investigate the effect of employer job security guarantees on employee perceptions of job security. Using linked employer-employee data from the 1998 British Workplace Employee Relations Survey, we find job security guarantees reduce employee perceptions of job insecurity. This finding is robust to endogenous selection of job security guarantees by employers engaging in organisational change and workforce reductions. Furthermore, there is no evidence that increased job security through job guarantees results in greater work intensification, stress, or lower job satisfaction

    Condrictios de la Argentina y Uruguay: lista de trabajo

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    Presentamos aquí una lista actualizada de los condrictios (tiburones, rayas, quimeras y pez elefante) que han sido citados de la Argentina y Uruguay, incluyendo las especies de agua dulce de la familia Potamotrygonidae. Cuando una especie está presente en Argentina o en Uruguay, se lo indica a continuación de la especie; las demás, son compartidas. No se indica la distribución de las especies en otras áreas. Muchas de las especies conocidas de Uruguay terminan allí su distribución meridional, y ocasionalmente algunas entran a aguas argentinas y otras podrían hacerlo. Estas presencias ocasionales parecen no ser muy comunes. La progresiva disminución de las capturas de Dasyatis violacea con la disminución de temperatura hacia el sur ha sido demostrada (Domingo et al., 2005). En 1981 Menni publicó una lista de las familias de peces que no sobrepasaban la latitud del Río de La Plata, y de los condrictios mencionados, Orectolobidae, Ginglymostomatidae y Rhinopteridae, sólo una especie de la última familia ha sido citada en años recientes de Uruguay. Al contrario, especies que han sido citadas de la Argentina, como Sphyrna tudes de Mar del Plata por Berg (1895) o Narcine brasiliensis de la provincia de Buenos Aires por Lahille (1928), no han sido halladas de nuevo. La lista está basada en el catálogo crítico de Menni et al. (1984), y se han hecho las modificaciones taxonómicas necesarias y agregado las especies nuevas para el área. Debido al carácter práctico de esta lista, sólo se incluyen los autores de las especies y la fecha de su descripción. En los nuevos registros se agrega un breve comentario fundamentando la inclusión. Estando disponible el catálogo de Eschmeyer (1998) y su versión on-line, nos pareció que más detalles eran innecesarios. En la macrosistemática de los holocéfalos se sigue a Didier (2004), en la de los tiburones a Compagno (2005) y en la de los batoideos a McEachran & Aschliman (2004). Para las especies de Uruguay se ha seguido principalmente a Nion et al. (2002) y a Meneses y Paesch (1997), y deben mencionarse los trabajos anteriores de Ximénez (1962) y de Carrera (1991) que proveen referencias previas. La bibliografía se limita a trabajos generales que pueden ser de utilidad, los trabajos en que se basan las nuevas referencias, y los que corresponden a comentarios. No se han incluido numerosos trabajos sobre biología y ecología de estos organismos, que han modificado mucho la información resumida en Menni (1986), pero sí algunos que muestran cambios considerables de distribución. (PDF tiene 18 paginas.

    Turning a ‘Blind Eye’? Compliance with Minimum Wage Standards and Employment

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    Turning a ‘blind eye’ to non-compliance with minimum wage standards is sometimes presented as a pragmatic way to accommodate higher wages while not harming employment opportunities for workers employed in marginal firms. In this paper, we model firms' wage and employment decisions, and show that there may be a trade-off between non-compliance and employment. The main predictions of the model are tested empirically using data from the Italian labour force survey. We find evidence of a positive employment non-compliance effect, though elasticities are smaller than typically thought as employers internalize the expected costs of non-compliance. We also show that employment effects are larger at low levels of non-compliance (when the risk of being referred to court is very low). The implications for policy and the role of regulators in monitoring and sanctioning non-compliance are discussed

    Virtual reality supports perspective taking in cultural heritage interpretation

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    Our research proves that virtual reality (VR) technology can be used to encourage users to adopt an alternative point of view through a virtual embodiment. Our results extend previous studies showing that emotional responses are evoked in virtual environments (Meuleman and Rudrauf, 2018) and arouse the sense of empathy (Ventura et al., 2020). To this end, we built a virtual museum, where different avatars can interact with experimental subjects to discuss emotional and value-driven interpretations related to artworks, aiming at bootstrapping user's interpretation-reflection loops (IRL) (Daga et al., 2022). IRL consists in encouraging the user to (a) provide a point of view, (b) to know about another point of view, and (c) to possibly take a different perspective. In line with recent literature, our results are based on the analysis of dialogue, and on the psychophysiological response of the users, showing that a VR-driven methodology can both develop a sense of embodiment, and maximize the human capacity to take another's point of view. Results also confirm that the use of immersive VR can be a valid tool to promote empathy through an embodied experience

    Antivitamin K drugs in stroke prevention.

