13,042 research outputs found

    Entanglement entropy and quantum field theory: a non-technical introduction

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    In these proceedings we give a pedagogical and non-technical introduction to the Quantum Field Theory approach to entanglement entropy. Particular attention is devoted to the one space dimensional case, with a linear dispersion relation, that, at a quantum critical point, can be effectively described by a two-dimensional Conformal Field Theory.Comment: 10 Pages, 2 figures. Talk given at the conference "Entanglement in Physical and information sciences", Centro Ennio de Giorgi, Pisa, December 200

    Entanglement Entropy in Extended Quantum Systems

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    After a brief introduction to the concept of entanglement in quantum systems, I apply these ideas to many-body systems and show that the von Neumann entropy is an effective way of characterising the entanglement between the degrees of freedom in different regions of space. Close to a quantum phase transition it has universal features which serve as a diagnostic of such phenomena. In the second part I consider the unitary time evolution of such systems following a `quantum quench' in which a parameter in the hamiltonian is suddenly changed, and argue that finite regions should effectively thermalise at late times, after interesting transient effects.Comment: 6 pages. Plenary talk delivered at Statphys 23, Genoa, July 200

    The role of initial conditions in the ageing of the long-range spherical model

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    The kinetics of the long-range spherical model evolving from various initial states is studied. In particular, the large-time auto-correlation and -response functions are obtained, for classes of long-range correlated initial states, and for magnetized initial states. The ageing exponents can depend on certain qualitative features of initial states. We explicitly find the conditions for the system to cross over from ageing classes that depend on initial conditions to those that do not.Comment: 15 pages; corrected some typo

    E-ELT constraints on runaway dilaton scenarios

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    We use a combination of simulated cosmological probes and astrophysical tests of the stability of the fine-structure constant α\alpha, as expected from the forthcoming European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT), to constrain the class of string-inspired runaway dilaton models of Damour, Piazza and Veneziano. We consider three different scenarios for the dark sector couplings in the model and discuss the observational differences between them. We improve previously existing analyses investigating in detail the degeneracies between the parameters ruling the coupling of the dilaton field to the other components of the universe, and studying how the constraints on these parameters change for different fiducial cosmologies. We find that if the couplings are small (e.g., αb=αV0\alpha_b=\alpha_V\sim0) these degeneracies strongly affect the constraining power of future data, while if they are sufficiently large (e.g., αb105αV0.05\alpha_b\gtrsim10^{-5}-\alpha_V\gtrsim0.05, as in agreement with current constraints) the degeneracies can be partially broken. We show that E-ELT will be able to probe some of this additional parameter space.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures. Updated version matching the one accepted by JCA

    Field-theory results for three-dimensional transitions with complex symmetries

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    We discuss several examples of three-dimensional critical phenomena that can be described by Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson ϕ4\phi^4 theories. We present an overview of field-theoretical results obtained from the analysis of high-order perturbative series in the frameworks of the ϵ\epsilon and of the fixed-dimension d=3 expansions. In particular, we discuss the stability of the O(N)-symmetric fixed point in a generic N-component theory, the critical behaviors of randomly dilute Ising-like systems and frustrated spin systems with noncollinear order, the multicritical behavior arising from the competition of two distinct types of ordering with symmetry O(n1n_1) and O(n2n_2) respectively.Comment: 9 pages, Talk at the Conference TH2002, Paris, July 200

    On entanglement evolution across defects in critical chains

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    We consider a local quench where two free-fermion half-chains are coupled via a defect. We show that the logarithmic increase of the entanglement entropy is governed by the same effective central charge which appears in the ground-state properties and which is known exactly. For unequal initial filling of the half-chains, we determine the linear increase of the entanglement entropy.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, minor changes, reference adde

    Slow dynamics in critical ferromagnetic vector models relaxing from a magnetized initial state

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    Within the universality class of ferromagnetic vector models with O(n) symmetry and purely dissipative dynamics, we study the non-equilibrium critical relaxation from a magnetized initial state. Transverse correlation and response functions are exactly computed for Gaussian fluctuations and in the limit of infinite number n of components of the order parameter. We find that the fluctuation-dissipation ratios (FDRs) for longitudinal and transverse modes differ already at the Gaussian level. In these two exactly solvable cases we completely describe the crossover from the short-time to the long-time behavior, corresponding to a disordered and a magnetized initial condition, respectively. The effects of non-Gaussian fluctuations on longitudinal and transverse quantities are calculated in the first order in the epsilon-expansion and reliable three-dimensional estimates of the two FDRs are obtained.Comment: 41 pages, 9 figure

    Exact boundary conditions in numerical relativity using multiple grids: scalar field tests

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    Cauchy-Characteristic Matching (CCM), the combination of a central 3+1 Cauchy code with an exterior characteristic code connected across a time-like interface, is a promising technique for the generation and extraction of gravitational waves. While it provides a tool for the exact specification of boundary conditions for the Cauchy evolution, it also allows to follow gravitational radiation all the way to infinity, where it is unambiguously defined. We present a new fourth order accurate finite difference CCM scheme for a first order reduction of the wave equation around a Schwarzschild black hole in axisymmetry. The matching at the interface between the Cauchy and the characteristic regions is done by transfering appropriate characteristic/null variables. Numerical experiments indicate that the algorithm is fourth order convergent. As an application we reproduce the expected late-time tail decay for the scalar field.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures. Included changes suggested by referee

    Quantum Quench from a Thermal Initial State

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    We consider a quantum quench in a system of free bosons, starting from a thermal initial state. As in the case where the system is initially in the ground state, any finite subsystem eventually reaches a stationary thermal state with a momentum-dependent effective temperature. We find that this can, in some cases, even be lower than the initial temperature. We also study lattice effects and discuss more general types of quenches.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures; short published version, added references, minor change