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    Among the different subtypes of ischaemic strokes, almost 20 % are of cardiac origin. Different are the causes of cardioembolic stroke, but the most common is the atrial fibrillation, a supraventricular arrhythmia. Appropriate use of antiplatelet drugs and anticoagulants after transient ischaemic attack (TIA) or ischaemic stroke depends on whether the underlying cause is cardioembolic or of presumed arterial origin. Adequate antiplatelet therapy is recommended for secondary prevention after cerebral ischaemia of presumed arterial origin, whether for patients with TIA and ischaemic stroke of cardiac origin, mainly due to atrial fibrillation. Vitamin K antagonists (VKAs) are highly effective in preventing recurrent ischaemic stroke but have important limitations and are thus underused. Current guidelines still regard Vitamin K Antagonists at INR 2·0-3·0 to be the standard treatment after cerebral ischaemia of cardiac origin for patients who can tolerate them. In this setting antiplatelet therapy provides an alternative when oral anticoagulation is contraindicated or when patient choice or compliance limits choice of therapy, but is much less effective than VKAs. Recent trial data performed with new anticogulants such as the factor Xa and thrombin inhibitors will need to be taken into account, in order to prevent several of the clinical problems actually related to VKAs use

    Evidence of abnormal scalar timing property in alexithymia

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    : Evidence suggests that incidental modulation of affective states affects the ability to keep track of time. Alexithymia represents an ideal condition to further address the emotion-time processing link, as it refers to a trait characterized by a deficit of affective processing. 31 healthy participants completed an online version of the TAS-20 scale, which measures alexithymia, and a time reproduction task of visual stimuli related to positive (i.e., happiness) and negative (i.e., anger) facial expressions. Results documented a positive correlation between TAS-20 score and the variability in reproducing sub-second durations of the anger expression stimuli We also found an overestimation of sub-second durations of non-affective expressions in borderline/alexithymic participants. Finally, in line with the literature, we confirmed the overall tendency to overestimate the duration of anger expression stimuli. These findings, which can be interpreted in terms of abnormal scalar timing property in alexithymia, expand previous investigations linking this personality trait with abnormal processing of negative emotions. The evidence that alexithymia predicts the reproduction variability of sub-second durations of negative affective stimuli corroborates previous neuroimaging studies documenting cerebellar deficits in these individuals

    Indignation for moral violations suppresses the tongue motor cortex: Preliminary TMS evidence

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    We commonly label moral violations in terms of 'disgust', yet it remains unclear whether metaphorical expressions linking disgust and morality are genuinely shared at the cognitive/neural level. Using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), we provide new insights into this debate by measuring motor-evoked potentials (MEPs) from the tongue generated by TMS over the tongue primary motor area (tM1) in a small group of healthy participants presented with vignettes of moral transgressions and non-moral vignettes. We tested whether moral indignation, felt while evaluating moral vignettes, affected tM1 excitability. Vignettes exerted a variable influence on MEPs with no net effect of the moral category. However, in accordance with our recent study documenting reduced tM1 excitability during exposure to pictures of disgusting foods or facial expressions of distaste, we found that the vignettes of highly disapproved moral violations reduced tM1 excitability. Moreover, tM1 excitability and moral indignation were linearly correlated: the higher the moral indignation, the lower the tM1 excitability. Respective changes in MEPs were not observed in a non-oral control muscle, suggesting a selective decrease of tM1 excitability. These preliminary findings provide neurophysiological evidence supporting the hypothesis that morality might have originated from the more primitive experience of oral distaste

    Laparoscopic cholecystectomy in the elderly

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